New Years Eve Lights


Registered Member

I am not a person to start any new conversations. I usually just put in my two sense and that is it. But there is something that I just have to ask, and to be honest I do not know of any better place then here to open up this kind of conversation.

New Year Eve
I started the day I guess like many others, watching all the fireworks shows across the world on CNN.
I had a leisurely morning of coffee and breakfast slowly getting the day going for the guess that were to arrive around 4 p.m. or so.
Now, as I sat there, at intervals, watching fireworks in different countries, I noticed one thing... And this is the point of my questions to all that may read this……

Did anyone notice the "extra" lights moving sideways very fast on some of the video of the fireworks ?... OK,... these lights were oval shaped, small, situated on the left hand side of the picture, moving sideways at very high speed.
These started around China, and continued for at least 4 to 5 times, in different countries.

Now before anybody interjects, follow me on this one, I did not have a drink before 6 or so in the evening, and these things where there before then.

Our guess showed up, and all had a merry time, but I continued watching the t.v. and to be honest, all I felt like saying was…
"Don't you see those lights is this part of the show ???" I never spoke up, and simply assumed that they were seeing them also, and that was it. But the point is that when I asked latter about these light, nobody else had notice them….For sure I was alone
Dah !
Now, this is my point, DID ANYBODY ELSE SEE THESE THINGS ?

I am serious here, and I have this picture in my mind of seeing these light moving, and not saying anything, because again I assumed that they were seeing them also. Like, I wanted at that point to just say, "Hey, guys, look at these weird things out there"…but I did not…

Makes me feel weird talking about this. But they were there, top left hand corner, one big one, with some smaller ones under, all of them moving sideways very fast….nothing to do with the fireworks.

Now, I would love some objective point of views on this. It has be bothering me since then, and I cant believe that I just imagined these things….

Any comments would be appreciated…

Tks to all

I haven't seen any videos of New Year's Eve parties, but it was probably an independent light source, you know, like other people shining their own lights. Can you put up a clip so we can see the picture?

I may not agree with what you have to say, but I will fight, kill, and die for your right to say it.

Ahhhhhhh..... you have a very good point....I do not have any clips at my disposition... Like I said I was following CNN thoughout the day...And I noticed does lights...
Put then, yes, maybe it was just 'some stray lights" just shinning across the video themselves..
I will have to make some research on this...
