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I don't know what to call it, but I've just had one of the greatest experiences of my life. I'm completely sober right now, before I start I should say that.

My parents are fighting as usual so I went into my small computer room. I closed the blinds. I shut off the lights. I turned off the computer screen and speakers so there was absolutely no light in the room. Then I started The Beatles, Abbey Road. I lay down on my cheap little couch and just silently lay there and listend to the entire album straight through. I only moved to flip the album over. Completely sober here, I saw things as I silently breathed to the music that would envy an herb trip (though, not other trips). As I was listening all of sudden I got hte wierdest feeling. The only way I can explain it is that I felt like the answer to every question in life was right in front of me and I knew them, but I didn't know the questions. They weren't tangible answers, they were just feelings. In the course of one hour I have lost all cares in my life. Any sexual frustration present is now gone. Any frustrations at all, gone. Any wants, needs, desires or lusts - gone. Everything is gone. I just am.
I suggest you go out and by Nine Inch Nails the Fragile, had a similiar effect on me......always does. I can listen to that CD over and over and over and never get tired, its like my life on two compact discs. Sounds awesome though, that's the power of music man.

Like to hear how you feel in a couple days though, if the feeling has gone away or not.

P.S. (Buy the Fragile, super highly reccomend it, even though it deffinetely is not a "Happy record")