No love or desire in Eden without the knowledge of good and evil.

Greatest I am

Valued Senior Member
No love or desire in Eden without the knowledge of good and evil.

Love that is returned is true and good love.
Love, like faith, if not expressed in works and deeds, is dead.

Love that is not returned we do not call evil but it is certainly not as good as love that is returned and shared. Let me call it evil then as compared to good. It misses the mark.

Love then is subject to the qualifiers of good and evil and without any knowledge of good and evil, love cannot exist.

An example of this lack of emotion is shown in this clip.

I see life without the knowledge of good and evil, a moral sense in other words, as mankind just being like any other animal on this earth.

Is it possible that the myth of Eden was initially invented to indicate the birth of mankind’s emotional awakening to love, hate, and all of our other emotions?

God is spirit.
Is it possible that without eating of the tree of knowledge, developing a moral sense and the emotions that drive it, becoming spiritual the way God is, as confirmed by God himself who said that mankind had become as Gods, A & E would have just remained as blissfully dumb as other animals?

Did they and we have to eat of it to become fully human?

Would any of us be silly enough to NOT have done exactly what A & E did and reject this great accomplishment and gift for mankind?

Would you reject the ability to love?

Very odd! I could have sworn i responded to this yesterday. Oh well, let's give it another try.

No love or desire in Eden without the knowledge of good and evil.

Love that is returned is true and good love.

Okay. But that doesn't mean unrequited love is less real - it just hurts more.

Love, like faith, if not expressed in works and deeds, is dead.

Most shared love is expressed in deeds and words; it isn't anything like faith, and how does inaction kill either one?

Love that is not returned we do not call evil but it is certainly not as good as love that is returned and shared. Let me call it evil then as compared to good. It misses the mark.

If you go around calling schoolgirl crushes evil, what word will you use for genocide?
I get that this is a rhetorical stratagem, but it really does miss the mark.

Love then is subject to the qualifiers of good and evil and without any knowledge of good and evil, love cannot exist.

You never had a dog, right? Or seen a lemur with her baby.

I see life without the knowledge of good and evil, a moral sense in other words, as mankind just being like any other animal on this earth.

And what's wrong with that?

Is it possible that the myth of Eden was initially invented to indicate the birth of mankind’s emotional awakening to love, hate, and all of our other emotions?

No. All those emotions were present in the world, in many recognizable forms and expressions, long before humans identified as such. All of them.
Do you know that a dumb horse can hold a grudge for years?

Is it possible that without eating of the tree of knowledge, developing a moral sense and the emotions that drive it, becoming spiritual the way God is, as confirmed by God himself who said that mankind had become as Gods, A & E would have just remained as blissfully dumb as other animals?

No. Check that quote again: "Indeed! The man has become like one of us, knowing good and evil. And now perhaps he will put forth his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever!" I won't insist that the"us" refers to the Sumerian pantheon, but the problem was definitely not spirituality but forbidden knowledge: the danger of immortality.

Did they and we have to eat of it to become fully human?

Probably, but for a different reason. The Eden story refers to that turning point in human development when we realized that we could effect our environment. No longer accept the world as given, but manipulate it, change it to suit ourselves. That is the original sin; our ultimate downfall - the human tragedy.
Very odd! I could have sworn i responded to this yesterday. Oh well, let's give it another try.

Okay. But that doesn't mean unrequited love is less real - it just hurts more.

Can a one way love be said to be real if real love must have deeds and works going back and forth?
I do not think so.
I love Shania Twain but she does not know me and thus, our love, eh my love that is, is wasted and not true love.

Most shared love is expressed in deeds and words; it isn't anything like faith, and how does inaction kill either one?

Ask Jesus. He said we would know his loving people by their works and deeds.

Can one say he is a man of faith if he does not act like it?
If you go around calling schoolgirl crushes evil, what word will you use for genocide?

I did not call crushes evil but if I did and compared genocide, I would just say that genocide is more evil than a crush.

I get that this is a rhetorical stratagem, but it really does miss the mark.

You never had a dog, right? Or seen a lemur with her baby.

Sure. Instincts are not love in the way we usually define those words.

And what's wrong with that?

Not a thing if you think man should be as bright as a cow.
Would you shed your moral sense if you had that choice?
Are you a better person or animal with it or without it?

No. All those emotions were present in the world, in many recognizable forms and expressions, long before humans identified as such. All of them.

Do you know that a dumb horse can hold a grudge for years?

Show where any emotion is shown in Eden.

No. Check that quote again: "Indeed! The man has become like one of us, knowing good and evil. And now perhaps he will put forth his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever!" I won't insist that the"us" refers to the Sumerian pantheon, but the problem was definitely not spirituality but forbidden knowledge: the danger of immortality.

What is dangerous about immortality?

Probably, but for a different reason. The Eden story refers to that turning point in human development when we realized that we could effect our environment. No longer accept the world as given, but manipulate it, change it to suit ourselves. That is the original sin; our ultimate downfall - the human tragedy.

It is a human tragedy to recognize that we can affect reality.
If you say so. Not.

I see that as a blessing.

As to original sin, you might note that those who actually have the authority over the O T, the Jews, do not believe in the Christian concept of original sin.
Christians did not usurp the taditional interpretations when they usurped the Jewish God. They reversed our elevation to our fall.
