night of the vampire


Kiss my dark side
Valued Senior Member
Ok here we go again, this time PLEASE try to stick to the basic story. No acid trips and dreams to change the reality, lets make this one coherant.

It was a dark and stormy night, as the towns foke gathered in the inn, lightning crashed over the castle that was his lair. The creature wiped his mouth on the body of his victom, the fresh blood runing through his vains like fire. He felt fresh and renued as he looked down at the limp form at his feet. She had been a peasent, nothing more, existing only to feed his unholly thurst. They all were that, the day walkers, they only existed for him to feed apon. He dismised them from his mind, the scavanges who hid in the castle would despose of her. He looked out over the village as a lightning strike exposed it in the bright light, leaving an after-image burned into what was left of his mind. He was down there, the creature could feel him. He would be helping THEM, but it matted not. This time he wouldn't walk away..........
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...he hissed and his eyes burnt with an unearthly glow. He, Davey Johnson, was hunting the creature down for over a hundred years now and The prince Of Darkness, Mad Vlad had enough of it.

Slowly Mad Vlad returned to his earthly form. His face changed and a pretty face became visible. His eyes were as green as emeralds. Oh yes, he was a big succes with women. They were always an easy prey, eccept for Zoe. She was different and didn't want anything to do with him.

Mad Vlad stared dreamily through the window, the great view over the city beneath him gave him the opportunity to see who was coming. In the distance he could hear the laughter and talking voices of the people in the Inn.

Suddenly he turned around, while hearing a noise beneath him. It seemed like someone was climbing the long, winding stairs. He sniffed, to smell who was coming. It was not human, it was HIM, Davey johnson. And he was not alone...
Mad Vlad thought that Davey Johnson must have been reading to many of those hollywood based novels. He really had to be out there to be coming here on such a night as this. Did the young fool think he was some self styled Pendragon, with tricks up his sleeve that would prevent anything from happening to him. This would take but a short time and with the night nearly over he could settle down to a nap within his coffin of cool earth. A fresh load had been brung from home by his minions. Soon he would seek his rest...
...first he hoped to kill off this Davey Johnson. Standing still he listened to the soft footsteps which came closer and closer.

The doorknob turned and the door sqeaked when the door opened slowly.

Davey carefully entered the chamber, followed by a young human. Nick, the young human, hurried to the woman on the floor, while Davey turned immediately in Vlads direction.

Vlad, however, grinned evily and showed his sharp teeth. Not merely impressed by the equipment Davey was carrying...
he quickly strode forward to Davy Johnson and then proceeded to repeatedly punch him in the face. Just as Davy was getting really REALLY bloody..tasty bloody...the young human named Nick moved from the side of the woman's body he was tending to and then..