New World Order_American Jobs & Bill Gates


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So you say that you lost that high paying, High-Tech job, as well as that nice home, cars, college for the kids, great retirement benefits, but you don't believe in the New World Order, and love the idea of more "undocumented immigrant workers" pouring into the country?.....hmmm.....?.........fascinating... Not logical, but fascinating...

p.s. There's a heck of a lot more where this came from. I was just searching for some good dirt on Billy Gates. There are plenty of other criminal types that want you to be jobless, homeless, and utterly without a dime in your pocket. The old Dobbs news show was one of my favs for the hardcore news (while he was over at CNN).

GATES: Unfortunately, our immigration policies are driving away the world's best and brightest precisely when we need them the most.

WIAN: Not exactly. The United States admitted more than 400,000 skilled foreign workers and their families on H-1B visas last year.

If you include other legal temporary workers, the U.S. admitted nearly 900,000 foreigners on employment visas. Another 660,000 on student visas. Plus, 455,000 on temporary employment transfers.

That's a total of 2 million people each year legally admitted to the United States on work or student visas.
----Aired March 21, 2007 - 18:00 ET

For example, the 27 members of the European Union, plus Russia, combined have more than twice as many residents as the United States. Yet, all of those nations together accept fewer new migrants each year than the United States does.

Last year the U.S. granted nearly 1.3 million people legal permanent residency, the first step to citizenship. Fourteen percent of them from Mexico.
----Aired March 21, 2007 - 18:00 ET

BILL GATES, MICROSOFT FOUNDER: Now we face a critical shortage of scientific talent. And there's only one way to solve that crisis today: open our doors to highly talented scientists and engineers who want to live, work and pay taxes here.

PILGRIM: But some say there's absolutely no shortage of American workers, because jobs are scarce and wages are flat. In fact, a recent GAO report says companies pay H1B visa holders less.

PAUL ALMEIDA, AFL-CIO: U.S. tech workers are out of work twice as long as they have been in the past. The average tech worker is out for work upwards of ten months. If there was truly a shortage, this duration would be a month or less for them to find work.
---Aired March 23, 2007 - 18:00 ET

More proof tonight that business is fragrantly abusing America's visa program to replace hard-working Americans with cheap foreign labor. U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services now reports that big business snatched up the annual quota of 65,000 new H1B visas for foreign worker visas in just one day this week.

As Bill Tucker now reports, corporate America wants even more cheap labor entering the country.

BILL TUCKER, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice over): H1B workers are irresistible to American business. Claims by the corporate elite that it's not about the cheap labor don't ring true.

A soon-to-be-released study from the Center for Immigration Studies finds that wages reported for H1B workers averaged $12,000 below the median wage for the U.S. worker in the same occupation and in the same location in 2005. It was $16,000 less for computer workers. No wonder America's richest man recently told Congress the program should be expanded.

BILL GATES, FMR. CEO, MICROSOFT: I don't think there should be any limit.

TUCKER: What Bill Gates knows and isn't saying, but what a former director at ICE will say is that for some, there is no limit.

VICTOR CERDA, FMR. CUSTOMS ENFORCEMENT DIR.: Homeland Security is announcing that the cap was met, the 65,000 cap. That doesn't include necessarily the 20,000, the first 20,000 who earned masters degrees in U.S. universities. They're excluded.

TUCKER: Also excluded are universities and nonprofit research organizations. They are unlimited.

Nor do H1B workers call in any one category. All the worker needs is a college degree. Even fashion models can apply. The biggest group under the cap are tech workers.

The United States Citizenship and Immigration Service recently released data on H1B approvals in 2004 and 2005. Nearly 117,000 visa applications were approved for the fiscal year 2004, 130,000 for 2005. Both years a far cry from 65,000.

And a company doesn't have to be American to apply.

KIM BERRY, THE PROGRAMMERS GUILD: The industry's created this perception that there's this great need, and that's why we bring in the workers. What's happening, the top three users are foreign consulting firms. First, they bring in the workers, and then they aggressively try to find work for these workers.

TUCKER: Those three companies are India's Infosys Technologies, Wipro, and Cognizant Technology Solutions.

TUCKER: And as you might expect, India's National Association of Software and Services Companies was quick to complain.

The organization, known as NASSCOM, is made up of 1,100 companies in India, many of whom make their money off work outsourced to India, and engineers working on H1B visas. NASSCOM thinks the cap should be large enough for "market forces to operate freely," Lou, as it did when the cap was 195,000, just about three years ago.

DOBBS: You know, it's a competitive world. I give those Indian companies all the credit in the world.

TUCKER: Absolutely.

DOBBS: My complaint are with the idiots who run the United States government and who permit this kind of conduct. I mean, I love the fact that we can't even control the number of H1B visas. Even with the cap, they overrun it by, say, double.

TUCKER: Right.

DOBBS: Which is ludicrous to begin with.

No one really has a clear count on the number of these visas out there, or how many people are still in the country with them. That's your Citizenship and Immigration Services at work.

And then you have people like Bill Gates saying it should be unlimited. Guess what, Bill, old buddy -- it is unlimited the way this government is operated. And the people being punished, American workers as a result.

TUCKER: And it's not like we don't know, Lou. There have been studies going back to 1995 from the government telling us that.

DOBBS: Well, and they were supposed to be, by the way, providing accurate reporting on that every year since. But mysteriously, that just has not quite happened.

We should point out -- you mentioned those three Indian companies. We should point out that 70 percent of -- 70 percent of all of those visa applications are originating with those Indian corporations. Those aren't American corporations seeking those workers.

Now, the other side of this is, I'm thrilled to have some people in this country who want to come here, even temporarily, who have college educations and can provide necessary skills. But if corporate America really wants to back it up, and if those fine folks from India want to back it up with emphasis, (INAUDIBLE), and so forth, maybe they ought to lift their wages up to the prevailing American wage, and then we wouldn't be so skeptical of their intent.

Bill Tucker, thank you very much.

These son of a guns. We'll get them.
---------Aired April 5, 2007 - 18:00 ET
I don't agree that it's a bad thing to accept skilled foreigners. I know for a fact that these workers are highly desirable and contribute to the success of American businesses, which helps everyone. They do generally start at a lower pay because, let's face it, the quality of life where they are coming from isn't that great, also they often have language and cultural issues to catch up on, but they can often demand higher salaries after they get experience.

I don't agree that it's a bad thing to accept skilled foreigners. I know for a fact that these workers are highly desirable and contribute to the success of American businesses, which helps everyone. They do generally start at a lower pay because, let's face it, the quality of life where they are coming from isn't that great, also they often have language and cultural issues to catch up on, but they can often demand higher salaries after they get experience.

Interesting. Then you believe that American workers should be forced to compete and therefore accept the reduced wages that major corporations are allowed to pay to the immigrant workers? By the way, these mostly concern the high tech computer type jobs. The low skill and unskilled labor jobs have been severely hit for many years.

Here's more:

DOBBS: The government created H1-B visas to attract, they said, the best and the brightest workers from abroad. But as Bill Tucker now reports, the criteria for importing that cheap foreign labor is completely -- this is your government at work -- random.

BILL TUCKER, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice over): The H1-B visa might just as we'll be called the program of the completely random. With twice as many applications as visas, the Office of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services doesn't look for the brightest and the best. It simply awards the visas by random drawing.

TODD TOLLEFSON, WASHTECH: Bill Gates testified in front of the Senate last month saying that we need the Einsteins of the world to come over here. If it's a random process, how do we know we're going to get the Einsteins?

TUCKER: And according to a new study titled "Low Salaries for Low Skills," we aren't getting all Einsteins. More than half of the applications are in the lowest skill range, and only five percent are in the highest skill range.

The lowest skilled jobs are described in the visa application as "... beginning level employees who have a basic understanding of the occupation." If this is a visa for the brightest and the best, shouldn't the statistics be reversed, with more than half being in the highest skilled category?

When it comes to salary, 84 percent of H1-B visa workers earned wages that were below the median U.S. wage. And wages for H1-B tech workers averaged $12,000 less than U.S. workers in the same occupation and location.

JOHN MIANO, IMMIGRATION STUDY AUTHOR: The H1-B program is not doing what it's supposed to be doing, and that is to bring in the world's best and brightest to the United States. And what the report says is that we need to change the eligibility requirements to clearly -- more clearly define who should be getting these visas.

TUCKER: So, given the observed abuse of the H1-B visa program, why doesn't the government change its criteria for awarding the visas?

TUCKER: Well, according to a spokesman for the agency in charge of approving the applications, the random drawing is the fairest way to make sure every application is treated equally.

Now, Lou, when we asked the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services why they don't say maybe cull through the applications, sort them on priorities in terms of qualification, salary, the response was, well, the program's not set up to work that way.

DOBBS: At the risk of repeating myself, unbelievable. At what point will Americans decide that this government simply is out of control and isn't working?

Agency after agency, department after department, and to watch what is happening with the H1-B visa and to listen to Bill Gates, as I have commented more than a few times here, make those outrageously, ill-informed remarks about the H1-B visa program -- and seven-tenths of those, we should point out, of the ones that are coming into technology, seven-tenths of them, 70 percent of them, going to Indian companies for low-skilled, low-paid workers.

I mean, it's just -- it's nuts. At what the point is somebody in Congress -- this is supposed to be a different Congress than the Republican Congress. They're not supposed to be in the pockets of corporate America. Is anybody about to wake up?

TUCKER: One would hope so. Grassley and Durbin in the Senate have a reform of the H1-B legislation. Pascrell in House has similar legislation he's about to introduce. But I've got to tell you, Lou, there are a lot of people who think that reform is just preceding a giant increase in the program.

DOBBS: Right. It's unbelievable.

And this idiotic amnesty legislation would bring in 400,000 more guest workers into this country, no telling how many others. If the American people don't awaken to the stupidity that is passing for leadership in Washington, D.C., right now, I don't know what in the world will be required. Or if anything will be required at some point, because it will simply be too late.

Bill, thank you very much.
---------Aired April 23, 2007 - 18:00 ET

DOBBS: Congress today appears determined to dramatically increase the scope of existing guest worker programs. Congress now wants to expand the rights of foreign students and greatly increase the number of green card workers in this country. It is, by the way, you will be pleased to note, a bipartisan effort.

And as Bill Tucker reports, it is completely unnecessary.

BILL TUCKER, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice over): Senator John Cornyn won't give up on the SKIL bill, more officially known as the Securing Knowledge, Innovation and Leadership Act of 2007. Cornyn wants it to be attached as an amendment to another bill which is intended to encourage American students to go into math, science and engineering fields.

The irony is inescapable, because the SKIL Act would increase the H1-B visa program by 77 percent, with automatic 20 percent increases every year thereafter that the cap is hit. It would also more than triple the size of the employment-based green card program to 450,000, exempting all immediate family members from the cap. And it would vastly expand the foreign student visa program now as the F-4 visa, allowing foreign students to work while studying in the United States, giving them two years to find a job after graduation, and put them on an automatic fast track for a green card.

JACK MARTIN, FED. FOR AMER. IMMIG. REFORM: The only thing that is backing these proposed increases in both employer-sponsored legal immigration and temporary workers is claims by business that they need access to these additional workers.

TUCKER: And while corporate America pushes its cheap labor agenda, there is growing concern over what appears to be Congress's priorities. GARY MAY, GEORGIA TECH: It's puzzling to me there's not the same level of anxiety about importing foreign talent that there is about importing foreign oil, for example. I'm not a protectionist by any stretch, but I do believe that there are resources here in the U.S., human resources, that can fill these jobs if there is a shortage.

TUCKER: Corporate America doesn't need to worry, though.

TUCKER: Because ultimately, whether Cornyn's attempt to attach the SKIL bill succeeds or not is immaterial. The Flake-Gutierrez legislation know as the STRIVE Act already incorporates much of the SKIL Act numbers, and there are several bills in both the House and the Senate to extend the H1-B visa program, Lou. The theme of all of those bills, prioritizing foreign workers over Americans.

DOBBS: It is absolutely incredible. We should put a couple facts before our audience here this evening.

I know that Washington is averse to facts. The amnesty, the corporate lobby, the open borders lobbies, all averse to the facts, but here are the facts.

Fifty-six percent, as you reported last night, of H1-B visas are granted to employees, foreign workers who are low-skilled workers. Fifty-six percent of them.

Seventy percent of those H1-B visas are sought by Indian companies seeking to outsource work in the United States to employees. And in many of those cases, if not all, they make $12,000 less than the prevailing wage that is of American workers.

Just to put a few facts forward. I know that will be very uncomfortable to Congressman Flake, Congressman Gutierrez, and of course Senator Cornyn, and others, and particularly my good friend, Bill Gates, who seeks unlimited H1-B visas for the United States.

Bill, thank you very much. That is just enough to make you want to chew nails.

Bill Tucker, thank you.
--------Aired April 24, 2007 - 18:00 ET
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Last One Today

One more and then I'm done for the day.

DOBBS: The government has a guest worker program. In fact, several of them. But you wouldn't know that listening to either President Bush or the Democratic leadership of the Senate. In fact, the United States government issues some 80 different types of visas and administers a half-dozen guest worker programs right now.

As the Senate considers expanding the guest worker program, critics fear it will only offer employers even greater incentive to bypass American workers in favor of cheap, foreign labor. Further driving down wages and working conditions for Americans.

Christine Romans has our story.

CHRISTINE ROMANS, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice over): There are a half-dozen guest worker programs meant to fill U.S. labor shortages with foreign labor. In this grainy seminar video posted on the file- sharing site YouTube, a Pittsburgh law firm on how to use loopholes to ensure foreign workers can get the jobs instead of Americans.

LAWRENCE LEBOWITZ, VP MARKETING, COHEN & GRIGSBY: And our goal is clearly not to find a qualified and interested U.S. worker.

ROMANS: The Programmer Guild, a high-tech worker advocacy group, spliced together several minutes of footage, including an apparent how-to for meeting minimum requirements for advertising a job.

LEBOWITZ: So, certainly, we are not going to try to find a place where the applicants are going to be the most numerous. We're going to try to find a place again where we're complying with the law and hoping -- and likely not to find qualified and interested worker applicants.

ROMANS: The seminar has since been removed. After repeated calls and e-mails, a spokeswoman for the law firm would only say the event was to educate their clients and would not confirm the substance of the seminar. It all comes as the debate over guest worker programs intensifies.

SEN. CHUCK GRASSLEY (R), IOWA: Quite frankly, we have evidence that a lot of companies are using H-1B skilled worker program for illegal immigrants at the very same time that they could be hiring Americans.

ROMANS: Senator Grassley has long been concerned about H-1B visa abuse, and recent congressional testimony highlighted humanitarian concerns in the H-2A and H-2B programs.

RON HIRA, ROCHESTER INST. OF TECHNOLOGY: You try to control one set of misuse in one category, and employers will just adapt and go to another visa category and start to misuse those.

ROMANS: He says employers are gaming the system. But advocates of guest worker program say they're essential for the economy, especially in agriculture, where more legal slots are needed.

JAMES HOLT, AGRICULTURE ECONOMIST: We're talking about bringing the workers that are coming in now illegally into the United States in a legal, controlled program. And I'm -- I think anybody and everybody would be in favor of that.

ROMANS: Fraud and abuse can be stopped, he says, if Congress allocates more resources and personnel.

ROMANS: And now the Senate is considering revamping the entire system, giving Z visas for workers already in the country illegally and Y visas for those who want to come. But worker advocates fear a new system will only mean a new generation of loopholes -- Lou.

DOBBS: I don't even know if we can call them "loopholes." I mean that's a pretty startling, straightforward statement that business and those that support business, the law firms and everyone else, they're just basically trying to screw the American worker. And to hear the Senate talking about its nonsense associated with this amnesty legislation.

Couple of little facts that Bill Gates, wanting unlimited H-1B visas, the president saying you got to have a guest-worker -- the most tortured logic to come from the president's mouth, I think, is we can't secure our border without a guest-worker program. No one can construct any kind of reason from that statement.

But there are two facts that people keep forgetting -- seven out of 10 visa requests under the H-1B program come from Indian companies in the United States to provide employees to outsource to American companies and reduce wages. And the other little minor item which is supposed to be high-skill jobs, four out of five jobs under the H-1B program are level-one jobs, not level four, i.e., low-skilled jobs, not high-skilled jobs. These are Americans trying to screw American workers. And it just is as plain, straightforward and can anyone convince any of us that the president of the United States and this Senate with this sham amnesty program isn't aware of these facts?

ROMANS: Senators Grassley and Dick Durbin have actually sent a letter to the government. They've been asking some hard questions about the H-1B program and fraud and trying to make sure that any kind of loopholes are closed so we'll see how far they can get.

DOBBS: Well, Durbin is supporting amnesty, Grassley is opposed to it. So 50 percent shot of some reason prevailing. At least in that instance. Perhaps higher if we see any kind of semblance of character and honesty in the days and weeks ahead. Christine, thanks for the illuminating report. Christine Romans.
---------Aired June 19, 2007 - 18:00 ET

DOBBS: The future of the so-called grand amnesty compromise is highly uncertain tonight. Many senators opposing that legislation. The only independent senator in the Senate is Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont. And he joins me now. Senator, good to have you with us.

SEN. BERNIE SANDERS, (I) VT: Good to be with you, Lou.

DOBBS: Senator, this is a tortured process that Senator Harry Reid is directing, aided and abetted by the so-called grand bargainers. Do you expect this thing to survive cloture?

SANDERS: It's hard to say at this point. It really is. I hope very much that in its present form it does not survive. I think it needs a lot more work on it, especially looking at the economic implications of these guest worker programs.

DOBBS: You know, as we look at these numbers, they're absolutely startling. President Bush, you've looked at these numbers just as I have. The president is doing horribly. Only Nixon on the verge of impeachment had a lower approval rating than George W. Bush who has now the lowest approval ratings of his presidency. But Congress, 14 percent approval in the Gallup poll, the lowest in just about 35 years.

Is there any sense amongst your colleagues in the Senate, there in Washington, that it is time for people to begin to represent their constituents rather than these special interests, corporate interests ...

SANDERS: You've got it. And that's exactly the situation and of course there is concern on at least some of our parts. The reality is that I think a growing number of Americans understand that what happens in Congress is to a very significant degree dictated by big money interests.

And these guys are basing their - their whole ideology is based on greed. They're selling out American workers and in fact they're selling out our entire country and that is a major struggle that we have got to engage in to take back our country from these very powerful and wealthy special interests.

DOBBS: These special interests, and you and I have talked about this. It is now so blatant, so overt, that only those who would refuse to see could deny that both the Democratic and Republican parties are owned lock, stock and barrel by corporate America and special interests including in the amnesty legislation, socioethnic- centric interest groups who really have very little regard for the traditions of this country, the values of this country or the constituents.

It is seemingly impossible to awaken our elected officials in Washington to their moral responsibility. There are wonderful people -- including yourself -- I don't mean to suggest that everyone is in this situation, only the majority, unfortunately in the Senate and the House. Is there any hope that we can change that?

SANDERS: Of course there is hope that we can change that. And I think there are a growing number of Americans who understand that there's something wrong when the middle class in this country continues to shrink despite a huge increase in worker productivity, poverty continues to increase. Since Bush has been president, 5 million more Americans have slipped into poverty. Six million Americans more have lost their health insurance and the gap between the rich and everybody else is growing wider.

So when President Bush tells you how great the economy is doing, what he is really saying is that the CEOs of large multinationals are doing very, very well. He's kind of ignoring the economic reality of everybody else and that gets us to the immigration issue.

If poverty is increasing and if wages are going down, I don't know why we need millions of people to be coming into this country as guest workers who will work for lower wages than American workers and drive wages down even lower than they are now.

DOBBS: And as we know, the principal industries which hire the bulk of illegal aliens, that is construction, landscaping ...

SANDERS: Lou, I just heard something.

DOBBS: Those are all industries in which wages are declining. I don't hear that discussed on the Senate floor by the proponents of this amnesty legislation. SANDERS: That's right. They have no good response. I read something today that a lot of people coming into this country are coming in as lifeguards. I guess we can't find - that's right. We can't American workers to work as lifeguards. And the H1B program has teachers, elementary school teachers. Well, you know.

DOBBS: And that H1B program, we got to watch Senator Ted Kennedy watch there with the sole witness being one Bill Gates, the world's richest man, telling him he wanted unlimited H1B visas, obviously uninformed to the fact that seven out of 10 visas under the H1B program goes to Indian corporations that are outsourcing those positions to American corporations in this country and that four out of five of those jobs that are supposed to be high-skilled jobs are actually category one jobs which is low skill.

SANDERS: Well, you raise a good point, in that this whole immigration guest worker program is the other side of the trade issue. On one hand you have large multinationals trying to shut down plants in the America, move to China and on the other hand you have the service industry bringing in low wage workers from abroad. The result is the same -- middle class gets shrunken and wages go down.

DOBBS: Senator Bernie Sanders, we thank you for being with us, as always.

SANDERS: My pleasure.
-----Aired June 21, 2007 - 18:00 ET

DOBBS: The Senate's grand compromise could dramatically increase the number of H1-B visas from 65,000 to 180,000. It would also expand the number of exemptions to those limits. It's a bill that favors, by a wide margin, corporate America and further -- further disadvantages American workers.

Bill Tucker has our report.

BILL TUCKER, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): All H1-B visa workers do not look like this. Some even look like this. Most do work at technology companies, based on the latest data available from the government, data which is incomplete but revealing, nonetheless.

Five of the top six employers of H1-B visa workers in 2006 were Indian companies. They were issued 18,453 visas. In total, almost 20,000 visas issued in 2006 went to Indian outsourcing companies, and the data shows it was not American workers who benefited but foreign workers.

JOHN MIANO, ATTORNEY: According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, between 2000 and 2005, the United States' employment for computer workers grew by about 332,000.

During the same time period, the United States imported about 330,000 H1-B workers for computer occupations.

TUCKER: The situation for engineers was even worse, with 95,000 H1-B visas issued in the same period for engineering, yet according to the Department of Labor, engineering jobs shrank by almost 124,000 jobs.

The visa is often referred to as being for the brightest and the best. But, the visa is broken up into four levels of classifications, with levels 1 and 2 being the lowest-skilled positions, and 87 percent of the visas went to those categories.

RON HIRA, ROCHESTER INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY: We really don't know whether those workers are working at level one. We know that they're being paid level one wages.

And what's interesting, at level one is if you look at the description of it, it's basically for interns, for people who have zero experience.

TUCKER: No one knows how many H1-B workers there are currently in the country or where they are.

TUCKER: Which is why critics of the visa program say one of the most important changes that Congress could make would be to simply mandate that the United States Citizenship and Immigration Service make a full disclosure of all the H1-B visa data every year. You know, Lou, currently as we reported, the agency only reports a summary of that data. And as we reported a number of times, they've been late a couple years in getting that data out.

DOBBS: Late a couple years. By that we don't mean late just two years.

TUCKER: Right.

DOBBS: But two years...

TUCKER: By two years.

DOBBS: ... have gone by before providing even the summary information.

But to just put this in some perspective, what we're really reporting here is that the H1-B visa program, which by the way, we should point out Bill Gates, the world's wealthiest man, who is not exactly without a stake in this issue, sat before Senator Kennedy in a one-man hearing and said he wants unlimited visas.

The fact is we don't know who has the visas. We do know that Indian companies who are outsourcing the -- to American companies rather than providing the American jobs are the principle beneficiaries of those, and that most of those jobs are low-skill jobs, are being paid at intern levels.

I guess we should say in the case of category one. How in the world can the United States Congress, with this information in front of all of us, sit there or stand there on the Senate floor with straight faces and talk about this issue without any basis for their positions?

TUCKER: I guess they're just blinded by the corporate donations, Lou. Money from the high-tech companies is the only answer I can think of.

DOBBS: The American worker. And where is AFL-CIO? Where in the world are all the labor organizations in this country, who should be standing up and demanding that the American worker not lose his and her rights that have been so hard fought for and won over the course of the past century? It is mind-boggling to me.

Bill Tucker, thank you very much.

And we'll continue to put the facts before not only this audience but even the recalcitrant legislators who represent us all in Washington, D.C.
----------Aired June 25, 2007 - 18:00 ET
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I am all for a one world goverment - that is an idea who's time has come.
So that's why he quit Microsoft. He needed more time to pursue his hobby of taking over the world! I knew there had to be a reason why I hated him so much!
I have a close friend who works in a high tech industry. There just aren't the qualified workers that they need in the USA. Often the workers they hire from foreign countries have already been working as graduate students in American universities. Americans are already competing with other Americans, what's the difference if a few foreign students work here?
Not Enough Qualified Workers In The U.S.A.?

Please bear in mind that these numbers are over 5 years old. From the report that aired on June 25th, 2007:

JOHN MIANO, ATTORNEY: According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, between 2000 and 2005, the United States' employment for computer workers grew by about 332,000.

During the same time period, the United States imported about 330,000 H1-B workers for computer occupations.

What that means is that (with the official numbers) after the 330,000 H1-B foreign workers were brought into the United States, there would have only been roughly 2,000 jobs available for Americans graduating from colleges. To say that there are not even enough Americans to fill the 2,000 jobs that were available after the 330,000 were taken by H1-B visa workers seems to be intellectually dishonest.

In another report regarding this same subject, I recall that there were less jobs available in the high tech market each year than there were U.S. college students graduating in the same time period. I haven't been able to find the report yet, but it's out there somewhere.

No one is arguing about foreign students coming into the U.S. But the numbers are quite a bit more than just a few.
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Interesting. Then you believe that American workers should be forced to compete and therefore accept the reduced wages that major corporations are allowed to pay to the immigrant workers?

Yes! People should be paid what their work is worth, no matter who they are. If the workers don't like it, they can get another job that pays better (if their work is worth it, of course.)

DOBBS: The government created H1-B visas to attract, they said, the best and the brightest workers from abroad. But as Bill Tucker now reports, the criteria for importing that cheap foreign labor is completely -- this is your government at work -- random.

That's because there are too many best-and-brightest to bring in under current quotas. We accept about 100,000 people a year under H1-B, but there are far more applicants than that. So we need to choose which of those qualified people to accept - and it is done by random lottery. In 2008, for example, the quota was filled on the very first day they accepted applications for that year.