NEWS: Man robbed of sperm


§Þ@ç€ MØnk€¥
Registered Senior Member
Man robbed of sperm

Police are hunting an attacker who 'stole' a South African man's sperm.

The 33-year-old was assaulted in Kraaifontein by a passerby who offered him food, took him home and beat him up before forcing him to ejaculate into a jar.

Police spokesman Ian Rosant said the suspect had taken his victim into a room, locked the door and asked the man to have sex with his wife.

The victim was punched when he refused.

Mr Rosant told the Cape Argus: "The attacker then partially stripped the frightened man and forcibly caused him to ejaculate."

The man collected his victim's sperm and sealed it in a jar before letting him go.

Police are still trying to trace the suspect.

Story filed: 13:31 Tuesday 6th August 2002

When did sciforums turn into a news site?

<b>Adam,</b> do you have some particular reason for posting all these news articles, or do you just like cutting and pasting? You never seem to add any analysis or comment to the articles you copy.

Bear in mind that you may also technically be in breach of copyright.
James R

When did sciforums turn into a news site?
People have been posting news about various things here since before I became a member.

Adam, do you have some particular reason for posting all these news articles, or do you just like cutting and pasting?
I post the news stories for the benefit of other sciforums users, to help keep them informed.

Bear in mind that you may also technically be in breach of copyright.
They can sue me. Should be fun, since I have about ten cents to my name.
What is significant about it?

I just don't get what's so tremendously important about this. I mean, what, is it somehow shocking? Aside from the statistical deviance of the crime itself--that is, it happens so rarely--what is so shocking about it? I have a friend that wants to charge a woman I know with theft of sperm.

There's news and then there's minutiae. If I say that I don't recall CNN touching this story, is there a reason?

Although, just for the heck of it, I might take up this habit as well; posting news stories without comment:
TAMPA — Congressional candidate Chuck Kalogianis says he wants affordable prescription drugs and social security to be the main focus of his campaign. But his past as a stripper in Massachusetts may get in the way. Kalogianis, 39, acknowledges his two-year stint with ''Men in Motion'' more than a decade ago when he was a law student in Boston. Kalogianis is a successful attorney in New Port Richey, a family man and an unopposed candidate for a Democratic nomination to the U.S. House of Representatives. He said his performances were tasteful.
From USA Today.

Tiassa :cool:
This is so sick it's not even funny. not even tabloid material.

Oh, so when a man rapes a woman he can sue her for theft of sperm!? What will this twisted place think of next...
you fucking idiots

this guy was raped and you think its either funny or iralavent|

if it was a girl who was raped you would all be jumping up and down rightly but cause its a guy its not important
I wouldn't give a single fucking whoop in goddamn hell for a girl either. It's all the same.

The fact that someone posted that article is just sick.

This article was posted for discussion. It became a joke for some of you. Asguard is correct. There is no difference between what happened to this guy and a girl being drugged and her eggs harvested. Had it been a girl, had her eggs been harvested without her persmission, would it still be a joke to you?

Had it been a girl, had her eggs been harvested without her persmission, would it still be a joke to you?
Interesting point, Adam. That would be more invasive. After you beat the guy, you just do what you need to to get the sperm. After you beat a woman into submission, you still have to invade the inner body in order to get the eggs.
if it was a girl who was raped you would all be jumping up and down rightly but cause its a guy its not important
Should I use harsh criticism like you did, Asguard?

What the hell would you like me to feel? Every day around the world people are beaten, raped, and killed for stupid reasons or no reason at all.

A child starved to death in Africa? Who cares? A prisoner was beaten in Afghanistan? Why worry? A guy gets his sperm stolen? Give me a break, you fucking idiot.

Do you know how many people in your life will get pissed off at you if you notice every little human tragedy and try to mourn it in its appropriate context? Let me tell you how fucking pissed people get, Asguard: after a while they take you down to see the nice doctor man and ask him to force chemicals into your body so that you won't think about such things. Thank heaven for the nice doctor man who won't do something that stupid.

When I was angry about Northern Ireland, people got upset that I was bothered by the practice of beating a person, and then crushing their elbows, knees, and ankles with cinderblocks. People didn't know why I was so bothered by the Hutu and Tutsi massacres; after all, they're just suffering in Africa, anyway. Just be happy that the dead aren't starving to death. I was one who called for military action in the Balkans years before we actually got there. That was so far back that it was before I became a pacifist. But apparently the ethnic cleansing wasn't severe enough at the time.

When I was angry because one of my best friends had been raped by her father, my school and family alike told me to relax, that it wasn't mine to worry about. (It's worth noting that when a Jesuit school was actually put to the test, they stayed out of my way; rare compassion compared to other things I saw there, such as the expulsion of a girl on the grounds that she was forcibly raped.)

Sorry, Asguard, but sperm theft is just a little bit down on my list. While I'm not a fan of any forced sexual contact, the lack of risk of pregnancy, the lack of penile invasion (e.g. anal entry), the lowered disease factor (S.A. sold or sells "rape insurance" which provided pregnancy and HIV counseling for raped women; this because sexual assault is a fact of life in South Africa) and the fact that sperm theft and not sexual assault is the crime noted ... quite frankly, it's good for a chuckle.

Think about it this way, Asguard--when three children died in an arson in Northern Ireland several years ago, I was outraged at yet another godly killing in that conflict. But it was a different outrage than I experience when, say, a psycho lures a 10 year-old boy from my city into the woods and cuts off his penis. Do you feel differently when a child is missing or if it's a child in your town?

So what the fuck would you like, Asguard? Quite obviously nobody, including the guy who posted the story, has much to say about the tale that's serious.

And, for the record, Asguard, take the profanity with a ;)

You don't have to take anything else that way if you don't want to. But it's so fucking hard at this point to not wonder what the fuck the fucking problem is.

thanx much,
Tiassa :cool:
For immediate release

Release Date: Thursday, 8 August, 2002
Re: Sperm Theft

The Executive Office of House Tiassa wishes to express its outrage regarding sperm theft. Such an act as sperm theft is considered wrong, malicious, or even unconscionable by contemporary standards, and we are most disturbed by this latest flagrant usurpation of conventional decency and propriety.

Our regrets go out to the victims and their families in this trying time.

thank you,
i recommend we all indulge in self-mutilation, flagellation,tearing of hair,mutual recrimination.... for every injustice that occurs in around the world.
surely then will the pearly gates be wide open

That was so gross Tiassa, I really wish I didn't read that, but I did, and the pictures are horrible.