No Cure for Cancer - Oh Wait...

Yeah...I started a thread about this story a few years ago. Over a hundred views and not one single comment.
If it works, it'll be a terrible day for the pharmicutical industry...

But when you start seeing stories like this: Vitamins 'increase death risk', one has to wonder just what the aim of these companies are. To cure the sick or make the rich richer.
If a pharmaceutical company has 2 newly discovered products. One which cures a malady and one which keeps the malady at bay better than any other known drug, it will cover up the former for as long as it can. Simple rule of economics!
the benefit of the supposive new drug...


its not new.... its old... and its cheap.. and not owned by patents.

so we can all have some.

Last night's 60 Minutes article on cancer treatment is the most promising treatment Ive yet seen:

Interesting .... VERY interesting ..... this might actually work ........

Nanoparticles could be made to target only cancercells ..... I guess every patient must have his own specific nanoparticles made ........ after a biopsy of the cancer has been analysed ...........

It is certainly worth doing reasearch in this .........
The use of nanomaterials in therapeutic treatments is an expanding area of basic research and shows great potential. One example I know of is using radio-frequency-sensitive carbon nanotubes to target tumors. However, there remain large question marks over the toxicity of nanomaterials. A great deal of work still needs to be done to investigate their interaction with cells, their clearance from the body (if they are ever completely cleared) and their long-term toxicity (if any).
There is ongoing research with gold nanoparticles that looks promising.


It is desirable to use agents that are active in the near-infrared (NIR) region of the radiation spectrum to minimize the light extinction by intrinsic chromophores in native tissue. Gold nanorods with suitable aspect ratios (length divided by width) can absorb and scatter strongly in the NIR region (650-900 nm). In the present work, we provide an in vitro demonstration of gold nanorods as novel contrast agents for both molecular imaging and photothermal cancer therapy. Nanorods are synthesized and conjugated to anti-epidermal growth factor receptor (anti-EGFR) monoclonal antibodies and incubated in cell cultures with a nonmalignant epithelial cell line (HaCat) and two malignant oral epithelial cell lines (HOC 313 clone 8 and HSC 3). The anti-EGFR antibody-conjugated nanorods bind specifically to the surface of the malignant-type cells with a much higher affinity due to the overexpressed EGFR on the cytoplasmic membrane of the malignant cells. As a result of the strongly scattered red light from gold nanorods in dark field, observed using a laboratory microscope, the malignant cells are clearly visualized and diagnosed from the nonmalignant cells. It is found that, after exposure to continuous red laser at 800 nm, malignant cells require about half the laser energy to be photothermally destroyed than the nonmalignant cells. Thus, both efficient cancer cell diagnostics and selective photothermal therapy are realized at the same time