New Poll Numbers on Americans' Religious Affiliation


Valued Senior Member
Pew has released new poll results on Americans' religious affiliation. There have been some interesting changes since Pew's last poll on the subject in 2007.

70.6% of Americans identify themselves as some variety of Christian. (Down from 78.4%)

46.5% are Protestants
25.4 % are Evangelicals
14.7% are 'mainline' Protestants
6.5% are historically black Protestant denominations
20.8% are Roman Catholics
0.5% are Orthodox Catholics
1.6% are Mormons

5.9% identify with non-Christian religions (Up from 4.7%)

1.9% are religiously Jewish (the number of ethnic Jews is somewhat higher)
0.9% are Muslim
0.7% are Buddhist
0.7% are Hindu
0.3% are 'other world religion' (this includes groups like Sikhs, Taoists and Jains)
1.5% are 'other faiths' (this includes the Unitarians, 'New Age', Native American religions etc.)

22.8% are 'Unaffiliated' (up from 16.1%) This equated to 55.8 million American adults.

3.1% are atheists (up from 1.6%)
4.0% are agnostics (up from 2.4%)
15.8% are 'nothing in particular' (up from 12.1%)


39% of Americans report themselves as being in religiously mixed-marriages. Many of these involve one of the 'unaffiliated's.

24% of whites, 20% of Hispanics and 18% of blacks are unaffiliated

Among college graduates, 64% have Christian affiliations, and 24% are nones.
Among those without university degrees, 73% have Christian affiliations and 22% are nones.

Perhaps the most unexpected disparity (to me, anyway) was between the sexes.

27% of American males have no religious affiliation, while only 19% of females are 'nones'.

It's interesting to compare these numbers with the numbers recently reported for the UK. See this thread:
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We live in a media driven culture, dominated by New York Times and Hollywood liberals, with relative morality. There is more money in relative morality, than in morality, so religion will be undermined by big money. The internet and cable allow even more ways to undermine. As a thought experiment, hypothetically, say all people were suddenly moral, using absolute standards. The result would be so much of the garbage being sold/told would be undermined. Even STD's is big business, and those who benefit by STD's would be sad to see that train stall.

Liberal education has created diminishing standards, compared to religion connected private schools. A dumbed population is less likely to think and check, to make sure what they are bring told and sold is on the up and up. One can plot a decline in religion as a function of the dumbing down within public school education. A dumb population, lacks critical thinking skills, and begins to substitute jiggles and theatrical talking points for rational understanding.
Religions keep the majority of people anchored to bad ideas and poor decision making and at this point it should be painfully obvious. Schools barely teach people WHAT to think, Religion teaches people NOT to think , nobody is being taught HOW to think. I don't believe these statistic polls at all. if this was the case I wouldn't have watched most of my friends and family be assimilated into the Christian Borg over the past 15 years in my so-called secular community. if we would just look out side of the mainstream media there is clearly a enormous government funded religious movement in the US that has been taking over behind the scenes for decades.
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Religions keep the majority of people anchored to bad ideas and poor decision making and at this point it should be painfully obvious. Schools barely teach people WHAT to think, Religion teaches people NOT to think , nobody is being taught HOW to think. I don't believe these statistic polls at all. if this was the case I wouldn't have watched most of my friends and family be assimilated into the Christian Borg over the past 15 years in my so-called secular community. if we would just look out side of the mainstream media there is clearly a enormous government funded religious movement in the US that has been taking over behind the scenes for decades.

I don't agree with that. I went to public schools and to Sunday school up to thirteen when I was Confirmed. This was similar to render onto Caesar and render onto God; complimenting each other. That was a different time. I was never taught in Sunday school to hate science. It was more about being a good person, which would be beneficial to me and society.

After 13, I still went to public high school, college, etc., all of which were secular. I remained a good person and learned the ways of the secular world, with not much thought about religion beyond living as a good person and making wise choices. I returned to a more balance approach to life, later in life, learning more about the bible, I had never read before. What is wrong with being complete?

Atheist propaganda never goes into the field and tests its theory. It is dogmatic thinking; religion. There may be pockets of fundamentalists, but these are the exception used as the entire atheists data set. Relative morality in atheism allows cheating if it helps the cause. It is all relative to ends, not means.
I don't agree with that. I went to public schools and to Sunday school up to thirteen when I was Confirmed. This was similar to render onto Caesar and render onto God; complimenting each other. That was a different time. I was never taught in Sunday school to hate science. It was more about being a good person, which would be beneficial to me and society.

After 13, I still went to public high school, college, etc., all of which were secular. I remained a good person and learned the ways of the secular world, with not much thought about religion beyond living as a good person and making wise choices. I returned to a more balance approach to life, later in life, learning more about the bible, I had never read before. What is wrong with being complete?
I also went to both a catholic and public school but that was the 60's things are very different now if you don't live under a bubble.
And I also know a few well balanced Christians but they are the exception to the rule.

Atheist propaganda never goes into the field and tests its theory. It is dogmatic thinking; religion. There may be pockets of fundamentalists, but these are the exception used as the entire atheists data set. Relative morality in atheism allows cheating if it helps the cause. It is all relative to ends, not means.
Now that is a great example of the Pot calling the Kettle Black.

what was the last thing Christianity was right about ?

this sounds much closer to the truth
Christian propaganda never goes into the field and tests its theory. It is dogmatic thinking; There may be a few fundamentalist atheists but these are the exception used as the entire Christian data set. Relative morality in Christianity allows cheating if it helps the cause. It is all relative to ends, not means

Remember that Rally call to a Faith Based Initiative about 15 years ago right before we started two Bogus wars.
has anyone been paying any attention to these critical thinkers behind the curtain lately?

another fine example of where all those faith based tax dollars are being put to good use.
Hundreds of our very own modern day Hitler Youth Camps
check out Kidnapped For Christ if you can.

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