New sense


Your superior
Registered Senior Member
Would it be physiologically possible for a structure in the brain to have radar-like abilities that can be used to sense surroundings, location of objects, or even communicate with radio waves similar to telepathy? Dolphins have a structure in thier brain that gives them sonar abilities, could radar/radio be produced/recieved by living tissue in the form of a new formation in the brain? Not saying that I believe the existance of such a thing, just wondering if it's possible. It could explain esp, telepathy and several other psi abilities. Scientists already believe that we have a small brain structure that can sense the magnetic north pole, it somehow involves a few molecules of magnetite in our brains. Some birds btw have a more advanced magnatite/north pole structure that helps them with guidance when flying north and sounth seasonally. So is radar or radio impossible? maybe not. Maybe thier are already some people out there with the beginnings of just such a genetic mutation.
Dolphins just have a higly developed sense of hearing and communication abilities both with special parts, they recieve sound through their jawbone. Water is an excellent sound transmitter and so through the jawbone it is sent to their ears but magnified and direcionalized. The way they use sonar is by making high frequency clicks that we dont hear, these clicks are made in the airsacks near the top of their head back behind the melon, thats the big forehead looking thing, the melon is like a lense for sound. its kinda cool, they can focus or disperse sound for short or long range scanning as well as communication, they can also stun fish with a burst =) The only thing really difffernt about a dolphins brain is that more of it is set aside for communications and hearing... other than the fact they are smart as hell "So long and thanks for all the fish"
They just have the extra equipment we got jipped on :mad:

You can tune your magnetic sense too you just need to work on it
You need to make a kind of subroutine that happens without thought after a while. Know the direction your facing, be aware of your environent, and when you turn take note of what direction you are facing now, it helps to have a compass at first too so you know how much a turn changes your direction.

After a while you will just know what direction your facing, this should kickstart the old sense that most of humanity has forgotten =) I can usualy tell which ways north now.

Humans can sense high energy radio waves, I werk with some big ass machines that throw off some pretty big magnetic and radio waves. If your standing next to one and the field turns on you can definatly feel it.... If you have a pacemaker I wouldent reccomed it thought :eek:
I've heard of a blind man who uses sort of a sonar. He makes a cliicking noise with his tongue and it bounces off of objects and creates a mental image.. This guy can Know the location, domentions and size of an object. I've heard he learned to do it so he could ride a bicycle. He also teaches other blind people to do it.
uh, yah sure. Unless he has super hearing or a sonar device in his head, it is not humanly possible for that old guy to do that. Either he is just trying to show off, he has an obsession with dolphins, or he's not human. Either way, it's impossible.

The only thing I can say about this is that I live right bya radio tower...thing. And I can hear voices and music in my head all day long. I turn on my radio and, BAM! The same song that was just playing in my head is on the radio. This has almost never failed me.
Hey, atleast I know when my favorite song is on.:)
Its very well possible, creamsoda. Its listening to the echo of the sound wave coming back to you. How is it so impossible?
He's saying that it would be impossable because humans are not equiped to make a sound that they can hear comeing back to them, and then make an accurate picture of their surroundings based off of that.

and you know what? He's right! Give it a try yourself if you don't believe me, and see how much stuff you bump into.
But are humans equipped to hear echoes and judge what distance it bounced off of something at? Thats what Im talking about.
To a certain degree for sure, but step outside for a minuet, and unless you're living in some sort of canion you probably aren't going to hear much of an echo unless you scream your damn head off.
Originally posted by Mystech
To a certain degree for sure, but step outside for a minuet, and unless you're living in some sort of canion you probably aren't going to hear much of an echo unless you scream your damn head off.

I don;t know if this "Bat Man" does really exist, but I definately think it is possible to some degree od proficiency.

Go into the quiet bathroom. (hopefully tiled)
Close the door.
Turn off the light.
Stand about 10 feet from the wall and make a high pitched sound (like, say, a click).
Step forward a foot or two, do it again.
You should be able to tell the difference as you get closer.

Yes, these are very controlled conditions.
No, the real world is not tiled, nor quiet.
But, the possibilty does exist of doing this and practicing and honig the skill weel wnough to at least walk down the street and not walk into things.
Riding a bicycle? I don't know. He couldn't possibly tell if a car is coming from the laft at 45 MPH to turn him into a human pancake.
But the ability to judge what is in front of you by echolocation is possible.
To be able to tell where the walls of a room with good acoustics are seems pretty doable, but again, I just don't think that a person can build a very accurate picture of his surroundings via echo location.
With enough practice the brain 'may' be able to give you a mental picture, especially if you are blind, that visual cortex is just itching for a new purpose. Suposedly that is why parrots are pretty smart, they have a very advanced visual cortex, but not the eye quality to take advantage of it all, and some of it is used for thinking. Maybe that's why humans have pretty poor sense of smell and hearing, we needed alot of skull real estate to think, or maybe we're just so smart that we don't need them to survive?
I've seen video of this echo location guy, and it seems he is a real person. Of course, don't believe everything you see on TV, so it could be that he's not actually blind. He certainly can ride a bike around, though!

I've found very little that humans are not capable of, it just takes time, hard work, and a belief that it is at least possible.

I can control the tempurature in my extremeties 30 degrees F. I'm 23 now, if I keep training, there is no reason in biology, chemistry or physics that I should not be able to increase that amount. Given enough time, I figure I should be able to start a fire by consiously thinking about it. having a small cap of gasoline next to my finger at the point of combustion would certainly help, too....

As far as physics is concerned, if I can raise tempurature at all, then it is only a question of scale from that point on out.

I have no dillusions that I will ever be able to do this, I'm just pretty sure that it could be possible. If I lived to be 4,000 years old, I bet I could figure out a way to do it.