'No evidence' for extraterrestrials, says White House,....

Naturally the conspiracy theorists will deny it. They always do.

Which makes one wonder...what, exactly, do they know?
Naturally the conspiracy theorists will deny it. They always do.

Which makes one wonder...what, exactly, do they know?

Pathological Lying

Has no problem lying coolly and easily and it is almost impossible for them to be truthful on a consistent basis. Can create, and get caught up in, a complex belief about their own powers and abilities. Extremely convincing and even able to pass lie detector tests.
I know! It's almost as if UFO conspiracy theorists have some kind of ... secret knowledge. What are they holding back from us?
@GeoffP --

The good drugs?

Possibly. :D But the main thing they are trying to keep hidden (but actually revealing VERY obviously) is their stupidity, ignorance and gullibility. Plus, as I've been saying for years, their dreary boring lives which leaves them yearning for something exciting!

We've had numerous people here who fit those conditions perfectly - and they are just a part of a group who WANTS to believe in aliens, bigfoot, Nessie, the 9-11 conspiracy, etc., etc. Oh... and don't forget those who believe in Rossi and his stupid e-cat! ;)
But, but, but... didn't the US government openly admit that it had been dealing with various races of extra-terrestrials, reverse-engineering their technology, breeding human-alien hybrids and also admitted to being complicit in a secret world-takeover plan engineered by these aliens?
I'm sure they did so in the promised (by the pro-UFO lobby) disclosure of 2001, the one that was put back to 2002, um, 2005, er... when exactly did the disclosure happen, I forget.
But, but, but... didn't the US government openly admit that it had been dealing with various races of extra-terrestrials, reverse-engineering their technology, breeding human-alien hybrids and also admitted to being complicit in a secret world-takeover plan engineered by these aliens?
I'm sure they did so in the promised (by the pro-UFO lobby) disclosure of 2001, the one that was put back to 2002, um, 2005, er... when exactly did the disclosure happen, I forget.

Naw, I think that "event" was dreamed up by one of our more flaky members. Somebody like Greenboy or Dwayne Rabon. Har-har!!:D
Possibly. :D But the main thing they are trying to keep hidden (but actually revealing VERY obviously) is their stupidity, ignorance and gullibility. Plus, as I've been saying for years, their dreary boring lives which leaves them yearning for something exciting!

We've had numerous people here who fit those conditions perfectly - and they are just a part of a group who WANTS to believe in aliens, bigfoot, Nessie, the 9-11 conspiracy, etc., etc. Oh... and don't forget those who believe in Rossi and his stupid e-cat! ;)

Yeah, the White House always tells the truth and never lies!


The facts are that there are some credible observed events that have never been credibly explained. And until credible answers are rendered, conspiracies will continue to flourish.

What ever the truth may be with UFO's the best solution to the conspiracies is openness and credible explanations. Unfortunately, the US government has been less than open with respect to UFOs for many decades - in part as an attempt to conceal other military projects. So it is kind of hard given the history for many people, especially conspiracy advocates, to now believe the US government.


Yeah, the White House always tells the truth and never lies!


The facts are that there are some credible observed events that have never been credibly explained. And until credible answers are rendered, conspiracies will continue to flourish.

What ever the truth may be with UFO's the best solution to the conspiracies is openness and credible explanations. Unfortunately, the US government has been less than open with respect to UFOs for many decades - in part as an attempt to conceal other military projects. So it is kind of hard given the history for many people, especially conspiracy advocates, to now believe the US government.



Well, of course!! I'd never ever hold the government up as a beacon of truth. HOWEVER, the idiots I was talking about are ready to believe ANYTHING that has a thrill factor - but at least you *could* be realistic here.:bugeye:
I'm sure there are a good number of people on this website who can do the math. Let's think about it for a second:
  • Why would a species of aliens come here? What do they have to gain?
  • What powers would one have to grasp to traverse the cosmos? Surely any species that can traverse the space between systems would have some powerful resources at their disposal.
  • We are, at present technology, probably less than a century from creating AI, from mastering genetic manipulation and from being able to make nano-bots of some variety.
  • With re-engineered bodies (or no bodies at all), why would they need us?
  • With computer technology, why would they need to "experiment" on us? We are able to perform experiments with super-computers now, that make accurate predictions. Are we presuming they aren't eons ahead of us in such technology? Imagine having a computer a hundred-thousand times more powerful (or greater)? What kind of weird biological experiments would they need us for that they (a) either haven't already done, (b) couldn't just do in their own labs, or (c) plug into whatever uber-advanced computers (if they aren't the computers themselves) and get quicker answers for?
  • Any species that has the ability to engineer LITERALLY ANYTHING from raw elements wouldn't need puny earth and certainly wouldn't give a shit about us.
  • Any species that has such technology would only need a star and--perhaps--a few raw elements. Combined together with their technology, they'd simply cruse through our system gathering up materials and stop close enough to the Sun to harness whatever energy they need, and be merrily on their way?
  • Even if they did need water (which can be made easily with the number 1 and number 3 most prevalent elements in the universe, which also would give off heat in the process--a useful side effect in outer space where it gets cold), they'd have a better time getting it from places like Europa.
  • Do you really think they'd want our water? Our bodies? Our dirt? Our minerals? Pffft. That's ridiculous.

  • What if we were spawned by aliens?
  • It doesent have to be about resources it could be about something more uncommon like DNA? Or a high number of other things that earth has that is uncommon in the universe.
  • The application of AI in conscious beings for what purposes?? Bio-engineered bodies sure but it is simply modifications of existing material why would this make a difference??
  • Maybe they dont want to experiment on us maybe we are way past that point. We cant question there motive there are to many variables to consider for one in what time frame is it probable that life first came to being given the age of the universes out there.
But, but, but... didn't the US government openly admit that it had been dealing with various races of extra-terrestrials, reverse-engineering their technology, breeding human-alien hybrids and also admitted to being complicit in a secret world-takeover plan engineered by these aliens?
I'm sure they did so in the promised (by the pro-UFO lobby) disclosure of 2001, the one that was put back to 2002, um, 2005, er... when exactly did the disclosure happen, I forget.

. . . they didn't say. Time is an illusion and it's happening every day. Remember now? :shrug:

Why else would the enemies of truth, and the old guard desperately clinging to power and control have to release propaganda such as this?
It doesent have to be about resources it could be about something more uncommon like DNA? Or a high number of other things that earth has that is uncommon in the universe.

DNA is everywhere on earth. A quick sampling will yield all that is needed.

What are these "other things" that the Earth has that are uncommon in the universe?

You do know that right now we can make any element we want, with our technology now.

Given the ability to harness energy right from stars (something we can do, albeit clunkily now), any alien can make any material needed.

The application of AI in conscious beings for what purposes?? Bio-engineered bodies sure but it is simply modifications of existing material why would this make a difference??

Since we're speculating, I happen to believe that AI is a foregone conclusion, that any technological advancement will inevitably land on it and either merge with it or be taken over by it.

Maybe they dont want to experiment on us maybe we are way past that point. We cant question there motive there are to many variables to consider for one in what time frame is it probable that life first came to being given the age of the universes out there.

Who's motives? I can question any motive I like. You can refuse to do so if you like.

The reasons I listed are why I don't believe any aliens have ever visited earth.

I'm sure there are a good number of people on this website who can do the math. Let's think about it for a second:
  • Why would a species of aliens come here? What do they have to gain?
  • Do you really think they'd want our water? Our bodies? Our dirt? Our minerals? Pffft. That's ridiculous.


Good questions but maybe misplaced in the context of this thread. We'll suppose for a second that you're classical space aliens are what indeed the White House is addressing the concerns of.
Why would the President of what's known as the most powerful military force on the planet concede knowledge of a species of highly intelligent life that is able to violate any given airspace with impunity? ...What would he have to gain?

Now if we are to rightly view this phenomena (and the subject reaction) we can make no such suppositions as what the origin, time frame, biological/physical needs of, habits of UAPs or alleged beings therein. Nor can we assume that we're dealing with beings covered under the presently known definition.

The biggest question were faced with is why military professionals and professionals in general would spend there entire lives gaining the trust of their respective industries and are forced to throw it away by simply saying "yes, I believe what I saw was a ufo"...They didn't have to say it so what did they have to gain? And what does the industry have to gain by defaming people that are clearly sane on every other level?
They have nothing to gain because I accept that it didn't happen. Saying it did, without significant evidence should and would warrant black-lisiting.

@Joey --

Why the hell would they want our DNA? If aliens are here it means that they evolved on a different planet and have a genetic code which is completely unrelated to our own, they would almost certainly use a different genetic material(what it would be is beyond our power to speculate on). So any "they need our DNA" or "they're breeding with us" ideas are out the window just from that.

But even if they weren't you would still have the problem of answering what they need us for or why they would have to traverse interstellar distances to get it. We, with our current technology, can stitch together entire genomes(albeit very laboriously) and replace an organism's natural DNA with our synthetic DNA. If we can do this then it stands to reason that a species advanced enough to travel the stars would have fearsomely advanced biotechnology.

So that "they need our DNA" bullshit is just that, bullshit.
@Dyw --

Well to be fair, moldy cheese is a better topping too, and it's probably a bit easier for them to get their hands on as well.