New Forum

Why not direct all of this forum's impressive mind power toward finding an actual cure for AIDS?

Now that would be a real service to humanity.
I'm also wondering why Chagur hasn't been given his own forum to oversee.

Might this place really be only Psyforums?
What forum would you suggest Chagur lead? This is only the start of the new forums additions. I created this forum because it's largely a simple experiment and has a willing moderator.
Psychic Murder

Does anyone believe that there is such a thing as "Psychic Murder?"

There has been alot of speculation on this.

I saw a television program called "In Search Of" that had a Russian Lady that could stop the heart of a frog.

I read some interesting data about the Secrete Police having some persons with this ability, but I have often wondered about its validity?

Anyone else see the program I mentioned above?

Just wondering....

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Thank you Porfiry for the cofidence in me and that you are willing to give the Parapsychology Forum a try.

You will not regret it.;)

So let's start a Topic then.
Oh great! Finally! Yippiiieeee.....:D
Mr.G.....:rolleyes: wouldn´t hurt to say something nice for a change, may be positively surprised from the sensation.

By Mr G

Why not direct all of this forum's impressive mind power toward finding an actual cure for AIDS?
The search for a cure for AIDS is already being done by the drug co's.
Before you say it ,everyone use's psychic abilities,they just deny that it exists.
:cool: :cool: :cool:
Yay, congrats Banshee :)

Don´t worry odin AIDS will be cured in time for the next wildfire disease (like massive braincancer caused by stress and negative brainwaves).

A key component of critical thinking is criticallity.

If one cannot adequately defend from criticism one's own pet ideas then perhaps a change in ideas is due.

I come from a culture of confrontation, wherein everyone proactively confronts the ideas of others and no one takes the claims of others as being reality until convincing evidence is produced, scrutinized, subjected to falsification, measured against that which is already known to be likely true, and then voted upon.

We don't always take the Effort impersonally but we realize that it is a necessary process for separating conceptual seed from conceptual chaff.

I can see how that mindset might clash with a conceptually boundless, artistic-based culture where meaning is defined only in subjective terms.

So, if you are uncomfortable with my role as spoiler then I am, in your terms, fulfilling my destiny.

Surely you will not deny me the implied intent of the Universe?
What the hey ...

Mind as well post it here too ...

The heck with the small change (one million) ... go for the
twenty-five million!!!

Just E-Mail Dubya the the GPS coordinates of Osama!!!

That'll teach Mr. G and any of those like him!

Take care :D

PS To all concerned re. my own forum: Too lazy and apparently not that
much interest Sciforumwise in what's happening with the ISS boondoggle ...

Oh well.
What, you aren't motivated to orchestrate an on-going debate over why the Russians can't manufacturer a noise-free bearing to save their hearing or their virgin daughters? (Hey, maybe they know for them it's futile.)
Gee, Mr. G ...

You drugged me back in ... sly one you!

Maybe because they're making them to US spec.s?

Don't seem to remember any noise problem aboard Mir.

Or maybe I'm just getting senile.

Take care. ;)

PS Humm ... could explain the Beta Gimbal Assembly bearings binding.
Hadn't considered that ... Thanks.
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There is also something known as constructive critisism. And again, there is no harm in poiting out your point of view in a friendly manner.
You get what you give.

