NEWS: Communion denied to 4yo 'sinner'


Secular Humanist
Registered Senior Member
Communion denied to 4yo 'sinner'
From: By Heather Low Choy
October 21, 2005

AN unholy row within Tasmania's Greek Orthodox faith has erupted again after a four-year-old girl was barred from communion.

The girl's grandparents say the state's only Greek Orthodox priest turned the little girl away because there was a "canona" on her.
A canona is a religious punishment barring someone who has committed a terrible sin from the Greek Orthodox church.

The canona ruling is the latest shot in a religious feud that has split the church in Tasmania.

Grandparents Sofia and Anania Tsinoglou say the canona on little Sophia is linked to her parents' decision not to follow Father Timothy Evangelinidis when he left Hobart's Church of St George in March.

Father Timothy quit the church, which is owned by Hobart's Greek community, to set up a new parish.

"Father Timothy put a canona on all the Greeks in Hobart who did not follow him to the new parish he made," Mrs Tsinoglou said.
"Even if you put a canona on the grown-ups, don't put one on the children for goodness sake."

Father Evangelinidis cited "disrespect" and "maltreatment" from the Greek community's executive committee as his reasons for moving his parish out of the Church of St George.

But community leaders say Fr Evangelinidis, Tasmania's only Greek Orthodox priest, left to try to push the Greek community into handing over the church to the archdiocese.

Community leaders have since imported a defrocked priest from Adelaide to lead the Church of St George.

Mrs Tsinoglou, 63, of Launceston, said Fr Evangelinidis' refusal to give Sophia communion upset her so much she thought she was going to have a stroke.

"Sophia was visiting from Hobart and I took her to Fr Timothy's monthly Saturday service at the Holy Virgin Mary Church," Mrs Tsinoglou said.

"Fr Timothy's canona on Hobart Greeks has nothing to do with us here in Launceston so I was shocked by what happened."

Mrs Tsinoglou said when Sophia reached the head of the communion Fr Timothy said 'Not you' and took her from the line.

When Sophia lined up again, the same thing happened, she said.

"I was very angry, of course. It was a very nasty thing to do to a four-year-old child," Mrs Tsinoglou said.

"How can we explain to the child why the priest doesn't give her communion? Later she asked 'Why doesn't Jesus love me any more?'

"I want Fr Timothy to apologise to my grand-daughter and explain to her why she cannot have communion."

Sophia's mother Georgina Tsinoglou, 32, said she and her husband had not followed Fr Evangelinidis because she had worshipped at St George all her life.

"We made our choice as adults but Sophia is innocent to the situation. How can the church place a canona on a little girl? We want answers," she said.

Fr Evangelinidis, reading from a prepared statement, confirmed he had refused to give Sophia communion.

"The little girl in the queue and her immediate family are not part of my church or any other canonical orthodox church," he said.

"I cannot give communion under normal circumstances to others be they Protestants or Jehovah's Witnesses or other groups.

"She should take the sacrament in her own church."

Fr Evangelinidis said he had no authority to force the sacraments of his church "upon minors whose parents have not made their intentions in this matter clear".

Hobart Greek community spokesman Chris Diamantis said the community regarded the canona on Sophia as disgraceful behaviour.

An absolutely wonderful farce that only religions can generate and take seriously, everyone else can only sit back and laugh.
I'm glad to see that the church is represnting God so well on this earth. As humans we aren't perfect but this bullshit gets me so pissed off. I'm glad to see that believers are building loving relationships and leading people to God. (note the sarcasm) I would like to say I am sorry for every stupid thing I or anyother "Christian" has done to you or anyone else. Forgive us, we are only human, and sometimes the morons of the group do stupid things in the name of God.
Crunchy Cat said:
Sounds like a great way to stop Fantasy in its tracks
Precisely what I was thinking.
What better way for the kid to start learning about reality than to bar her from learning religious bullshit.
the church is a business, just like any other, and as such, they can refuse to serve a customer for pretty much any reason
I feel sorry for the girl, being forced into listening and believing in such tripe by parents that obviously don't give a shit about her rights.
alain said:
the church is a business, just like any other, and as such, they can refuse to serve a customer for pretty much any reason
M*W: You are so right! Church is just a business. I live in a very large city where Christian church attendance is dwindling. You wouldn't believe the billboard ad campaigns and the TV commercials they barrage us with: "Come home, to Jesus." "We're your Second Baptist Family -- we miss you." The Jehovah's Witnesses built a fancy schmancy Kingdom Hall up the street, so you can imagine the door bell at my place. When I answer the door, my three huge, hungry Labrador Retrievers greet them! I've got to hand it to the Mormon boys, they're not afraid of my dogs, and their are so young and innocent, I don't give them a hard time. But take my advice -- whatever you do, DO NOT let them give you the Book of Mormon or you'll NEVER get rid of them!

So, business as usual it is. It's a very old scam.
Oh--holy crap, that reminds me. One time, at Weston's house, I was staying over, we were just watching TV, eating pizza, chillin, you know. Then, doorbell. He goes to see who it is, and it's some jehovah's witness motherfucker. So, what Weston does is, he says "wait right here". He goes into the hall closet, grabs his shotgun, and goes up to the door, cocks it and says "Get the fuck off my property!".
The guy ran, like bolted. It was funny.
Well I actually agree with MW on this particular occasion. I agree with the view that church has become very buisness oriented. I also agree with anyone else who made this statement. I know that when people put up a billboard or a commerical for Jesus that they are trying to do the right thing. I mean usually their heart is in the right place but as far as I know it doesn't do any good. It's not like people have forgot that Jesus existed, it's that they just ignore Him. I believe whole heartedly that if you want to show someone Christ, you should build meaningful relationships with people. It is then that people will see Christ. So, churchs could save a great deal of money if they would just build relationships with people and then share the gospel. After all that is what Jesus did. He built relationships and then shared the good news.