No UFOs these days.


Valued Senior Member
Why do UFO folk keep presenting reports that are so old?
Is it because eye witnesses can no longer be interviewed and the myth less likely to be exposed as fake.
In recent times it would be reasonable to expect many UFOs would be captured by the millions of mobile phones located everywhere around the planet.
It seems like the UFO folk are slowly fading away as fresh material is not forthcoming.
Sure there are countless Photoshop fakes out there but it is clear nothing is coming up that seems even a little interesting.
So the old reports are dragged out in the hope UFOs don't dissapear.
Has anyone a recent report that is worth looking at.
Why do UFO folk keep presenting reports that are so old?
Because with the pervasiveness of cameras today, no one is going to believe "yeah, there was this glowing disk hovering over the city, and I was the only one who got a picture of it!" That worked in 1970 - no longer. The UFO true believers will never change their claims no matter what, of course; it's more a religion to them at this point than any actual study of evidence or likelihood. But their ranks will grow smaller and smaller until they die out.
The Martians investigated Earth in the 50's and have now moved on to other places. The Uranians still occasionally come to Earth but they are a micron sized species and we just don't notice them.
Why would the date of a ufo sighting matter at all?
To be able to review the facts and talk to witnesses for a start.
Consider this someone accuses you of doing something wrong fifty years ago.
Do you believe that would be reasonable.
Do you think time has worked in anyone's favour.
What if the key witness is now dead and we can not question his account.
Clearly time will not change the facts but the passing of time certainly makes it extremely difficult to determine the facts.
Is there one recent incident we can look at..just that we can determine if its a hoax or not, maybe email the witnesses for a direct account. Rather than the shotgun approach of look at this look at that over here over there..just one.
Just one that folk like me who are open minded can ask could this be more birds could the witness be drunk..whatever.
We are open minded here and I promise to look at whatever you present calmly.
It that unreasonable.
Just wondering... What country has the most ufo sightings? What part of that country has the most sightings?
To be able to review the facts and talk to witnesses for a start.

Many witnesses have recorded interviews and are also still alive. Many others have accounts documented by newspapers and investigators. Many eyewitnesses prefer to remain anonymous for fear of harassment and ridicule. But the facts are known whether the people are known or not. Just like with history. So that's not really a problem.
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Is there one recent incident we can look at..just that we can determine if its a hoax or not, maybe email the witnesses for a direct account. Rather than the shotgun approach of look at this look at that over here over there..just one.

I posted the 2006 Chicago O' Hare ufo account already and you rejected that one. Everything I post you make up some excuse to dismiss it. Why should I keep doing this? Give me a good enough reason..
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Just wondering... What country has the most ufo sightings? What part of that country has the most sightings?

"Which country has the most UFO sightings?

In particular, the distribution of UFO sightings across the globe might be of interest. The best resource I've found on this subject is this page. According to the statistics compiled on that site, the United States has the most sightings of any single country, followed by France and Great Britain."---

Why do UFO folk keep presenting reports that are so old?
Is it because eye witnesses can no longer be interviewed and the myth less likely to be exposed as fake.
In recent times it would be reasonable to expect many UFOs would be captured by the millions of mobile phones located everywhere around the planet.
It seems like the UFO folk are slowly fading away as fresh material is not forthcoming.
I totally agree. In essence I believe that ordinary people have heard so much "noise" from certain quarters re UFO's of Alien origin reports, that just continue to boringly flitter in and flitter out again, that most realise that they are really just UFO's.....and a result of the usual illusions, delusions, trickery and fraud, secret military aircraft, mistaken known aircraft, atmospheric anomalies and other weird meteorological happenings.
This is probably part of the reason/s why we have so many bogus and fraudulent web sites on the Internet, which anyone, anywhere can publish/claim whatever they like, particularly when they see their chosen brand of mystical nonsense being revealed for what it is, and as revealed on this forum over the past few days with some individuals.
In saying all that, I will repeat myself and say again, that my two greatest desires before I cark it, is for science to have confirmation of ETL and for man to have set foot on Mars.
There are now many confident that confirmation of ETL will be forthcoming over the next decade...I hope they are proven right.

Study finds one-third of people prone to 'remembering' false events

A recent study has found about one-third of people can, if prompted, 'remember' or at least believe events that never actually happened.

It is a confronting finding in an era when fake news is said to be proliferating online and has been blamed for influencing the recent US presidential election.

The study from the University of Warwick in the UK surveyed 423 people, and found that 30 per cent could recall things that had never actually happened to them.

Associate professor Ullrich Ecker researches memory at the University of Western Australia, and told 720 ABC Perth the way the brain stored memories meant it was often unreliable.

"Lots of people think memory works a bit like a video tape, but it is more like a jigsaw puzzle," Dr Ecker said.

"If you experience an event, that event may consist of many different pieces of information."

Memories stored in different parts of brain
An event such as attending a football match for the first time as child creates not one memory, but many separate ones.

"You go to the stadium, see the people, see the stadium, smell the meat pies, hear the crowd. You will have an emotional response, thoughts, you know who is with you," Dr Ecker said.

"All those details are actually processed in different areas of the brain and that is also where they are stored.

"So for you to remember and re-live that experience later on, you actually need to put all those pieces back together again."

However, unlike a jigsaw puzzle, our brains will allow us to put pieces together that do not fit — and this is why memory can fail or perpetuate wrong information.

"That's what this research shows — we can actually build totally new pictures out of all kinds of puzzle pieces that are not actually related," Dr Ecker said.

"The main function of memory is actually not to remember stuff; one of the main functions of memory is to allow us to imagine things and to plan the future."

Creating false memories 'quite easy'
Dr Ecker said the University of Warwick findings confirmed what memory researchers had found in many previous studies — that it was quite easy to give people false memories.

The study involved interviewing young adults about various childhood experiences that had been verified with their parents.

"They interviewed the young adults and asked them the events and to tell them more details about them, but they also asked about events that never actually happened," Dr Ecker said.

"The events might be a trip on hot air balloon or being lost at the mall.

"Then they asked that young adult to try and re-live that experience, think back to it, remember it.

"It turns out about a third of people actually develop false memories.

"They imagine these things and they think they are remembering it."

A further 20 per cent accepted a false event had actually happened to them, but did not develop a false memory.

Finding 'lost' memories
The consequences of the study could be greatest for court cases, where great weight is placed on eyewitness evidence, sometimes years after an event has occurred.

It also has implications for psychotherapy and attempts to recover so-called 'lost' memories.

"People can forget traumatic events from their childhood and then remember them again, but the evidence says these memories usually come back spontaneously without the person trying," Dr Ecker said.

"If you are trying to work towards recovering a lost memory, that is often when you get these false memories."
. Everything I post you make up some excuse to dismiss it.
I try to offer possibilities that could explain something.
I am not trying to write it off just sort thru until we get something where you can say there is no possible alternative explanation.
Some could be birds, some could be hoax material etc but I look for one where you say wow this looks real and there is more to this than all the others.
You could think I am being hard to please rather than just dismissing stuff.
I just look for a report that is exceptional quality, it may not exist but that is what I look for.
I try to offer possibilities that could explain something.
I am not trying to write it off just sort thru until we get something where you can say there is no possible alternative explanation.
Some could be birds, some could be hoax material etc but I look for one where you say wow this looks real and there is more to this than all the others.
You could think I am being hard to please rather than just dismissing stuff.
I just look for a report that is exceptional quality, it may not exist but that is what I look for.

It's called moving the goalposts and it's not even very original. All debunkers do it. They ask for compelling evidence, and when it is provided, they claim the evidence isn't strong enough. Like suddenly deciding accounts from several decades ago aren't legit. They always move the goalposts, and when I fail to meet their rising standard, they claim it wasn't a convincing account. Which ofcourse is a lie. That's the sort of intellectual dishonesty that gets you ignored eventually.
I totally agree. In essence I believe that ordinary people have heard so much "noise" from certain quarters re UFO's of Alien origin reports, that just continue to boringly flitter in and flitter out again, that most realise that they are really just UFO's.....and a result of the usual illusions, delusions, trickery and fraud, secret military aircraft, mistaken known aircraft, atmospheric anomalies and other weird meteorological happenings.
This is probably part of the reason/s why we have so many bogus and fraudulent web sites on the Internet, which anyone, anywhere can publish/claim whatever they like, particularly when they see their chosen brand of mystical nonsense being revealed for what it is, and as revealed on this forum over the past few days with some individuals.
In saying all that, I will repeat myself and say again, that my two greatest desires before I cark it, is for science to have confirmation of ETL and for man to have set foot on Mars.
There are now many confident that confirmation of ETL will be forthcoming over the next decade...I hope they are proven right.

I hope both of those things happen when you're still around as well!
They may lie but I do not.
That last one for example I can not offer an explanation.
The was something.
No one knows what it was.
Do you?

It's a UFO, defined as an aerial anomaly that cannot be explained by any known cause or phenomena. There are thousands of reports of these mysterious objects.
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