No such thing...


Believer in God
Registered Senior Member
When I was a wee lad, oh 27 years ago, or so... I swore two things:

#1. I would capture the loch ness monster.
#2. I would capture bigfoot.

Now here I am 34 years old and I've accomplished my task. Maybe not literally, but make no mistake, in my mind Bigfoot is gone and so is Nessie. Why? Because I found out they don't exist. They never did! Now I'm working on space aliens (what some people misguidedly refer to as UFO's).

You mean you did not talk to your green ghost as a wee lad...?

Space aliens could exist but too far away for us to interact....they could be 100 light years from here.

There is no telling if another civilization just developed tele-travel and ready to head our way next year....
a little bit off topic. when you were talking about space aliens kmgur (I agree with you) I remembered this story.

Location: Mars/Terran colony
Year: 2080

A child is talking with his father.

Child: are there any marsians out there, Dad?
Father: of course there are.
Child: show me show me show me

Father takes his son out for a little walk, and when they come to one pond, shows his son his reflection in the water.

makes you think
Here is my weird theory and only applies in Pseudoscience department:

1. A large number of star systems could have earth size +/- 15% planets at the right distance from the sun to habit life like us. In fact they could be identical to us due to the similarity in initial conditions.

2. There are probably other life forms unlike ours in Jupiter or other human hostile environments.

3. Over ten billion years, there could be life that rose and vanished in planets whose Sun got warmer towards Nova.

4. There could be civilizations that disappeared by blowing themselves up through their doomsday weapon.

5. One possible future for us could be to create a super quantum computer to upload all our personalities and place it in a quantum singularity to travel through space seeking new places in the universe. (a la EATER by Greg Benford)

6. May be Venus had life before ( a billion years ago) but I doubt it...

The whole understanding of distance is an odd one. For instance you could say that an alien exists 100 Light years away, but it doesn't necessarly mean that it would take 100 years at light speed to get there.

Thats when you have to start looking at the spacial anomolies like the Event Horizon of a blackhole, when space begins to waver like a flag flapping in a breeze.

I kind of have this understanding that two points could converge but it would involve the manipulation of parallels from a multiworlds position. (namely the world you see around you, is multiple "parallel" layers of quanta).

I'm still theorising the fine ethical details of the movement of parallels in conjunction with each other and a multiworlds state, as there is still certain aspects to be debated.
"The whole understanding of distance is an odd one."

So true. Most people have difficulty getting an arm around it - like thinking in more than 4 dimensions.

Last year I had a lucid dream about reaching the Earth orbit by using something called a slip stream drive. The plane I was in did not have Space shuttle type humongous rocket engine. It used an engine that manipulated the space. The holographic visual display showed as if we are in a river of water currents and the ship's position in it. It took only a few short minutes to reach earth orbit. May be this is something we need to work on....
Actually it ties into my thoughts a little.

I have this thought that the universe exists in something I've dubbed "Null space". Basically it means a vacuum that is completely clean of quanta.

The thing is that because this form of space has no quanta in it, no passage of time occurs. So it is exists without beginning and end.

My understanding is that it is possible to manipulate the quanta layers of parallels in a multiworlds state to cause a collapse (similar ot the wave collapse talked about in the Schrodingers Cat experiment) just rather than collapsing in one universe it collapses with Heisenberg principle of Uncertainty and chaos fractal patterning. (namely it collapses slightly different on each)

In fact using this technique it's possible to create a "Blackhole" to this Null space, but I realised that if I did this I might just create a universe and since it exists without time, it could quite easily be this one.

This does of course then add to a conundrum. "supercolliders" have been used by multiple all over the world to "Mimic" the beginning of the universe. All these colliders use "Vacuums", If I'm write about that sort of Vacuum being devoid of time, then this is why "Multiple bangs occured".
(This theory though was best mentioned in Pseudoscience lol)

What I could make out from your dream,
is something similar to that G-craft project. Although there are methods of utilising parallel layering, I have been theorising about how a parallel can be parsed in reverse through the use of computers. This means that you can have equal layers of time moving forwards and well... backwards. (although observing from it's position it would be forwards too).

This opens up alsorts of potentials, like "FTL information" and it's chaos, or universal position and the ability to process position at high speeds.

Afterall an opening through multiworlds takes FTL information to manipulate, not necessarily FTL drives.
The key seems to have to do with gravity and space-time, how gravity not only changes the positions of objects but also the time it takes for them to move. So, if gravity could be simulated in front of a ship the thing could travel as close to light speed as possible and reach its destination in only a few seconds, according to the people inside, while to the outside world it could have taken years or centuries.

Trouble is, we can't simulate gravity just yet.

My major question is: Why hasn't NASA built a space station like the one in 2001? The poor astronauts wouldn't have to excersize every waking moment to hold onto their bone density, the inside of the space shuttle has been likened to a sweaty locker room after a long game on a sweltering summer day. Sure it would cost a lot of money but the benefits would undoubtedly outweigh the sacrifices. Godamnit, we need a private commercial space company, Boeing or Lockheed Martin have to stop selling their equipment to NASA and start using it for their own purposes.
Actually I've not mentioned here what I concern with over parallel usage, I know I've mentioned it elsewhere, but it might be of interest to you Kmguru.

I've mentioned about parallel universes overlaying, and an realise how change among parallels effects a multiworlds state.

I have two theories for what occurs:

On one hand you can have the mapping of quanta at a "Multiworld position" causing a great increase in multiworlds energy. (namely all the parallels add up together)

This can cause a form of "Fusion" as the parallels exist as the one multiworld universe (I mentioned this in the Spontaneous combustion thread).

On the other hand is the abscence of energy, that vacuum and void, that generates an Electromagnetic field. (The EM level of a material changes.)

I mention this one especially as if a persons mind is governed by "interaction" at the hands of another (namely your "Positioning" or thought structures are altered), it can cause degeneration in memory although increase capacity for computation.
2001: Space Odyssey

Actually NASA did have plan to build a rotating space station. I was the system designer for the next generation rocket facility that was set to be built in Yellowcreek, Mississippi. Then our Congress pulled the plug. No money - no big space station.

I hope we dont do the same micky mouse setup when we are ready to go to Mars. See Mars craft I described in this forum.