No crayons for you!


As a mother, I am telling you
Valued Senior Member
Troopers save 50+ girls from polygamist sect's compound:

According to some of the volunteers helping to set up a temporary place for the girls, even some of the 16 year olds looked at crayons, like not knowing what they could do with it...

I guess one person's mental deprivativity is another's religion...Usually these girls education stops at the possible lowest level, like 2nd grade and after that they are forced to breed...
I've heard some educated people profess that it is a great burden to learn about more than one language and culture.

Ignorance is subjective.

Look what joy they missed out on :(
I've heard some educated people profess that it is a great burden to learn about more than one language and culture.

Ignorance is subjective.

It can be in later years, the young brain is more able to pick up languages. Besides, everyone knows crayons are the devil's sin sticks!
since when is polygamy a religion? is monogamy a religion too?
It is when they're Mormon. I think they use the term polygamist so as not to offend the "good" Mormons.
then mormon would be the religion, and polygamy the sex/marital practice.

the "good" mormons...that's funny. :)
SAM said:
I've heard some educated people profess that it is a great burden to learn about more than one language and culture.
? And so it can be.

It can also be burden, of another kind, to think one has learned about another language and culture. Even one's own.