Noah would says No to God, or be a Traitor to Jesus, says do onto others rule?

Greatest I am

Valued Senior Member
Noah would says No to God, or be a Traitor to Jesus, says do onto others rule?

Can you think like an adult?

One should treat others as one would like others to treat oneself .
One should not treat others in ways that one would not like to be treated

Do unto others as a Golden rule is all that man would likely have to follow to end most if not all of human suffering at the hands of other humans.

If God himself lived by this rule, none of the woes inflicted on us via Adam and Eve would be with us today.

The moral and right thing for Noah to do was say no to God thus choosing to follow Jesus. This would also apply to Abraham when asked to sacrifice his son.

Both instances show God asking others to act immorally.

These are the highlights of the many times in scripture where God makes men act in an immoral way.

Noah and Abraham, and in a sense, Jesus, would torch the ark. That or not build it at all and thus force God to find another way to reboot his once perfect systems. Why he allowed perfection to go to imperfection is still a mystery as no intelligent God would allow such back sliding.

If Noah believed in the sanctity of human life, and lived by Jesus’ command to do to your neighbor as yourself....he would refuse to build the ark. It is a moral issue, Had Noah done that, God would have had to kill everyone, or no one.
This sort of moral position is upheld occasionally when a person refuses to back down, even at the cost of his life. We revere a person like this, call them heroes. This is NOT the cloth Noah was cut from. How can we say Noah was a man of God when he would not follow Jesus’ first rule?

We picture Noah in heaven but I would say that it is better to shovel coal in hell than to spend eternity watching friends, neighbors and our children in torture and flame forever.
Only a sick mind would conceive of such a situation or wish it upon anyone.
That is how mentally challenged Noah would have had to be to build the means of man’s genocide.

Yet Christians, Catholics and Muslims revere such an immoral patriarch.

Are you all as crazy as Noah had to be?

Did Noah act in a sane manner or is he now in hell paying for not following the teachings of God/Jesus or the teachings of the Bible itself?

Romans 12:21 Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

Is genocide always evil?

Is a God who kills when he can just as easily cure a moral God?

Noah would says No to God, or be a Traitor to Jesus, says do onto others rule?

Can you think like an adult?

One should treat others as one would like others to treat oneself .
One should not treat others in ways that one would not like to be treated

Do unto others as a Golden rule is all that man would likely have to follow to end most if not all of human suffering at the hands of other humans.

If God himself lived by this rule, none of the woes inflicted on us via Adam and Eve would be with us today.

The moral and right thing for Noah to do was say no to God thus choosing to follow Jesus. This would also apply to Abraham when asked to sacrifice his son.

Both instances show God asking others to act immorally.

These are the highlights of the many times in scripture where God makes men act in an immoral way.

Noah and Abraham, and in a sense, Jesus, would torch the ark. That or not build it at all and thus force God to find another way to reboot his once perfect systems. Why he allowed perfection to go to imperfection is still a mystery as no intelligent God would allow such back sliding.

If Noah believed in the sanctity of human life, and lived by Jesus’ command to do to your neighbor as yourself....he would refuse to build the ark. It is a moral issue, Had Noah done that, God would have had to kill everyone, or no one.
This sort of moral position is upheld occasionally when a person refuses to back down, even at the cost of his life. We revere a person like this, call them heroes. This is NOT the cloth Noah was cut from. How can we say Noah was a man of God when he would not follow Jesus’ first rule?

We picture Noah in heaven but I would say that it is better to shovel coal in hell than to spend eternity watching friends, neighbors and our children in torture and flame forever.
Only a sick mind would conceive of such a situation or wish it upon anyone.
That is how mentally challenged Noah would have had to be to build the means of man’s genocide.

Yet Christians, Catholics and Muslims revere such an immoral patriarch.

Are you all as crazy as Noah had to be?

Did Noah act in a sane manner or is he now in hell paying for not following the teachings of God/Jesus or the teachings of the Bible itself?

Romans 12:21 Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

Is genocide always evil?

Is a God who kills when he can just as easily cure a moral God?


certainly you're aware that jesus hadn't been born when noah was doing his thing with the ark. do you think noah was prescient? if he had been he probably would have built himself an ark huh? hahaha.

have you read the book of revelation? according to the scripture christ's kingdom will be born out of some apocalyptic nightmare.
Noah would says No to God, or be a Traitor to Jesus,
huh? noah was BC (before christ)

says do onto others rule?
One should treat others as one would like others to treat oneself .
One should not treat others in ways that one would not like to be treated
Do unto others as a Golden rule is all that man would likely have to follow to end most if not all of human suffering at the hands of other humans.
that is from the bible..
Matthew 7
12 So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.

what does this have to do with anything?

If God himself lived by this rule, none of the woes inflicted on us via Adam and Eve would be with us today.
you are assuming those woes were not for our benefit..

The moral and right thing for Noah to do was say no to God thus choosing to follow Jesus. This would also apply to Abraham when asked to sacrifice his son.
how does one preclude the other?

These are the highlights of the many times in scripture where God makes men act in an immoral way.
why did he have them act that way?

Noah and Abraham, and in a sense, Jesus, would torch the ark.
huh? how do you figure?

That or not build it at all and thus force God to find another way to reboot his once perfect systems. Why he allowed perfection to go to imperfection is still a mystery as no intelligent God would allow such back sliding.
according to us humans..

If Noah believed in the sanctity of human life, and lived by Jesus’ command to do to your neighbor as yourself....he would refuse to build the ark. It is a moral issue, Had Noah done that, God would have had to kill everyone, or no one.
yea..manipulate god..

This sort of moral position is upheld occasionally when a person refuses to back down, even at the cost of his life. We revere a person like this, call them heroes. This is NOT the cloth Noah was cut from. How can we say Noah was a man of God when he would not follow Jesus’ first rule?
again RTFM jesus was after noah.. noah can't follow someone that ain't alive..
have you read any of the bible or do you just rely on someone elses idea of what the bible says?

We picture Noah in heaven but I would say that it is better to shovel coal in hell than to spend eternity watching friends, neighbors and our children in torture and flame forever.
that assumes we can see them there...

Only a sick mind would conceive of such a situation
gee..didn't you just conceive of it?

That is how mentally challenged Noah would have had to be to build the means of man’s genocide.
mentally challenged??
the arc was not the was a lifeboat..and since we did survive, the term genocide is improperly used..

Did Noah act in a sane manner or is he now in hell paying for not following the teachings of God/Jesus or the teachings of the Bible itself?
the bible did not exist then, back then it was various religious texts that later became cannonized into the bible..
he followed what god told him to do..
where do you get your info?

Is a God who kills when he can just as easily cure a moral God?

i think he realized spanking doesn't work so he sent Jesus to try and spell it out..
we (as humans) still don't know how to listen..
I don't know if the OP knew the chronology, but in the end the point is Clear as mud. "Old Testament" and "New Testament" should not be in the same "book", they are completely different philosophies.
I don't know if the OP knew the chronology, but in the end the point is Clear as mud. "Old Testament" and "New Testament" should not be in the same "book", they are completely different philosophies.

see my comment about spanking..

although i will agree with ppl should not be stuck in the old testament,
i think it helps bring wisdom to the new testament..
certainly you're aware that jesus hadn't been born when noah was doing his thing with the ark. do you think noah was prescient? if he had been he probably would have built himself an ark huh? hahaha.

have you read the book of revelation? according to the scripture christ's kingdom will be born out of some apocalyptic nightmare.

Christ's kingdom is just part of the myth. He never existed, from what we can tell.

I am surprised that you do not believe in the Trinity.
Good. It is B S.

Christ's kingdom is just part of the myth. He never existed, from what we can tell.

I am surprised that you do not believe in the Trinity.
Good. It is B S.


then why are you talking about him then as if he should have some authority? make up your mind. and who said i didn't believe in the trinity?
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huh? noah was BC (before christ)

that is from the bible..
Matthew 7
12 So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.

what does this have to do with anything?

Just checking. Seems you cannot.
I guess that you did not understand the implications for your beliefs.

you are assuming those woes were not for our benefit..

Ok then, woes are given to benefit man.
What benefit does a woman get from birthing a dead child?

again RTFM jesus was after noah.. noah can't follow someone that ain't alive..
have you read any of the bible or do you just rely on someone elses idea of what the bible says?

I think he realized spanking doesn't work so he sent Jesus to try and spell it out..
we (as humans) still don't know how to listen..

You too do not believe in the Trinity then?

I don't know if the OP knew the chronology, but in the end the point is Clear as mud. "Old Testament" and "New Testament" should not be in the same "book", they are completely different philosophies.

I agree but the Abrahamic religions tell us it is all the same God.
One bad day for God is 1000 years. That was the O T. LOL

then why are you talking about him then as if he should have some authority? make up your mind. and who said i didn't believe in the trinity?

This says so.

"certainly you're aware that jesus hadn't been born when noah was doing his thing with the ark."

How can the O T God be a Trinity if jesus wan not born yet?
If the Word became flesh it was at the beginning of genesis.

Just checking. Seems you cannot.

I guess that you did not understand the implications for your beliefs.

you are assuming those woes were not for our benefit..
Ok then, woes are given to benefit man.
What benefit does a woman get from birthing a dead child?
so you would assign bad things to god but not assign any good things to him?
and i am not in her situation so i would not be privy to any benefits to her..

You too do not believe in the Trinity then?
i don't know what to believe about the trinity..


so you would assign bad things to god but not assign any good things to him?
and i am not in her situation so i would not be privy to any benefits to her..

i don't know what to believe about the trinity..

Many do not and did not in the past as well. That is why Constantine basically forced the Church to accept it.

"and i am not in her situation so i would not be privy to any benefits to her"

Yet you know there is benefit. Sigh.

This says so.

"certainly you're aware that jesus hadn't been born when noah was doing his thing with the ark."

How can the O T God be a Trinity if jesus wan not born yet?
If the Word became flesh it was at the beginning of genesis.


the bible says that god knew us before he formed us in the womb. if our spirit still exists after we die, then who's to say it doesn't exist before we're born?

i think your point has to do with congruency between the trinity in regards to noah, and his response to a command from god, and i addressed that. the kingdom of christ himself will be born out of an apocalyptic, catastrophic nightmare. and furthermore, it is consistently and repeatedly implied, if not expressly stated, in the bible that, if god tells you to do something...don't be an idiot. it's god for crying out loud. look what he told jesus to do. and he did it.
Can theists answer me this?

Is Oblivion a choice for the created? Or is it got to be burning hell or go to heaven. I don't like either of those. One is painful to the "body"??? And one is painful to the mind. I think i'd rather just "op out" than be a yesman for eternity.
the bible says that god knew us before he formed us in the womb. if our spirit still exists after we die, then who's to say it doesn't exist before we're born?

i think your point has to do with congruency between the trinity in regards to noah, and his response to a command from god, and i addressed that. the kingdom of christ himself will be born out of an apocalyptic, catastrophic nightmare. and furthermore, it is consistently and repeatedly implied, if not expressly stated, in the bible that, if god tells you to do something...don't be an idiot. it's god for crying out loud. look what he told jesus to do. and he did it.

You began with, the Bible says, as if it was truth, and went downhill from there.

Literalists are generally retarded and you are a good example. Go away.
You believe in talking animals and a water walking immortal God who can somehow die. I will not.
You will never understand the Bible reading it in a way that the writers did not intend.

As a Gnostic thinker, I question all things while you have bought into pure dogma without any kind of proof.

I do not want to think in such a pathetic way.
take your fantasy elsewhere please. I have no respect for you.

Can theists answer me this?

Is Oblivion a choice for the created? Or is it got to be burning hell or go to heaven. I don't like either of those. One is painful to the "body"??? And one is painful to the mind. I think i'd rather just "op out" than be a yesman for eternity.

You will get what you pay for, Eternity is the absence of time-which will be. How to you know what the absence of time will feel like? Will it be a moment forever? Will it be forever in a moment? It wont be anything you imagine, my guess. Like a fish to wonder what its like not to live in the water.
Will you be tormented by your 'life' or the reflection of that against God? Will you be able to hide somewhere? You'll see, we all get to. And we get to answer for the way we lived, what will you say? what will you do?