New Religion


Registered Senior Member
As all religions I know of essentially have a selfish motive (do good and you will be rewarded, do bad and you will be punished), how about a religion with no promise of reward or punishment. Imagine a religion with only one command:

Try and live your life in such a way so that the world would have benefitted from it.

No promises of rewards, no threads of punishment, just do it for the sake of being useful. I know it is difficult to define "benefit" but this should be left for each person to decide and have it on his/her conscience.

Also the aim should not be to be to be noticed and praised by other people so that essentially the people that practices this religion would do it more or less under cover. Also a person does not have to join an organization, you just practice it. As you can see, such a religion might well exist and nobody would know.
why are you looking to religion for answers? why not turn to philosophy instead?
dr. cello said:
why are you looking to religion for answers? why not turn to philosophy instead?

Religion is a way if life while phisosophy is just postulating, it helps nobody if you just postulates doing good.
What you describe is called humanism - which technically isn't a religion, and doesn't need to be a religion.
That wouldn't be a religion man. That would be an organisation or movement like 'straight edge' it is not a religion but a movement bowing to no figure head. This is how the Websters Dictionary defines religion

1 a : the state of a religious <a nun in her 20th year of religion> b (1) : the service and worship of God or the supernatural (2) : commitment or devotion to religious faith or observance

What you put wouldn't be a religion according to the Websters Dictioanry. Look up 'Straight Edge' and you would see what I mean.