New Parapsychology


Secret double agent deer
Registered Senior Member
Im seeing the same meditation/lucid dreaming/aura reading threads over and over again. Lets use this thread to post suggestions of other topics that might be explored shall we? do some brain storming, maybe we can even come up with entirly new phenominon. The best part about parapsychology is that you dont need a degree!
Anyone seen secular stigmata? I heard about this one guy in Kentucky with a wound that wont heal shaped like a nike swoosh on his ankle
Lets see
there's pyrokenises (being able to light things on fire at a distance

psychic - being able to talk to other people or read other people's minds

levitation - moving yourself through thin air

telekenises - moving objects at a distance

- there have been experiments done with martial arts masters moving their pupils through the power of thought

- being able to see the future, reveal the future,

psychic intuition - being able to look at a person and understand them very well, having sometimes irrational fear of going somewhere,stoping your travels and then finding out later that something bad would have happened to you.

Thats all i can think of for the moment

However, why dont we include demons, angels, fairies, the astral plaines, being able to affect the world through wicca and witchcraft,

and dreams,

My 2 cents
hi guys, im new to this thread, and i was interested in this thread alot, because, i am having a little bit of a problem.
every night, at 11:11pm, i am awoken from my sleep to find my room full of dense smoke, and the smell of stuff burning. also, my vision becomes in perfect focus (i wear glasses, so to go from bad eyes, to 20/20 is not normal)
after about 5 minutes of these strange happinings, the smell, and the smoke go away, and my vision blurs again. anyone have any adeas why?
i have the same problem, well, almost. Sometimes I get really bad headaches then i smell burnt coffee and hear clowns laughing in walls, then my knees give out and i cant see anything thats directly infront of me and my nose starts bleeding, then i pass out for a few hours... my spoon tells me its because my neighbour is the devils puppet and is trying evaporate all the toilet water in california.