New Science for the Study of Religion


It is very dry in here today
Valued Senior Member
Psychocryptotheology: The study of the evidence of the mind that tends to support the existence of divine beings.

I just made the word up. You shouldn't find it in any dictionary.

Does theology belong with Bigfoot?

Time to give up on physical evidence for God. Toss the scriptures in the garbage, get clerics new jobs, turn churches into low income housing, etc. None of that stuff comes even close to the mind's penchant for convincing believers purely from their own thoughts. Religion can influence but it's no substitute for actual experience.

How much of everything that is known about God is a result of the analysis of your own or someone else's personal psyche? From introspection to the emotional symptoms of mass hysteria, what your mind tells you influences the way you perceive God.

In a perfect world all brains would be equal or at least all would be healthy. Not all of us are equipped with the same mental skills even when we're all healthy. Therefore the brain is not infallible. Disease, trauma, drugs, psychoses, and disorders, all contribute to a brain malfunction. Are your conscious and subconscious also susceptible?

Let's say you actually saw God and He spoke to you. You consider yourself normal but are unknowingly in a state of mental depression. If you believe that what you experienced is the real truth and accept it as such then would you rethink it after learning of your mental condition? Would accepting the mind's interpretation as fact be enough to forego an examination of your mental health?
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We already have sciences that study religion: anthropology, archaeology, sociology, neurology, psychology, etc.

Its a multidisciplinary approach. No need for new words.
We already have sciences that study religion: anthropology, archaeology, sociology, neurology, psychology, etc.

Its a multidisciplinary approach. No need for new words.

It's the study of the mind's evidence supporting god(s) much along the same lines as physical evidence supports Bigfoot's existence although I think the prefix psycho might not look out of place in front of cryptozoology either.;)

I just thought something we do here everyday needed a word. It kind of brings theistic belief a little closer to science:D

JDawg.......Would psychocryptotheology qualify as the clumsiest discipline name in science?

I would have liked a shorter name. Maybe I can abbreviate it to PCT. However I like PST because of the obvious connection to a voice in your head trying to get your attention.(as in psst). There are similar words such as neuropsychopharmacology around so what the heck.;)