Nietzsche or Hitler?


Believer in God
Registered Senior Member
Below are 4 sets of quotes... in each set one quote is by Hitler, the other by Nietzsche. See if you can tell who said what. No cheating!!


A. "Christianity also could not content itself with building up its own altar, it was compelled to proceed to destroying the heathen altars. Only out of this fanatical intolerance could an apodictic creed form itself, and this intolerance is even its absolute presupposition"

B. "Christianity possesses the hunters instinct for all those who can by one means or another be brought to despair - of which only a portion of mankind is capable. It is constantly on their track, it lies in wait for them."


A. "All things are subject to interpretation whichever interpretation prevails at a given time is a function of power and not truth."

B. "Success is the sole earthly judge of right and wrong."


A. “Humanitarianism is the expression of stupidity and cowardice.”

B. “Morality is the best of all devices for leading mankind by the nose.”


A. "In every party there is one member who, by his all-too-devout pronouncement of the party principles, provokes the others to apostasy."

B. "The one means that wins the easiest victory over reason: terror and force."

I hope you didn't cheat! ;)


Good post! I've read a little of Hitler's book, never read the other chap at all. Hitler's book was pure crap.

Either way, an interesting comparison. But from what I hear of Neitzche, he seemed more interested in advancement through will, through conquering the self. Whereas Hitler was all about forcing his version of superiority on the world, even those who didn't want it.

Good post though.


A is Hitler. B is Nietzsche, by process of elimination.

#2: A is Nietzsche. Sounds like him.

#3: B is Nietzsche. It is from Zarathrusra I least I remember reading it recently.

#4: A wouldn't be Nietzsche, so I say B. But Google says I'm wrong.

Funny, I can't see Nietzsche talking about parties.

In conclusion, I read too much Nietzshe....but I already knew that. ;)
#1 - (B) is Nietzsche.

#2 - (A) is Nietzsche. Doesn't really sound like Hitler at all if you ask me. And I remember something like B from Mein Kempf.

#3 - (A) is definetly from Mein Kempf and I think Xev is right, (B) is from Zarathustra

#4 - (A) is Nietzsche. While it wouldn't seem like Nietzsche would use the word 'party' like that very often, I seem to remember this as one of the Nietzsche quotes that Hitler loved so dear. And (B) is from Kempf.

I suppose I'm a bit of a cheater though - I finished reading Kempf for a second time about a week ago!