New Theory Suggests People with RH Negative Blood Type Have DNA Not From Earth

"The Anunnaki, creating the first societies. It is widely believed that these people planned and genetically modified human species, creating stronger and more advanced beings which were used as slaves."
Genetically speaking, people with RH- blood type are 50% banana.

It's true!
"This hard-to-explain theory originates from ancient Sumerian times when an ‘alien’ race came from elsewhere in the universe; The Anunnaki, creating the first societies."

They do not even have that claim right. The claim is that the Anunaki came from a planet in this solar system.

New Theory Suggests People with RH-Negative Blood Type Have DNA Not From Earth

New theory proposed by whom? The stories say "scientists" but those scientists aren't identified. The references aren't to the biological literature.

If RH negative people's DNA isn't from Earth, why are they so similar to other humans? Wouldn't a separate evolutionary origin have resulted in there being countless differences?

Why would DNA be the information storage medium in the first place? RNA viruses show that RNA works, and current speculations are that RNA may have been the original genetic material. There may be other functionally similar possibilities we don't see here on Earth and haven't even imagined.

Why are they eukaryotes with cell membranes, nuclei, chromosomes, mitochondria and all the rest? Why are their chromosomes so similar, with all the histone proteins, centromeres and telomeres?

My layman's understanding of the RH system is that RH antigens seem to be proteins associated with cell membranes, with ion channels in particular. So why is there so much similarity in cell membrane molecular biology, apart from a slight difference in this one protein, if some of us have alien origins?

Why is our cell metabolism the same? Microorganisms (and photosynthetic plants) show us that a plethora of possible pathways exist, so why do humans all use the same aerobic and anaerobic respiration where anaerobic glycolysis and Kreb's cycle cranks out ATPs?

Why do we share the same kind of ribosomes that other eukaryotes have? (Bacteria and archaea have different ones, as do mitochondria and chloroplasts.) Wouldn't space aliens have really different ones, assuming they had ribosomes at all?

Why do our fertilized eggs develop the same way, in the same order, into complete organisms? Why is there so much similarity between fetal development of all humans and other multicellular eukaryotes? (Neural folds, gill slits and so on.)

The whole idea of space aliens with different biological origins even being reproductively compatible with Earth humans is kind of ridiculous as far as I'm concerned. And given all the similarities that human beings share with each other and with the rest of Earth life, especially down there on the cellular level, tells me that all of us have the same initial origins. Even if the first prokaryotic cells arrived on Earth from somewhere else through some kind of panspermia, I'm convinced that once here, Earth life all shares the same evolutionary history.
New theory proposed by whom? The stories say "scientists" but those scientists aren't identified. The references aren't to the biological literature.

If RH negative people's DNA isn't from Earth, why are they so similar to other humans? Wouldn't a separate evolutionary origin have resulted in there being countless differences?

Why would DNA be the information storage medium in the first place? RNA viruses show that RNA works, and current speculations are that RNA may have been the original genetic material. There may be other functionally similar possibilities we don't see here on Earth and haven't even imagined.

Why are they eukaryotes with cell membranes, nuclei, chromosomes, mitochondria and all the rest? Why are their chromosomes so similar, with all the histone proteins, centromeres and telomeres?

My layman's understanding of the RH system is that RH antigens seem to be proteins associated with cell membranes, with ion channels in particular. So why is there so much similarity in cell membrane molecular biology, apart from a slight difference in this one protein, if some of us have alien origins?

Why is our cell metabolism the same? Microorganisms (and photosynthetic plants) show us that a plethora of possible pathways exist, so why do humans all use the same aerobic and anaerobic respiration where anaerobic glycolysis and Kreb's cycle cranks out ATPs?

Why do we share the same kind of ribosomes that other eukaryotes have? (Bacteria and archaea have different ones, as do mitochondria and chloroplasts.) Wouldn't space aliens have really different ones, assuming they had ribosomes at all?

Why do our fertilized eggs develop the same way, in the same order, into complete organisms? Why is there so much similarity between fetal development of all humans and other multicellular eukaryotes? (Neural folds, gill slits and so on.)

The whole idea of space aliens with different biological origins even being reproductively compatible with Earth humans is kind of ridiculous as far as I'm concerned. And given all the similarities that human beings share with each other and with the rest of Earth life, especially down there on the cellular level, tells me that all of us have the same initial origins. Even if the first prokaryotic cells arrived on Earth from somewhere else through some kind of panspermia, I'm convinced that once here, Earth life all shares the same evolutionary history.

What could happen that an established society was in Summer than any other society from the north like the Akkadian or other invaded them , so they called them from another planet.
I believe different societies might have some different property ,say like the Nepalese their system is different than the people on the low land.

This kind of thing does happen to some degree. Both different physical conditioning in different environments, and even some different alleles. Perhaps the most famous cases are the alleles for lactase persistence and sickle cell anemia, but I think there's even some genetic variant actually related to adaptation of environments with lower oxygen, even though this is something organisms adapt non-genetically to some degree, through conditioning.
New theory proposed by whom? The stories say "scientists" but those scientists aren't identified. The references aren't to the biological literature.

If RH negative people's DNA isn't from Earth, why are they so similar to other humans? Wouldn't a separate evolutionary origin have resulted in there being countless differences?

Why would DNA be the information storage medium in the first place? RNA viruses show that RNA works, and current speculations are that RNA may have been the original genetic material. There may be other functionally similar possibilities we don't see here on Earth and haven't even imagined.

Why are they eukaryotes with cell membranes, nuclei, chromosomes, mitochondria and all the rest? Why are their chromosomes so similar, with all the histone proteins, centromeres and telomeres?

My layman's understanding of the RH system is that RH antigens seem to be proteins associated with cell membranes, with ion channels in particular. So why is there so much similarity in cell membrane molecular biology, apart from a slight difference in this one protein, if some of us have alien origins?

Why is our cell metabolism the same? Microorganisms (and photosynthetic plants) show us that a plethora of possible pathways exist, so why do humans all use the same aerobic and anaerobic respiration where anaerobic glycolysis and Kreb's cycle cranks out ATPs?

Why do we share the same kind of ribosomes that other eukaryotes have? (Bacteria and archaea have different ones, as do mitochondria and chloroplasts.) Wouldn't space aliens have really different ones, assuming they had ribosomes at all?

Why do our fertilized eggs develop the same way, in the same order, into complete organisms? Why is there so much similarity between fetal development of all humans and other multicellular eukaryotes? (Neural folds, gill slits and so on.)

The whole idea of space aliens with different biological origins even being reproductively compatible with Earth humans is kind of ridiculous as far as I'm concerned. And given all the similarities that human beings share with each other and with the rest of Earth life, especially down there on the cellular level, tells me that all of us have the same initial origins. Even if the first prokaryotic cells arrived on Earth from somewhere else through some kind of panspermia, I'm convinced that once here, Earth life all shares the same evolutionary history.
So far, we have studied life on only 1 planet. We do not know how similar or different life is elsewhere is. It is ridiculous to assume it is very similar & just as ridiculous to assume it is very different. We have no way to know.
Perhaps after we have studied life on several hundred planets, we can predict what life will probably be like on the next 1. Even then we cannot be certain until we do study that next 1.

So far, we have studied life on only 1 planet. We do not know how similar or different life is elsewhere is. It is ridiculous to assume it is very similar & just as ridiculous to assume it is very different. We have no way to know.

Yes, I agree, though I'm much more inclined to favor the 'very different' alternative.

That's because I think of Earth life as highly contingent, the result of a whole series of fortuitous events extending back for billions of years that might have gone other ways and turned out very differently.
It is ridiculous to assume it is very similar & just as ridiculous to assume it is very different. We have no way to know.
It's not ridiculous to assume it will be very different.

Stephen Jay Gould - paleontologist, evolutionary biologist, and historian of science.
Author of dozens of books on evolution:
"I call this experiment “replaying life’s tape.” You press the rewind button and, making sure you thoroughly erase everything that actually happened, go back to any time and place in the past . . . . Then let the tape run again and see if the repetition looks at all like the original ... any replay of the tape would lead evolution down a pathway radically different from the road actually taken”.

The type of lifeforms that existed in the PreCambrian came in an astonishingly wide array. It was dumb luck that a bi-lateral proto-quadraped happened to come out on top, while 95% of the other forms were wiped out. Play the tape again and the radially-symmetrical body shape or the 20-armed shape is as likely to have prevailed.

What Gould is saying is that, even with identical starting conditions here on Earth (including the same genetic building blocks), evolution would play out completely differently even here on Earth, never mind an alien planet.
This kind of thing does happen to some degree. Both different physical conditioning in different environments, and even some different alleles. Perhaps the most famous cases are the alleles for lactase persistence and sickle cell anemia, but I think there's even some genetic variant actually related to adaptation of environments with lower oxygen, even though this is something organisms adapt non-genetically to some degree, through conditioning.

What are the characteristics or RH positive and negative on surface of the red corpuscle ?