new Catholic magazine


Registered Member
Dear Sisters and Brothers in Jesus Christ!

I'm writing to you from Poland to inform you that new Catholic opposed to the Reign of Satan free net magazine will be published in the near future (February or March 2005). The magazine will be issued monthly and will be absolutely free from charge for its readers. It will be send via internet to so many readers, as it possible, in order to reach people who want to hear to the Word as well as some who do not want to hear to it and moreover are not used to buy and read Christian magazines. The magazine will be strictly Catholic without any trace of heresy, solid and realistic, when in the same time dwelling upon transcendent things.
The magazine will be entitled Stella in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary who is ( by the purgatory souls ) called Stella Maris (i.e. Sea Star), but who is the star not only for these souls but also for us - she is the star which led us unfailingly across rough seas to God.
Stella will be published both in Polish and English. In this place I have to apologize for my poor knowledge of English. Although I realize that English version of the magazine will be far from high standard of this beautiful language, I think that it not prevent its readers of understanding its contests.
The magazine shall not include any commercials, so could be maintained only by charity of its readers.
The first edition of the magazine will be composed of:

· Abortion. A Child on the Altar of Baal.
· Halloween. The Day of Demons.
· Paulo Coehlo - a true guide for souls or a false prophet?
· Corpus Christi.
· Dancing nice to God or to the Devil?
· UFO - what's up?

And few another articles

If you want to support the magazine by your prayers or money donations (we will be thankful for any, even very small donations), or you just want to receive the magazine as soon, as it will be published please write on the following address:
If you want to advertize on the site, please contact the site admin and discuss placing an ad with him.