Noah Brothers's Fate


Registered Senior Member
Does someone knows how was the life of the brothers and sisters of Noah, what were their names?
Weren't they good people like Noah was?
They were evil like the others?
What did happen with them?
Someone can help me with that?
Does someone knows how was the life of the brothers and sisters of Noah, what were their names? Weren't they good people like Noah was? They were evil like the others?
What did happen with them?
Someone can help me with that?

M*W: That's a new one, I must say. I've looked at both biblical and extra-biblical sources, and I could not find any references to the myth of Noah that his character had any brothers or sisters.

The myth of Noah's Ark was taken from an earlier myth called something similar to The Flood of Gilgamesh. I think it was Sumerian in origin. Google that.

Because the story of Noah was copied from an earlier ancient text, the characters of Noah and his family were not real people. They are fictional.

However, I will put an astro-theological spin on Noah's story. The 'animals' Noah took on the ark were the animals of the zodiac. Noah traversed the firmament which symbolized the waters of the blue skies and oceans. Perhaps the 'animals' Noah took on could also be represented by the stars. Being the righteous 'man' he was, Noah may be a metaphor for the Sign of Aquarius, since that sign deals with water as in 'rain.' It rained for 40 days and nights, and the ark sailed for 40 days and nights. The number '40' as the days Jesus spent in the 'wilderness' refers to the endless skies and the signs of the zodiac (Noah's animals) orbiting the sun. The use of the number '40' refers to a time of seeking for something. It's a time of struggles and of change. It has other esoteric symbolism, but I'm not that familiar with it just now.

The only thing you need to remember is that the story of Noah and the Flood was not original nor were they real human beings.
Does someone knows how was the life of the brothers and sisters of Noah, what were their names?
Weren't they good people like Noah was?
They were evil like the others?
What did happen with them?
Someone can help me with that?

The Bible only states that Noah and His family survived, So if Noah had any brothers and sisters (I do not think any where recorded) they all died.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days