

Registered Senior Member
What is the worst nightmare that anyone has had, mine i have a couple one is falling and never stopping some times i might be in a lift and then i am not, the other goes back to when i rode a bike this time i have a high speed crash,and i do not die.:eek:

If you have heard that when you fall from a great height in a dream, that you will die in real life if you do not wake up before impact, don't believe it. Falling from a tall place was always my most common nightmare. One night I dreamt I fell off of a 1000 foot cliff. I did not wake up before I hit the ground. I just knew I was dead. But luckily, I just layed there for several hours in a pool of blood and splintered bone while in incomprehensible agony until I woke up.
Worst ...

Dark ... Entering a warehouse-like building ... Searching ...
Brief firefight ... Jammed weapon ... Angry ... Start field-strip ...
Silence ... Clear jam ... Begin reassembly ... Sense someone
approaching ... Fear ... Completing reassembly ...

Woke up shook and cussing damned M4.

Glad it was a dream.
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My absolute worst? The recurring ones that involve demon-like shadows....

they go something like this:

I can see myself sleeping---the room, the objects are all where they were right before I fell asleep and are right there when I wake up (obviously but I mean it is in detail in my dream). Then I FEEL this heavy "something" on my feet coming up my body and making my body heavy as it moves up. Then I have a hard time breathing. Then this "thing" takes a shadowy black shape of a demon (you know, the kind that you see in old paintings about heaven and hell) and it starts either trying to get inside my chest or it just torments me....really ugly crap, you know. Then after a long struggle it finally goes away in the same manner it appeared but in reverse.....going down my body to my feet and eventually disappearing. I usually wake up feeling as if I really had a true physical body feels like it got run over by a semi-truck. It literally happens like that every single time. Haven't had one of those in a long time and don't care to either.
Ana: It sounds like your experience was very similar to sleep paralysis. Particularly the kind that sparked superstitions about such night demons as the succubus.

When I was younger I once had this terrible fever. One night I dreamt of having the air sucked out of my lungs by an alien. When I woke up it midnight had yet to pass and I was experiencing hallucinations and paranoia. When I slept again I believe I was attacked and mauled to death by a pack of wolves. I awoke and was still quite early in the evening. I slept again and dreamt of more alien assassins, wolf mauling and various other creative was to die. All in all I believe I experienced nine nightmares in succession that night: All of them incredibly terrifying. I awoke overwhelmed and haunted by hallucinations of giant bats hovering over the house, assorted spiders and other insects permeating my room, killer puppets and facial anomalies on my mom.

It was great.

The single worst though is up in arms as far as I'm concerned. Over the past years nightmares have been few and far between. So much so that I've grown to actually enjoy them. Life is so apathetic and numbing, it's nice to feel psychologically mortally wounded from time to time.