New UFO Footage

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First of all,
Could you please link me to MUFON or *NUFORC thing to me,just to illustrate the point on your site?.Thanks in advance.This footage might have a problem(i cannot say for sure,but it could be with the camera...i cannot question your or the evidence's Authenticity right now though as i am still in process of analyzing this,please stand by.)
I dont believe that is a UFO.. They have strobe lights similar to any normal aircraft.. It probably is somekind of govermental military design..
And the reason the gov dosent say anything abotu these reports is that they are not wide spread.. Get that film on the local news and you will hear from the goverment that it is some kindof military aircraft im sure.

Wow. Footage of airplanes from the back yard. But I suppose they are UFOs: 707's, DC-10's; 747's maybe? Who knows?
I'm going to lock this thread, I could have outrighted deleted it but since it's a first post I'll give the poster the benefit of the doubt.

The reason for locking it is purely because the initial post to this thread doesn't put forwards a theory or scrutinizes an already hypothesised theory. It's mearly an advert for someones home video and website. isn't for advertising your website or warez, discuss things by all means but most people have had enough "hard-sell" coming through their e-mail inbox on the internet.

Other than that, I hope the initial poster can withstand some of the forums members hardline scrutiny and perhaps add to the discussions in the future.
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