New York World Trade Centre

what have we learned

1.Using airplane as a missile is a bad thing.
2. Need to improve structural integrity of tall buildings in large cities
3. The first responders need training for major disasters, whether it is manmade or asteroid strike. Standing around in a ready to collapse building is not a good idea.
4. Find a solution for quick evacuation of people in tall buildings besides jumping.
5. Find a solution to fight large fires in tall buildings.
6. Terrorists now know our weakness

what have we done

Not much. But we are building a new tower daring the family members of the terrorists to knock it off.

what will we do?

Same as before

Dead threads from 5 years ago rarely have anyone still around to discuss them. It is the equivalent of making a comeback to a joke that someone made the year before. It's time is done. It's a disturbance to the forum.
You sound like Darth Vader,
"I sense a great disturbance in the forum"

Or maybe it was Obi Wan Kenobi?