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okay; athiests argue constantly that you cant prove god exists, beacuse he has never been seen or no data has ever been taken aobut him.

Im curious, would you wosrhip a guy who preformed miracles? like make fire come down from the sky, prefrom healings with out any drug use, or who had the power to make lightning strike people?
you exactly know what i mean.....atheists, if you cant tell what what i said then.......ur an idiot?
Originally posted by edgar
you exactly know what i mean.....atheists, if you cant tell what what i said then.......ur an idiot?
:D Relax, I was playing with you. No need to suffer thru negative emotions.
As for your original post. No, I wouldn't worship a guy who made fire come out of his hands and who healed people any more then I'd worship somebody who can jump over a building or multiply 100 digit numbers together in his head. I would however try and assist someone who was healing people... if it was actually true.
I don't expect anyone to worship me, even if I did have superpowers... and I'm going to return that favor.
Originally posted by edgar
okay; athiests argue constantly that you cant prove god exists, beacuse he has never been seen or no data has ever been taken aobut him.

Im curious, would you wosrhip a guy who preformed miracles? like make fire come down from the sky, prefrom healings with out any drug use, or who had the power to make lightning strike people?

IF there was a guy that could perform miracles I would probably re-evaluate my beliefs. I live life progressively, b/c life is dynamic and not fixed.

What is you point in putting up this thread?

<i>Im curious, would you wosrhip a guy who preformed miracles? like make fire come down from the sky, prefrom healings with out any drug use, or who had the power to make lightning strike people?</i>

Having power alone doesn't earn you respect, let alone worship.

What you've said is like asking if I would worship somebody just because they owned a gun.
Originally posted by James R
[BHaving power alone doesn't earn you respect, let alone worship.

What you've said is like asking if I would worship somebody just because they owned a gun. [/B]

But he is talking, hypothetically mind you, what IF this guy could perfom miracles, like raining fire from the sky, or say making a tree into a unicorn or something stupid and magical like taht...

Im curious, would you wosrhip a guy who preformed miracles? like make fire come down from the sky, prefrom healings with out any drug use, or who had the power to make lightning strike people?

Sounds like death by flame and electricity with a complimentary
John Milton: Let me give you a little inside information about God. God likes to watch. He's a prankster.
Think about it. He gives man INSTINCTS! He gives you this extraordinary gift, and then what does He do,
I swear for His own amusment, his own private, cosmic gag reel, He sets the rules in opposition. It's the
goof of all time. Look but don't touch. Touch, but don't taste! Taste, don't swallow. Ahaha! And when
you're jumpin' from one foot to the next, what is he doing? He's laughin' His sick, fuckin' ass off. He's a
tight-ass! He's a sadist! He's an absentee landlord. Worship THAT? NEVER!"
Originally posted by MooseKnuckle
He's a
tight-ass! He's a sadist! He's an absentee landlord. Worship THAT? NEVER!"

Haha, yeah, that's the same reason that God makes epileptics, he likes to watch them squirm.

Anyway if someone had powers beyond those of a mere mortal man I don't see where the need to worship this indevidual would come from. I mean there was never any cult of superman, or anything in the comic books, right? Even if he were a particularly nice guy and used these abilities to heal the sick and free oppressed peoples and all that I still don't see that worship is a natural responce, his actions are comendable, and I'd probably buy him a drink if I met him in a bar, but what is it that would naturaly make me subserviant to him, and willing to let him live my life for me?
I think that these people already exist...

I don't think that the image portayed of the North Korean leader is that of human. And I gather that some north koreans actually might believe that he is not human, but some superleader with superpowers.
Originally posted by edgar
Im curious, would you wosrhip a guy who preformed miracles? like make fire come down from the sky, prefrom healings with out any drug use, or who had the power to make lightning strike people?
Who is it.. i will tell atheists that he defies all the scientific facts.. to show how insufficient are our knowledge so far..

and God is not interested in magical powers of humans..i would rather research this guy than worship him. would be happy to know that it is a fantasy or fraud (.)
Originally posted by edgar
Im curious, would you wosrhip a guy who preformed miracles? like make fire come down from the sky, prefrom healings with out any drug use, or who had the power to make lightning strike people?
But I might watch his pay-per-view special.
Plan on starting the Church of Copperfield?

As other people said already..
Power does not, in itself, qualify respect or praise.
Do you worship Hitler?

Besides that, even if it was a powerful benevolent person, I wouldn't worship that person.
I would respect him, just as I would (and do) respect a benevolent homeless bum with no power at all.

To worship a person, requires placing that person above you. thereby lowering your own self-opinion.
No thanks.

That is one of my big problems with Abrahamic religions in general.
They are self-depreciating by design.

A truly benevolent person would want people to respect themselves and to realize the power they had within themselves.
He would want people to be self-reliant, not self-depreciating while relying on someone else as a savior.

Anyone who WANTS praise and worship, by default doesn't deserve either.

Originally posted by edgar
okay; athiests argue constantly that you cant prove god exists, beacuse he has never been seen or no data has ever been taken aobut him.

And a person that can perform "miracles" would be the proof of God's existence?

David Blaine is the second coming of Christ!!
Or would that be the 10,000,000,002th coming?

Who was it that said (paraphrased), "There is no supernatural events. If it happens in nature, it is natural."?

Sorry, look for converts to your Church of Copperfield elsewhere.
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Originally posted by spuriousmonkey
people did worship Hitler though...although 'ich habe es nich gewusst'

Yes they did.

Is that a positive thing?