

Save the whales motherfucker
Valued Senior Member
Plastic surgery is the new form of self improvement these days. Sure Yoga and exercise will be around forever but surgery is fast becoming the popular new way to improve self image and gain confidence in one's is it really so bad going under the knife? Surgery seems to be shallow and easy way out according to many people but does that belief take root in religious convictions or is it simply a shallow thing according to them?

Do you find it to be an unsafe solution given the fact that most procedures go over well even though the risk is still considerably high?

Also if you abhor plastic surgery then why? Isn't exercise a poor form of self improvement in ways? Pushing yourself daily against constant adversity present in the mind, pain, contorting in and out of uncomfortable positions to see little to no results for months....whereas a simple gastric bypass followed by few liposuction treatments, skin graphs, implants here and there and collagen injections and you're a new person sans the torture.

Either way it is change in the body for the better..or is it? The benefits of shaping up through exercise go without saying but is even minor plastic surgery bad? To fix the nicks and scrapes here and there?

Breats implants were up 33% in 2003 since 2002....its a social phenomenon that is here to stay it is it a shallow, quick, fix to you, a option only reserved as a last resort or an easy smart decision if the funds are aplenty?
I think making yourself better is what its all about, and if plastic surgery can do that then good. There should probably be a psychological screening requirement before certain procedures are done, you don't want a doctor operating on someone who obviously only hates her nose because her daddy used to tease her about it instead of how it really looks, but if you know the risks, know your doctor enough is good enough to really improve you, and you have the spare cash, then why not?

Of course, the media created image of a beautiful woman might be destructive in this case, who knows, if people were more able to change their appearance would we be awash in nearly identical buxom blond girls? That could kind of suck. So I suppose I amend my opinion to be, that if people are mature enough to know how they could make themselves more attractive, without conforming to a mildly grotesque but popularized vision of beauty, then its ok.
SpyMoose said:
I think making yourself better is what its all about, and if plastic surgery can do that then good. There should probably be a psychological screening requirement before certain procedures are done, you don't want a doctor operating on someone who obviously only hates her nose because her daddy used to tease her about it instead of how it really looks, but if you know the risks, know your doctor enough is good enough to really improve you, and you have the spare cash, then why not?

They already do. Many plastic surgeons recommend a therapy session for customers who really sounded distorted about their body image and some employ in house psychiatrists.

Sex change operation patients require a thorough mandatory physchiatric evaluation before going under.

Of course, the media created image of a beautiful woman might be destructive in this case, who knows, if people were more able to change their appearance would we be awash in nearly identical buxom blond girls? That could kind of suck. So I suppose I amend my opinion to be, that if people are mature enough to know how they could make themselves more attractive, without conforming to a mildly grotesque but popularized vision of beauty, then its ok.

Thats another concern...the look alikes because all these girls are looking for a quick fix to catch up to their desired idols. This is the recent concern the
MTV producers have of their new show "I want to have a famous face" has brought into light that so many perfectly normal teen and young adults have a eskewed view of plastic easy way out and a solution to all of their problems.

Ofcourse FOX has gotten hold of the plastic surgery craze and it will only add to this eskewed view that plastic surgery is the road to beauty...not a last resort for those that have tried everything.
As much as I dig body modification [piercings, tats, scarification, etc.], plastic surgery turns me off. Some of my dislike is due to an appreciation for imperfection -- I like the way a slightly crooked nose or a bit of a paunch looks, so "fixing" things like that doesn't make a person more attractive. And I'm definitely bothered by the influence of popular media's version of beauty. Yuck. I wonder about the distorted views people develop [my own included] that inspire them to change things about themselves, and the health of those changes.
sargentlard said:
Sex change operation patients require a thorough mandatory physchiatric evaluation before going under.

I actually did know that, didn't bring it up because it seems like a whole different topic than the other reasons people have cosmetic surgery. Its quite an ordeal from what I hear, to find a doctor who will do that kind of thing, and then going through all the psychological screening, I hear it can take years.

I have caught that "Famous Face" show now that is exactly the kind of thing I think cosmetic surgery should not be used for. They go in there thinking that looking like a movie star is the only way to be worth something, and they NEVER end up looking right. I wonder if there is a high suicide rate among people like that who realize that their new faces wont look right, or that their new faces wont fix everything, or they are never mistaken for their idol.
i don't have a problem with it except when cosmetic procedures become dangerous invasive surgery or detrimental to your health as with silicone implants. but minor touchups are no big deal as long as you can afford it on top of all other responsibilities (you don't skip out on your heating bill because you're so desperate to get an eye tuck).

has anyone ever thought about what they'd have done if they were rich (and/or famous)? i thought i might have my nose touched up a little but looking around at other people, maybe it is a good nose afterall, same as my mom's. she went to get a nose job when she was young and someone complimented her on her "new" nose while she was sitting in the waiting room for the consultation, so she walked right out.
maybe i'll want to get something done when i'm old to make me look young. who knows.

fake boobs just look stupid. maybe i'm too far detached from society to know why anyone would want bigger boobs. implants look so fake and ridiculous and big boobs sag over time. i've known multiple people who have had their natural breasts reduced but i've yet to meet anyone who has had them enlarged. it also reeeally wierds me out that they remove the nipple and then reattach it.

i think i'll just stick with yoga to keep me young.
has anyone ever thought about what they'd have done if they were rich (and/or famous)?
Nothing, you cant stay young forever so why try? I find it rather creepy to see people that have had some kind of surgery, it just looks unatural, like leslie ash's lips, or jordans tits, that one day are gonna hang round her ankles or break her spine from the weight(maybe shes an extreme example of bad surgery though). I just disagree with it, if you look after your body in the first place you wont need liposuction, and if you have bad lips or something who cares? Everyone has strengths and weaknesses with their looks, and its the little flaws that make people so endearing and lovable, nobodys perfect and its kinda boring the way everyone trys to be. Truth be told theres no such thing as perfection or good looks, its personal interpretation, i think some girls are gorgeous, they think they are ugly etc.
The problem isn't really about being shallow or vain the problem is with the way plastic surgery is viewed these days as a road to dreams. That getting plastic reconstructive surgery will give you the face of an adonis, a muse for all artists.

How much can we blame the media for this comfortable, relaxed view of plastic surgery? When T.V shows start popping up where people are promised a sexy new look through medicine, lost teens can't help but be perplexed by the whole trend.
Surgery is simply viewed as the best thing to keep you looking young and good, people just want to look good, and sometimes forget they already do. Media cant really take the blame, some newspapers and tv shows actually say how bad people look after surgery and show the downsides, side effects, operations gone wrong etc. I get your point though and it is overrated by media, wouldnt blame them for people wanting to look good though, if it wasnt surgery it would be something else(like good old fashioned makeup).
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Lemming3k said:
Surgery is simply viewed as the best thing to keep you looking young and good, people just want to look good, and sometimes forget they already do. Media cant really take the blame, some newspapers and tv shows actually say how bad people look after surgery and show the downsides, side effects, operations gone wrong etc. I get your point though and it is overrated by media, wouldnt blame them for people wanting to look good though, if it wasnt surgery it would be something else(like good old fashioned makeup).

Well where did this all start? The trend of looking young and beautiful forever? Who stresses this? Who feeds this image hungry need with young beautiful men and women causing the "realistically" beautiful and jaded youth to pine for their bodies and faces?

The media's hand is in this a lot deeper than you give it credit for.
media...and mothers

if the media pressure was off, do you think the world would be uglier or much the same?
Well where did this all start? The trend of looking young and beautiful forever? Who stresses this? Who feeds this image hungry need with young beautiful men and women causing the "realistically" beautiful and jaded youth to pine for their bodies and faces?

Parents(my g/fs mum does it), perhaps the media has more to do with it now but its not a new thing, people have wanted to look good for hundreds of years, its partly instinct, to attract a mate.

if the media pressure was off, do you think the world would be uglier or much the same?
Same, girls just wanna look good, its drummed into them from childhood that makeup does this highlights that etc, its almost like brainwashing.
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thanks for telling me what girls want. i was unaware. now that i know what i want, i can commence with the wearing of the makeup. phew, dodged that bullet.
Im not sure if your being sarcastic or not(its hard to tell online), but i've only met 1 girl in my life that doesnt wear makeup. Maybe its different where you live but all i see round here is girls doing everything they can to look good(that doesnt mean it works or they need to mind).
I'm generally in favor of people being freely able to have cosmetic surgery. It's especially helpful when something’s actually wrong, like if you're a burn victim or have been born with a cleft pallet.

One rule that I think should be put into place, however is no cosmetic surgery for teenage girls. None at all, period! They're vein self absorbed little things, they could look like Britney spears (who's probably had some surgery herself) and still want to get their ankles liposuctioned or something, they probably stay up at night and cry because of their fat ankles. It's ridiculous. Teenage girls are not mentally competent to make decisions like this (nor are rich parents who spoil them). No cosmetic surgery for females in general until they are at least 30 years old, says I.
while you're at it, let's keep the homos from getting any. they'd all get done up to look like liza minelli except for the old ones who would go for judy garland. and nobody likes an old looking homo with too much lip collagen!
Har har, SwedishFish :p Nice retort, but I would submit that there is a qualitative difference between your average homo, and a drag queen. I have found, however, that teenage girls are uniformly nuts.