No T cells in my blood.


Refined Reinvention
Valued Senior Member
My doctor did a blood test where he took 2 drops from my finger.
Then he put it under a microscope hooked up to a monitot.
Then we saw my blood.

It turns out, we didn't see any immune cells. No T-Cells. No white blood cells. There was nothing where we looked. Of course we were zoomed in so close that we did not cover all grounds. But from the small amount that we did cover, there was nothing.

I believe this is because of bad eating habits. I will soon kick the junk food, and start eating fruits and vegetables.
My doctor did a blood test where he took 2 drops from my finger.
Then he put it under a microscope hooked up to a monitot.
Then we saw my blood.

It turns out, we didn't see any immune cells. No T-Cells. No white blood cells. There was nothing where we looked. Of course we were zoomed in so close that we did not cover all grounds. But from the small amount that we did cover, there was nothing.

I believe this is because of bad eating habits. I will soon kick the junk food, and start eating fruits and vegetables.

That's impossible. If it were true, you'd be dead by now. Even the slightest infection - like a nick in the skin or all the germs that make it past your mucus membranes while breathing or on the food you eat would quickly kill you.
Im not 100% sure, but since when doctors use microscopes to look for cells in blood... dont they have some automated machines that print out exact consentrations for each cell type.

are you sure it was even doctor??
AIDS is a likely possibility, if it's true your blood now has no T cells. Which is unlikely, and very temporary one way or the other.

I suspect the story here has a wrinkle.

Are you buying anything from this guy with the microscope and the monitor?
are you sure it was even doctor??

Haha. My reaction. If (s)he was a real doctor, (s)he would have caged you up and written a million medical papers before you could hiccup, leading to instant fame and success for her/him. There is no way any doctor lets you keep walking around. It's like finding out that you don't have a brain AND a heart and then the doctor shrugs and lets you go home.

If you had NO T cells, you would be very sick with a myriad of infections. And poor nutrition really doesn't account for having no T cells. Only very severe diseases (such as HIV, bone marrow cancer, leukemia, and thyroid cancer) could destroy your T cells in such a manner.

T cells are VITAL for your adaptive immunity.
AIDS is a likely possibility.....

No, I would say it’s not a likely at all. :bugeye:

The whole story sounds made up to me. Doctors don’t do pathology analysis during the consult and in the same room. You cannot do a T-cell count from a finger prick.

I call shenanigans. ;)
No, I would say it’s not a likely at all.

Well, it's possible, given that HIV destroys CD4+ T cells. Although if lukelicker had NO CD4+ cells, he'd be swarming with worms, fungi and opportunistic bacteria and viruses. He'd be too sick to complain on sciforums.

Well, it's possible, given that HIV destroys CD4+ T cells. Although if lukelicker had NO CD4+ cells, he'd be swarming with worms, fungi and opportunistic bacteria and viruses. He'd be too sick to complain on sciforums.

"Sick" isn't even the word for it. He'd be dead before he got home from the "doctor's" office.
hercules said:
No, I would say it’s not a likely at all.

The whole story sounds made up to me.
I said "if". The "if" part - that this guy's blood really has no T cells in it - strikes me as being in need of impressive proof.

Still no answer to the question: was this person with the microscope and such selling anything ?
I really don't know any doctor that uses microscopes to detect your WBC count. In fact, I don't even believe they use finger pricks to figure out the blood composition. If I'm not mistaken, they use Heparin filled tubes (anticoagulant tubes that usually have a tiger striped top) that are filled with drawn blood which are sent off to labs to evaluate the blood content (usually known as CBC, or Complete Blood Count). After the draw, it's typical that they would centrifuge it to seperate the blood contents from the plasma.

Like others have said, you'd find one hard-pressed to believe that you could survive without any form of white cell count in your body (though haven't taken any immunology courses). Hope this helps.
I really don't know any doctor that uses microscopes to detect your WBC count. ....

Good post abscess! My Mom works in a lab and I've never seen her do this either. She talks about CBCs all the time.

lixluke??? Are you still alive?
I sort of have been coughing for the past few days because of sore throat. It's my chiropractor. He stabbed my finger, and put my blood under the microscope. From far away, we saw some immune cells, but when we went in real close, we didn't find any T-Cells in the sample. But it was a very small sample. Not even a drop. It was a touch of a drop of blood. He had a check list of all the things he found wrong in my blood. He told me he is waiting for these pills in the mail that he will give me. I think they are some sort of herbal pills.
Is this BS? Are you human? Would you like to be my human guinea pig? If yes to all three questions then I have papers for you to sign TC.
And since when are chiropractors licensed to draw blood?
Since he stabbed me and drew my damn blood. WTF are you talking about?
Anyway, I have been consuming lots of healthy organic fruits and vegetables via my vitamix. It can make juice out of fruits, and soup out of vegetables. It's great. I think I will get lots more T Cells.
Since he stabbed me and drew my damn blood. WTF are you talking about?
Anyway, I have been consuming lots of healthy organic fruits and vegetables via my vitamix. It can make juice out of fruits, and soup out of vegetables. It's great. I think I will get lots more T Cells.

If you go to real doctor who conducts some real tests you would probably find out that your T and whatsoever cells are just fine. No need to eat some strange vitastuff.