New SOLLOG Prophecy - The END of KOBE


Hi Jahiro,

I want to know more about Sollog and his Predictions, is there a fan website you know which might give me some information ..

I usually do not reject things however bizzare they may sound,

Can you provide us with his back ground or any information as his Beliefs etc.

And now hear my prediction.

People will die tomorrow.

Cancer will become an epidemic.

People in Africa will starve.

Kobe may or may not have committed rape.

Oxygen is good.

I like ice cream.
Kobe raped Kaitlyn
LOL, if Sollog is God and all-knowing, why doesn't he known the name of the Kobe accuser.

Her name is KATELYN, not Kaitlyn.

Another question, why would God equate a domestic case like Kobe's, to the importance of World wide disaster. :rolleyes:
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Come on now grow up ...

We all know that all the predictions business has being going on since start of human History

Why can't we get over the spelling mistakes and grammar and enjoy these discussions

Consider every new idea as stimulus to stir the rusting off our imagination dept. in our brain.

Debunking a person's logical base or evidence is mature discussion rather than spouting written English mistakes back at that person ....most of the Prophets did not speak in English but are revered throughout the world ( not that I believe in them) but please do not be Myopic...

Peace :)
Originally posted by Jahiro
Another question:

Why can't you spell disaster?


Don't you think it's a little juvenile to comment on someone's typing skills?

Sollog is SUCH an asshole. Man I wish someone would bitch slap his stupid ass.
Originally posted by Jahiro
Another question:

Why can't you spell disaster?

So I missed the "s" when I was typing. It doesn't change the fact that Sollog is fraud. :rolleyes:

If he was God, he would know how to spell her name.

Static are you still in High School dude that you are still stickin to your spelling mistake point ...if thats your only point in debunking Sollog then I am not amazed at number of fans he has on the according to you any false prophet is OK if he can spell properly ...:rolleyes:
Re: Gosh!!

Originally posted by Guru
Static are you still in High School dude that you are still stickin to your spelling mistake point ...if thats your only point in debunking Sollog then I am not amazed at number of fans he has on the according to you any false prophet is OK if he can spell properly ...:rolleyes:
Read these previous Sollog threads posted by Jahiro, then you will understand why.

The fact that Sollog didn't even know her name shows once again, that he's full of sh*t.
Guru, the level of maturity displayed by some "skeptics" is that of a High Schooler. Partly this is because they aren't mature enough to realize they don't know everything, secondly this is because their egos are too large to fit in their heads. People like that give skeptics a bad name.
Lots of his stupid predictions actually are things he reads in the news. His predictions are about an hour late from the time I read them in the newspaper.
Sollog was proven a fraud years ago, just like many other internet kooks like Nancy Lieder.
Static no disrespect to you but we would really appreciate if you can post any links where he was de-bunked....

I am not saying I believe him...but any scam which takes people years to debunk is a very well thought out procedure and should be appreciated. It just goes to show how naive we all are ...

I even put Religion in the same category as it has been debunked by people but there are still takers who have no reason but their faith.

And a discussion forum is a place to have intelligent discussion rather than writing someone off...because he sounds too preposterous

SOLLOG has never <b>pre</b>dicted anything, to my knowledge. Like many other self-styled prophet, he has <b>post</b>-dicted many events.

He also makes very little sense and has a God complex.

The guy's a nutter.
he says Jesus didnt exist
then he says Jesus is not God
then he says Lucifer is Jesus
then he says Lucifer is God
and that he is God...