NICE publishes guidance on ADHD

Are ADHD medicaions over pescribed?

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lucifers angel

same shit, differant day!!
Registered Senior Member
I saw this today and its no secret that my son has Severe ADHD, and he took ritalin at a young age, and it did him no harm, so i have to ask why the fuss?

I understand people dont liek to give they're children tablets for the condition, but if that is the only way to help them concentrate in school, and interact with children of they're own age, and they're perants, why not give them the medication?


The drug methylphenidate (Ritalin) should not be given to pre-school children, according to latest NICE guidance on the diagnosis and treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, published last week.
Instead, healthcare professionals should refer parents to education programmes as the first-line of treatment. Trusts should ensure such programmes are developed by their specialist ADHD teams, the institute said.

However, methylphenidate is recommended as the first-line treatment for school-age children and young people with severe ADHD, but only as part of a 'comprehensive treatment plan that includes psychological, behavioural and educational advice and interventions'.

Dr Gillian Leng, NICE deputy chief executive, said: 'This guideline, which is published during ADHD awareness week, is the first guideline to address the diagnosis and management of ADHD within both clinical and education settings.

'At its heart is the recognition of the importance of establishing a multidisciplinary team, including the person with ADHD, their family and their teachers in order to help support the person with ADHD achieve their full potential,' she said.


and has far as a multidisciplinary team is concered not all kids with ADHD react to that, they cannot be disciplined, they can be given boundaries and guidlines, but they need (not all but some of them) constant looking after for they're own safety and for the safety of others,

now people do knock drugs like:


but for some people it is the last resort, like me i didnt want my son to be taking medications at such a young age, but they do work and they do yes have side affects, its just a case of finding the one suitable to your child,


Now i have to ask kids are given medications on a daily basis for illnesses like Asthma, hay fever, and other conditions, not all kids need medications for Hay fever, so why dont people knock those drugs?
All we do with this is let the weak survive and in turn our whole society becomes weaker.

Any way I think that the problem in severe cases has to do with chemical disbalance in the organism, and the reason most likely is improper food children and their mothers eat (too much preservatives, too much chemicals) and the whole way of typical nowaday Western life - it's not healthy.

So maybe it'd be for the good that the unhealthy societies become weak and die out and let the stronger ones and healthier ones survive.
All we do with this is let the weak survive and in turn our whole society becomes weaker.

Any way I think that the problem in severe cases has to do with chemical disbalance in the organism, and the reason most likely is improper food children and their mothers eat (too much preservatives, too much chemicals) and the whole way of typical nowaday Western life - it's not healthy.

So maybe it'd be for the good that the unhealthy societies become weak and die out and let the stronger ones and healthier ones survive.

so every child with:

hay Fever
Bi Polar

and many others should be killed?

Joy!! talk about compassion. for the record many of these conditions do not show until they are older, and then if we kill our kids its called murder.


Is It Our Fault That Our Child Has ADHD?
After a child is diagnosed, parents are often worried that they are somehow to blame. This concern can be unbearable when the effects of the child's behavioural problems are already leading to disruption, stress and tension for the whole family.

It may be reassuring to hear that the experts don't believe that ADHD can result only from child rearing methods. If your child has ADHD, it's NOT because of "something that you've done". But social factors can certainly influence how badly the child suffers from it.

Having said that, attention disorders often run in families. About 1 in 4 of the close relatives of ADHD children also have ADHD, so genetics do seem to play an important part. Of course, in previous generations such children were often just labeled as unruly, disruptive and difficult.

Apart from genetics, there are lots of theories about other possible causes of ADHD, some supported by scientific evidence, others less so.

Environmental agents such as smoking and alcohol during pregnancy, and lead exposure in young children may be linked to higher rates of ADHD. In the past, there have been suggestions that food additives and sugar could cause attention disorders, but in fact the studies on this subject have found no evidence to support a connection in most ADHD sufferers
I don't give two cents for funded-by-drug-companies experts, who know nothing better than a hamburger and cola.

Environmental agents such as smoking and alcohol during pregnancy, and lead exposure in young children may be linked to higher rates of ADHD.
So it is partly the mother to blame.

and many others should be killed?
Nah, let them be a sign of warning of consequences of improper living.
I don't give two cents for funded-by-drug-companies experts, who know nothing better than a hamburger and cola.

So it is partly the mother to blame.

Nah, let them be a sign of warning of consequences of improper living.[/

i have a son with ADHD and he can grow up and go into the army like my friends son who also ahs the condition,

what about the mothers who didnt drink, smoke, eat the wrong things during pregnancy? I didnt do anything like that when i was expecting,. people are t quick to condemn these kids without first looking at themselves, and what they have in them.

my oldest son is the first kid in my family to ahve the condition his brother being the second, i dont think these drugs are over used, i personally dont think they are used enough
oh yeah, and for the record, these experts know more about the condition than you do! unless you have studied the condition and studied the medications they use?

or unless you have a doctors degree? or do you get your facts from other people who know nothing about the condition like so many other people do
You didn't ask for only doctors to respond.
Besides by improper living I didn't mean individuals only, I meant the whole society and all those chemicals put into food by megacorps.
You didn't ask for only doctors to respond.
Besides by improper living I didn't mean individuals only, I meant the whole society and all those chemicals put into food by megacorps.

oh right sorry i misunderstood!!

i have to admit i do all my cooking from scratch and all my vegetables come from a local farm shop, but you can't always avoid E numbers and chemicals.
ADHD runs in my family on my mother's side both she and my younger brother have ADHD. My mother managed her's without medication as she wasn't diagnosed until she was an adult, but my brother did use medication because the educational programs and disciplinary techniques weren't working because he couldn't focus long enough to actually learn anything from either. But once he did start taking medication it allowed him to calm down and focus enough to the extent that he could actually learn different things in school and he didn't have to be disciplined for being rowdy or inattentive. Now that he's older he's created techniques on his own that allows him to concentrate better and sit in one place longer. Like my mother now he is aware of his disadvantages and simply compensates for them, but the process would have been a much longer and more difficult had he not taken medicine in the beginning.
People like to knock problems they can't see. ADHD is a neurological disorder, but it has a stigma attached to it that it's just a lack of discipline so people get all up in arms over giving kids drugs to what they think is a non-existent problem.
How on earth is hayfever disabilitating? It's a pain the arse but I still lead a perfectly normal and healthy life.
How on earth is hayfever disabilitating? It's a pain the arse but I still lead a perfectly normal and healthy life.

some people cant some people they're eyes are so sore they have to stay in, and they're noses are so runny they find it hard to cope