No such thing as an atheist


Slightly extreme
Registered Senior Member
I believe that the definition of a religion is a set of beliefs about major questions such as the creation of the earth, the way we should live and what happens after death, therefore any set of beliefs is a religion, i myself believe in the big bang etc and so i believe that my religion is science, although many poeople don't call themself religious, ie they don't attend a place of worship or pray i believe that atheist is not a term with which people should be asscociated
Pi-Sudoku said:
I believe that the definition of a religion is a set of beliefs about major questions such as the creation of the earth, the way we should live and what happens after death, therefore any set of beliefs is a religion, i myself believe in the big bang etc and so i believe that my religion is science, although many poeople don't call themself religious, ie they don't attend a place of worship or pray i believe that atheist is not a term with which people should be asscociated
But that's because you completely fail to understand what atheism actually means.
It is NOT a lack of religious belief.
It is a lack of belief in a god.

You can believe in God without being religious.
They are separate matters - although most religions are god-based, I think.

Please feel free to actually learn the definitions of words/labels before using them. :)
Pi-Sudoku said:
I believe that the definition of a religion is a set of beliefs about major questions such as the creation of the earth, the way we should live and what happens after death, therefore any set of beliefs is a religion, i myself believe in the big bang etc and so i believe that my religion is science, although many poeople don't call themself religious, ie they don't attend a place of worship or pray i believe that atheist is not a term with which people should be asscociated
The rest of the world defined religion as “believing in or worshiping supernatural forces”.

I believe that the definition of a religion is a set of beliefs about major questions such as the creation of the earth, the way we should live and what happens after death, therefore any set of beliefs is a religion,
Well no.

We all believe many things and for many reasons. The difference between religious based beliefs and say scientific based beliefs is the basis for the belief. Science is based on evidence, so I can say I believe X because of subtantial evidence. Religious beliefs are are based on nothing more than highly speculative fantasies lacking in logic and evidence.
Science isn't a religion, since it's theories should only be believed tentatively. New information will almost certainly contradict some of the things we believe now about science.
so i believe that my religion is science

Either you believe in a religion or you trust in science. Science is based on facts while religions are based on myths.
It isn't really creating energy. It is releasing the energy already present in its fuel. There's nothing free about it.

What are they teaching you kids in school these days, anyway?

It started all by itself, no one made it start and will end in millions of years after giving off enormous amounts of energy throughout its life cycle. A car must be built, maintained and destroyed by humans. The sun works all by itself, no one does anything.
... btw, I thought this was about there not being such a thing as an atheist.. (?)

There really shouldn't be such a thing as an atheist though. We don't describe people as a-FSMs or a-unicorns.
There really shouldn't be such a thing as an atheist though. We don't describe people as a-FSMs or a-unicorns.

So in essence, what you are saying is that a belief in God should not exist, or that, or that it is ACTUALLY as meaningful as FSMs.
