Nice Holiday Spirit, You Bastards


Analog By Birth, Digital By Design
Valued Senior Member
Of course, when you put yourself in the midst of a herd of greed-crazed elephants at Wally World, you're taking a hell of a chance. This woman probably should have exercised better judgment.
ORANGE CITY, Fla. - A mob of shoppers rushing for a sale on DVD players trampled the first woman in line and knocked her unconscious as they scrambled for the shelves at a Wal-Mart Supercenter. ..

Paramedics called to the store found VanLester unconscious on top of a DVD player, surrounded by shoppers seemingly oblivious to her, said Mark O'Keefe, a spokesman for EVAC Ambulance. (Full story here)
When it is isn't surprising that Americans will trample a woman to get to a $29.00 DVD player, how are we to make them understand the need for societal safety nets for those who cannot scrape together $29.00 for food or medicine?

Mob mentality is mob mentality, no matter how you cut it.

:m: Peace.
'Tis the season!

It's the Christmas season.

Sure, Christ may be referred to as the Prince of Peace, but let's face it, the Judeo-Christian social ethic underpinning American history depends on the idea that "might is right."

Secondly, Christmas is a commercial holiday more than anything at a cultural level in this country.

Thirdly, violence is the way of things in this country. Flagrant disregard for things and people that are not yours or you is SOP.

Quite frankly, I'd say the trampling of a woman for sale prices is, in fact, quite the apt symbol of our American holiday spirit.

Perhaps we should just stop all the wars and bring back human sacrifice. Kind of a running of the bulls, but more of a Running To The Housewares.

That way, you're especially blessed if you step on a child.
Originally posted by goofyfish
When it is isn't surprising that Americans will trample a woman to get to a $29.00 DVD player, how are we to make them understand the need for societal safety nets for those who cannot scrape together $29.00 for food or medicine?

Mob mentality is mob mentality, no matter how you cut it.

Wait a sec Goofy, $29.00 is a deal that one can't miss. I probably wouldn't have gone as far as to trample the slow-legged woman, BUT I might have tripped and pushed her to the ground in order to secure my DVD player. Survival of the fittest, only the strong survive. ;)
Ellzey said Wal-Mart officials called later Friday to ask about her sister, and the store apologized and offered to put a DVD player on hold for her.

The generosity of those officials is overwhelming... kinda brings a tear to your eye, don't it? *sniff*
Re: 'Tis the season!

Originally posted by tiassa
Secondly, Christmas is a commercial holiday more than anything at a cultural level in this country.

You mean the lights and the tree and "gifts" have NOTHING to do with jesus? Ah hell! ;)
I was quiet surprised when I celebrated my first xmas. Being a foreigner and all, ya know. Jesus, I thought, must be very happy and rich during the holidays.

This way he doesn't need to rely on just one Santa. He could hire some illegal
Gotta love the Christmas specials, when one should be dressed like a linebacker to go shopping. All while the carols are blaring in the background. What would Christmas be without visiting the emergency room for shopping related injuries:p....

Pink Floyd?

A friend of mine occasionally tells the story of seeing Pink Floyd in Vancouver. There's a few good ones, like the kid running from the police who got sucked out the pressure door.

But the focal point of the story is bad acid, and lying in the medical tent, and being given the cot on which someone had just died of an overdose ... anyway, Floyd played "Run Like Hell," and he did. Through the wall of the medical tent, through the crowd, and out into the concourse where he proceeded to burn back down into a terrestrial orbit.

The medical tents at concerts generally treat overdoses, heat stroke, dehydration, and all manner of minor injuries, such as the size 10 boot-print on some poor schmuck's face.

And this has generally been considered a bad thing by some. Not that injuries and illnesses are being treated, but the first-aid requirements at a rock concert have often been held up as evidence of their excessiveness and wrongness.

Now ... what I'm wondering is what happens when you need that kind of service at Mervyns for the two-day sale?
LOL. Hey at least it's not that "festival of a thousand cuts" deal they had in Iraq a while back eh? ;)

Like this is something new? How many have died to see twisted sister or michael jackson?

I don't know why you'd expect a mob to behave differently than a mob behaves.
Wes is right. Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow you may be stampeded by hundreds of British Football fans.