Governments are completely 100% necessary, otherwise we would have complete and utter anarchy.
Firstly, you're confusing Anarchy (the ideal social system) with Barbarism (a despicable social system).
Immanuel Kant named four kinds of government:
A. Law and freedom without force (
B. Law and force without freedom (despotism).
C. Force without freedom and law (barbarism).
D. Force with freedom and law (republic).
Let me guess, Christianity is completely 100% necessary (because that's what I was taught to think in church), otherwise everyone would be raping and killing one another. The ONLY thing holding back humanity's evil animal instincts and blood lust is fear of a Sky-Daddy. In short, humans are born in Sin due to Eve eating the magic Apple.
Or I know, The State is completely 100% necessary (because that's what I was taught to think in public school), otherwise everyone would be raping and killing one another. The ONLY thing holding back humanity's evil animal instincts and blood lust is fear of the Public Security Arm of the State. In short, humans are born in Sin due to Eve eating the magic Apple. And you can't change that fact now can you?
It's not surprising you think the way you think.
I see a day in the future when we may have a world government and complete International co-oporation.
A one world government will be a hellish nightmare.
It is something we will need to facilitate our path to inter-stellar space and beyond.
If there ever comes a time when a small group of powerful people rule the entire world and have the legal obligation and right in initiate force against innocent humans then you can expect life on earth to be horrible. There will be no privacy rights, no personal freedoms and people will be treated as tax cattle. Perhaps a few humans will escape to space, but, given this one-world government will destroy most of the planet's resoures, I highly doubt it.
It's nice to think that God or The Government can snap it's fingers and *poof* magically prosperity ensures. But this is magic thinking. I'm sorry but Mommy and Daddy worked hard to provide you with goodies as a child. It may have seemed like *magic* when food appeared - but it wasn't. Time to grow up - there is no magic man with platonic ideals that you're going to elect and he's going to make it all better. No. That's not how prosperity occurs. It occurs through small individual trades between individual people. Slowly, through free voluntarism society progresses.
If humans ever dream of inter-stellar space, it'll be peaceful voluntary interaction.