Night Lights


Registered Senior Member
I had a pretty active imagination when I was younger. I would hear things outside my door, such as sweeping or footsteps. The sounds would start out soft at first but get progressively louder (as if they were approaching my door). Once it hit it's peak it would get soft again (as if they were moving away) and follow this cycle.

I knew it was in my head. Whenever I made a noise the sounds would stop but only momentarily. I would also watch my action figures moving on my shelf and figures in the shadows.

The weirdest thing that would happen was I would see lights in the lining of my mattress. I would lay there for hours watching the blue lights streak across my mattress. Come to think of it, it was actually quite beautiful. Like lightning dancing under my sheets.

Whenever the lights would stop, I'd just need to pull and snap the lining of the mattress and it would start again. I knew this was also in my head, because my mom was unable to see it.

Has anybody heard of anything like this or offer any sort of explanation? I can understand hearing things, and the darkness playing tricks with my eyes, but the deal with the lights throw me for a loop.
I had a pretty active imagination when I was younger. I would hear things outside my door, such as sweeping or footsteps. The sounds would start out soft at first but get progressively louder (as if they were approaching my door). Once it hit it's peak it would get soft again (as if they were moving away) and follow this cycle.

I knew it was in my head. Whenever I made a noise the sounds would stop but only momentarily. I would also watch my action figures moving on my shelf and figures in the shadows.

The weirdest thing that would happen was I would see lights in the lining of my mattress. I would lay there for hours watching the blue lights streak across my mattress. Come to think of it, it was actually quite beautiful. Like lightning dancing under my sheets.

Whenever the lights would stop, I'd just need to pull and snap the lining of the mattress and it would start again. I knew this was also in my head, because my mom was unable to see it.

Has anybody heard of anything like this or offer any sort of explanation? I can understand hearing things, and the darkness playing tricks with my eyes, but the deal with the lights throw me for a loop.
was the blue a flourescent blue in the shape of dots or smears?
2 dimensional or three dimensional?
It actually was fluorescent and in the shape of smears with smooth edges. If I had to guess I'd say 3 dimensional but I can't remember for sure. Why? Have you had a similar experience?
It actually was fluorescent and in the shape of smears with smooth edges. If I had to guess I'd say 3 dimensional but I can't remember for sure. Why? Have you had a similar experience?

I will not comment further except to suggest that you attempt to neither encourage more of the experience nor deliberately attempt to discourage it.
Allow it to become again a subliminal instinctive expereince if you can.
And yes I know it well...
I wanted to send you a private message but I need 20 posts. Anyways...

Quantum Quack said:
I will not comment further except to suggest that you attempt to neither encourage more of the experience nor deliberately attempt to discourage it.
Allow it to become again a subliminal instinctive expereince if you can.
And yes I know it well..

What a cruel thing to knowing that someone else had a similar experience I'll be even more obsessed with finding the answer. I can begin by harassing you until you either tell me or place me on ignore. I can be very patient and persistent. Please save us the trouble and tell me what it was.

Having been such a vivid hallucination, I wonder if it may be schizophrenia. I think I may have some of the prodromal symptoms but who knows? They're always so general.

Some research points to "psychic abilities". I don't believe this and even if I did, the experiences I've read suggest the light came from their peripheral vision originating within the eye. What I saw came from within the mattress, almost as if it was swimming in the fabric.

It's been a long time since I've seen the lights. I'm not interested in "pursuing" them, I just want an answer.
Whenever the lights would stop, I'd just need to pull and snap the lining of the mattress and it would start again.
I had always assumed (and I suggest this is in some way supported by the requirement to "pull and snap the material") that it was some sort of low-level static build-up and discharge.

I knew this was also in my head, because my mom was unable to see it.
Not everyone can see certain colours, and AFAIK the older you get the less sensitive your eyes become to particular wavelengths of light. If the static discharge is already on the threshold of visibility (I see them as a pale purpley-blue) then it's possible that, with your mother being older, they've "passed out" of her perceptual range.
I wanted to send you a private message but I need 20 posts. Anyways...

What a cruel thing to knowing that someone else had a similar experience I'll be even more obsessed with finding the answer.

yes I should have said nothing. If it is what I think it is then your obsession would be understandable and it is one of those phenonema that is best left alone.
I have seen much suffering over many years in others, due to this facination with iridescent blue dots and smears appearing all over the place and not just on matress covers either.

I can begin by harassing you until you either tell me or place me on ignore. I can be very patient and persistent. Please save us the trouble and tell me what it was.
The issue is about your long term well being and safety. If I tell you what it is then your facination may very well grow into something that will lead to serious dysfunction.

Having been such a vivid hallucination, I wonder if it may be schizophrenia. I think I may have some of the prodromal symptoms but who knows? They're always so general.

Until you are more certain about your attitude to parpsychology it would be foolish to entertain saying anything more.

Some research points to "psychic abilities". I don't believe this and even if I did, the experiences I've read suggest the light came from their peripheral vision originating within the eye. What I saw came from within the mattress, almost as if it was swimming in the fabric.

It's been a long time since I've seen the lights. I'm not interested in "pursuing" them, I just want an answer.

Of course you do and it is the curiosity that will eventually kill the cat so to speak which is why I volunteered to respond to your topic in the first place. To try and help you manage that curiosity better so you can "let it go" and let it be what it needs to be.

Focusing your curiosity and even frustration at me is better than pursuing knowledge about this particular phenonema especially as it offers no particlular benefit to the person involved.
It could have been as Dywyddyr has suggested , simply static electricity discharging...

edit: A quick google shows numerous persons complaining of seeing blue dots etc etc but consider them to be inside their eyes and not out side them. regardless there innitially appears to be no explanation from medical science regarding this pheno.
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yes I should have said nothing. If it is what I think it is then your obsession would be understandable and it is one of those phenonema that is best left alone.

The issue is about your long term well being and safety.
How is a low-voltage static discharge going affect his safety?

edit: A quick google shows numerous persons complaining of seeing blue dots etc etc but consider them to be inside their eyes and not out side them. regardless there innitially appears to be no explanation from medical science regarding this pheno.
Not? That's if it's not floaters.

How is a low-voltage static discharge going affect his safety?

Not? That's if it's not floaters.
I think AJ Relic can answer that one better than floaters and blue field entopic pheno. His description is not any where near those two I would have thought nor does it seem like static discharge either. But hey this is the INTERNET afterall.

I hadn't thought of that but it certainly seems possible. Wouldn't a static discharge dissipate quickly? What I saw would linger there for a while. There would be many of them and they moved fast. Does this seem typical of static?

Quantum Quack,

yes I should have said nothing. If it is what I think it is then your obsession would be understandable and it is one of those phenonema that is best left alone.
I have seen much suffering over many years in others, due to this facination with iridescent blue dots and smears appearing all over the place and not just on matress covers either.

At the risk of sounding redundant, you're making me think of schizophrenia. I keep imagining a person becoming obsessed with the color blue, seeing it all over the place, believing the world is unraveling around them or some outside entity is trying to relay information to them in the form of fluorescent blue smears. Maybe it's glimpses of a parallel universe? Imprints of those long forgotten, wandering aimlessly through purgatory? Why hasn't the government told us about this :p?!?!

The issue is about your long term well being and safety. If I tell you what it is then your facination may very well grow into something that will lead to serious dysfunction.

Haha, well some would already deem me dysfunctional, so such a notion is welcome with open arms. Anyways, it's not your responsibility to worry about my well-being. As far as you know, withholding this information can do more harm now that you've brought it to my attention.

Until you are more certain about your attitude to parpsychology it would be foolish to entertain saying anything more.

Then by what standards must I satisfy? I maintain my skepticism, I have no reason to believe nor to disbelieve parapsychology. As you can see, I'm approaching this from both sides, but have found more evidence to support schizophrenia.

Focusing your curiosity and even frustration at me is better than pursuing knowledge about this particular phenonema especially as it offers no particlular benefit to the person involved.

Ahh but you see, even if I'm satisfied with an alternate to what I've experienced, I will still pursue it. You see, now I'm intrigued and when that happens I can be pretty resourceful.
Quantum Quack,

Haha, well some would already deem me dysfunctional, so such a notion is welcome with open arms. Anyways, it's not your responsibility to worry about my well-being. As far as you know, withholding this information can do more harm now that you've brought it to my attention.
we are all learing lessons all the time and this is one of them.
Drawing your curiosity and thus your obsession is one of the factors behind my post. It certinly appears I have acheived that.
Given the fundamental nature of what you are experiencing [ assuming it is not static discharge]
The ability to witness the iridescent blue dots/smears externally to your eyes is in part symptomatic of the cause for your self admitted precarious condition.
It means that your mind/body is compensating for loosing the instinctive innocense needed to sustain a healthy life.
To inform you more would possibly cause further degeneration of your psych.

Then by what standards must I satisfy? I maintain my skepticism, I have no reason to believe nor to disbelieve parapsychology. As you can see, I'm approaching this from both sides, but have found more evidence to support schizophrenia.
then by all means invite the sort of opinion that support notions of Schizophrenia and you will most likely have to deal with the fall out.

Ahh but you see, even if I'm satisfied with an alternate to what I've experienced, I will still pursue it. You see, now I'm intrigued and when that happens I can be pretty resourceful.

well your implied threat of stalking means naught considering the extremes of what we are talking about.
My last comment on this subject.
Best of luck!
It's static. Very, very common, especially in the wintertime when the air is dry. It explains why you needed to move the blanket to see it.