new energy source


Valued Senior Member
since my last hair brained idea went over like a lead balloon i have decided to post another.

a bio engineered electric eel to power electric cars

what do you think?
Nope. FIrst you have to keep the eel alive, then you need to feed it, then you need to get the electricity out in a useable form. You'd be better off just using batteries. Remember electric eels use pulses of electricity, and you need a long, powerful continous current.
we could bio-engineer a massive version of the actual glands that produce the charge and feed it artificially... like keeping a liver alive in a tank.

then we can efficiently work it...

the problem with the eel is that it has a body and muscles, and it moves..
it has a nervous system... etc.. etc...

all we need is the electric genereating glands or whatever.

valich, theres nothing about harnessing it as fuel there, just about stopping it happen by feeding the cows something. Besides, biogas made from manure etc has been about for decades.