New Penis for Boy

Hmmm.... im sure that wasnt awkward at all.

"Hey Malik! What the hell is that"
"Oh, my new penis"

Shocking.... now if only we could find a cure for cancer...

That is messed... how will this affect his sexual preformance.....

The artical is short and leaves alot to the imagination.
"Shocking.... now if only we could find a cure for cancer..."

im sure that to him that was more important than a cure for cancer. isnt it a bit cruel to say that a cancer cure should be the only focus of medicen?

what about people whos faces have been really serverly burned?
should you do nothing for them because it wont kill them?
corse it will mean they can never have a relationship or probably a job or anything else or any peace when looking at themselves in a miror but thats ok cause they dont have cancer
Makes you wonder how a cow feels attempting to cross a electric fence.
You just know I'm scrambling around for a Dick Armey joke. That I'm posting that note now tells you how poorly the search is going. I don't have much of a reaction yet, except to say, "Hooray for science!" and to wonder if, well, you know, if they were able to ... ah ... enhance the tool for him.

And no, I don't actually want an answer to that.
Poor ignorant peasant kid...

If he'd have just been allowed to play this enlightening game...
Things might have been different.

(link in case it don't shew)