New "Book of Mormon" Museum Opens



For the last 170 years after the publishing of the Book of Mormon, an alleged extra-biblical account of the peopling of the Americas, there is finally,

Sorry, not one artifact, sadly, not one Native People has come forward & stated, "Yep, I'm Jewish". So after 170 years we're still waiting for the Smithsonian or BYU to open a BoM museum
WildBlueYonder: For the last 170 years after the publishing of the Book of Mormon, an alleged extra-biblical account of the peopling of the Americas, there is finally,

Sorry, not one artifact, sadly, not one Native People has come forward & stated, "Yep, I'm Jewish". So after 170 years we're still waiting for the Smithsonian or BYU to open a BoM museum
M*W: Well, there is a very nice LDS museum in Salt Lake City showing Joseph Smith finding the tablets, their journey westward, their settlement, and their worldwide missionary effort. I particularly enjoyed it as it had a lot of Old West artifacts of their times and lifestyle.

The "Jewish Connection" cannot be confirmed, and rightly so. The diaspora is a figurative and not a literal dispersion of "Jews." Jews come from Judah. The Semitic People were more widespread beyond Judah. There is a difference between the two. In reality, there is only one native people who can call themselves whatever ethnicity they claim, including "Egyptians," "Hebrews," "Jews," "Christians," "Muslims," etc., etc., etc., but the diaspora was an allegorical dispersion of the ancient Egypto-Semites as told in the myths of Gilgamesh, Sargon, Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, Jesus, and the like. There is only one hero myth with a thousand different names. The real meaning of the diaspora goes much deeper than this, and it can only be explained on a cosmological level which I won't go into now.

But, back to the LDS Museum. Next door to the museum is the LDS Family History Center, where people like me go to research family records that are more accurate and complete than the National Archives! Every practicing Mormon offers a fund of historical knowledge. Missionaries work in the genealogy library as part of their religious duty to help guide us to our family records. Not once was I ever told, "I'm busy, you can find it over there," etc. They literally take you by the hand and ask you questions, direct you to the proper resources, and explain everything they know about YOUR family! I've also got to hand it to the Mormons, those people know how to cook! The food there is great!

IMO, the LDS Family History Center IS the closest place I'll ever be to heaven!
Medicine Woman said:

The "Jewish Connection" cannot be confirmed, and rightly so. The diaspora is a figurative and not a literal dispersion of "Jews."
google the "Lembi" in southern Africa, they said they were Jewish, DNA proved it

Jews come from Judah. The Semitic People were more widespread beyond Judah. There is a difference between the two. In reality, there is only one native people who can call themselves whatever ethnicity they claim,
Jews are related to the 10 tribes, they would share DNA patterns, see "Cohen y chromosome" studies.

But, back to the LDS Museum. Next door to the museum is the LDS Family History Center, where people like me go to research family records that are more accurate and complete than the National Archives!

They literally take you by the hand and ask you questions, direct you to the proper resources, and explain everything they know about YOUR family!

IMO, the LDS Family History Center IS the closest place I'll ever be to heaven!
M*W, I take it you ain't Native Peoples, because then it would matter; listen, europeans came in 1492, took the land, killed the people, stole everything, then along comes Joe Smith & steals their history too, gives it to these "egytian-speaking" Jews. who have 2 great civilizations that last thousands of years, yet mysteriously leave no evidence,

who are you going to believe? Joe Smith or the Native Peoples? Their blood says it all in DNA (Asian/Siberian), their languages say it all (Asian/Siberian), their religions say it all (Asian/Siberian), if they were Jewish, they would have kept "kosher", circumcised the males, remembered Jerusalem every year, no?
WildBlueYonder: google the "Lembi" in southern Africa, they said they were Jewish, DNA proved it

Jews are related to the 10 tribes, they would share DNA patterns, see "Cohen y chromosome" studies.
M*W: Well, I'm not doubting any of this, because I haven't actually read into it.
WBY: M*W, I take it you ain't Native Peoples, because then it would matter; listen, europeans came in 1492, took the land, killed the people, stole everything, then along comes Joe Smith & steals their history too, gives it to these "egytian-speaking" Jews. who have 2 great civilizations that last thousands of years, yet mysteriously leave no evidence,
M*W: Actually, I have Cherokee from both sides of my family. I understand what the Wasichu (White man) did to our native peoples, and I hate that. My ancestors hid in caves in and around Appalachia to avoid the Trail of Tears. They had to become enmeshed into White society just to survive. Then their descendants (my ancestors) wouldn't acknowledge our Cherokee heritage for fear of the consequences Wasichu supposedly placed on them. My ancestors, however, did leave evidence in Appalachia from about 35,000 years ago.
WBY: who are you going to believe? Joe Smith or the Native Peoples? Their blood says it all in DNA (Asian/Siberian), their languages say it all (Asian/Siberian), their religions say it all (Asian/Siberian), if they were Jewish, they would have kept "kosher", circumcised the males, remembered Jerusalem every year, no?
M*W: Well, of course, I'm going to believe my native peoples. Our blood type is predominantly B+. Mediterranean peoples generally have O+ blood type.
Medicine Woman said:

M*W: Actually, I have Cherokee from both sides of my family. I understand what the Wasichu (White man) did to our native peoples, and I hate that. My ancestors hid in caves in and around Appalachia to avoid the Trail of Tears. They had to become enmeshed into White society just to survive. Then their descendants (my ancestors) wouldn't acknowledge our Cherokee heritage for fear of the consequences Wasichu supposedly placed on them. My ancestors, however, did leave evidence in Appalachia from about 35,000 years ago.
I take it the evidence showed, that they didn't circumcise their males, keep 'kosher' or say "next year in Jerusalem" during Seder the last 3 thousand years, then?
M*W: Well, of course, I'm going to believe my native peoples. Our blood type is predominantly B+. Mediterranean peoples generally have O+ blood type.
& as you go deeper; into the DNA, chromosomes, mitochondria, the evidence against Native Peoples being 'Jewish', 'Israelish' or 'Semitic' is very loud & clear. So for the BoM to be in anyway connected to the history or peopling of the Western Hemisphere is so preposterous, that it is frankly speaking impossible. The BoM is a good novel, nothing more, nothing less. That’s why Simon Southerton wrote "Losing a Lost Tribe", why major archeologists state unequivocally, that the BoM is not a historically accurate book
M*W: Actually, I have Cherokee from both sides of my family. I understand what the Wasichu (White man) did to our native peoples, and I hate that. My ancestors hid in caves in and around Appalachia to avoid the Trail of Tears. They had to become enmeshed into White society just to survive. Then their descendants (my ancestors) wouldn't acknowledge our Cherokee heritage for fear of the consequences Wasichu supposedly placed on them. My ancestors, however, did leave evidence in Appalachia from about 35,000 years ago.
I doubt if you are Cherokee..why are you using Lakota words?

M*W: Well, of course, I'm going to believe my native peoples. Our blood type is predominantly B+. Mediterranean peoples generally have O+ blood type.

Wrong - Most Native People are type O or type some reading
tsiyo said:
M*W: Actually, I have Cherokee from both sides of my family. I understand what the Wasichu (White man) did to our native peoples, and I hate that. My ancestors hid in caves in and around Appalachia to avoid the Trail of Tears. They had to become enmeshed into White society just to survive. Then their descendants (my ancestors) wouldn't acknowledge our Cherokee heritage for fear of the consequences Wasichu supposedly placed on them. My ancestors, however, did leave evidence in Appalachia from about 35,000 years ago.
I doubt if you are Cherokee..why are you using Lakota words?
tsiyo said:
M*W: Welcome to sciforums! You understand Lakota words! I don't know any Cherokee words, because my immediate ancestors wouldn't admit to having Cherokee blood. I've read about the Sioux, and I probably know more about them than the Cherokee.
tsiyo said:
Wrong - Most Native People are type O or type some reading
M*W: Yes, I did a quick search and found the same information. However, about 20 years ago I attended a lecture on blood types of indigent populations, and at that time, Native American populations were predominantly B+. I attended this lecture for a CEU. It was specifically about anatomical differences among the populations. Now I'm curious to see if I heard wrong or if blood types did, in fact, change over time as they have been known to do. I'm really confused now, because I can distinctly remember the lecturer claiming that Native Americans were predominantly B+.

Thanks for your post.
M*W: Well, of course, I'm going to believe my native peoples. Our blood type is predominantly B+. Mediterranean peoples generally have O+ blood type.
I'm responding to this, because in DNA studies, there is proof that Native Americans were never Jewish, Israelish or Semitic, MW has a chance to find out where she fits in, by getting typed into a DNA database

Medicine Woman said:
M*W: Actually, I have Cherokee from both sides of my family. My ancestors, however, did leave evidence in Appalachia from about 35,000 years ago.
you know, there are several DNA studies, check out National Geographic or Luca Cavalli-Sforza's DNA databases
Native American populations were predominantly B+. I attended this lecture for a CEU. It was specifically about anatomical differences among the populations.
I remember that info too, it must have been early research of just a few tribes, before more tribes were tested. I heard it about 20 or 30 years ago

Now I'm curious to see if I heard wrong or if blood types did, in fact, change over time as they have been known to do. I'm really confused now, because I can distinctly remember the lecturer claiming that Native Americans were predominantly B+.
you probably heard right, but I don't think there is any evidence that blood types just change over time, that may be evidence of a new ruling class, or an incursion of new peoples like the Serbs into the Greek Balkan area during the MA
Thanks for your post.
M*W: Well, of course, I'm going to believe my native peoples. Our blood type is predominantly B+. Mediterranean peoples generally have O+ blood type.

here's some more info:
Blood groups are inherited from both parents. The ABO blood type is controlled by a single gene with three alleles: i, IA, and IB. The gene encodes a glycosyltransferase, an enzyme that modifies the carbohydrate content of the red blood cell antigens. The gene is located on the long arm of the ninth chromosome (9q34).
IA allele gives type A, IB gives type B, and i gives type O. IA and IB are dominant over i, so ii people have type O, IAIA or IAi have A, IBIB or IBi have type B. IAIB people have both phenotypes because A and B express a special dominance relationship: codominance. Thus, it is usually impossible for a type AB parent to have a type O child (it is not, however, direct proof of illegitimacy).
Evolutionary biologists theorize that the IA allele evolved earliest, followed by O and then IB. This chronology accounts for the percentage of people worldwide with each blood type. It is consistent with the accepted patterns of early population movements and varying prevalent blood types in different parts of the world. (For instance, B is very common in populations of Asian descent, but rare in ones of European descent.)
Aborigines 61 39 0 0
Abyssinians 43 27 25 5
Ainu (Japan) 17 32 32 18
Albanians 38 43 13 6
Andamanese 9 60 23 9
Arabs 34 31 29 6
Armenians 31 50 13 6
Asian (in USA) 40 28 27 5
Austrians 36 44 13 6
Bantus 46 30 19 5
Basques 51 44 4 1
Belgians 47 42 8 3
Blackfoot (N. Am.) 17 82 0 1
WildBlueYonder said:
I'm responding to this, because in DNA studies, there is proof that Native Americans were never Jewish, Israelish or Semitic, MW has a chance to find out where she fits in, by getting typed into a DNA database
M*W: I admit I jumped in when I hadn't read the first part of this thread. As you stated, my own personal belief is that Native Americans were "never Jewish, Israelish or Semitic."
WildBlueYonder said:
you know, there are several DNA studies, check out National Geographic or Luca Cavalli-Sforza's DNA databases I remember that info too, it must have been early research of just a few tribes, before more tribes were tested. I heard it about 20 or 30 years ago
M*W: Actually, the lecture I attended was some time before archeological research revealed ancient Chinese hewn rock big donut-style anchors on the Western coasts of North and South America. That would account for the similarities in Chinese and Mayan/Aztec/Inca physical features, architecture and design.
WildBlueYonder said:
you probably heard right, but I don't think there is any evidence that blood types just change over time, that may be evidence of a new ruling class, or an incursion of new peoples like the Serbs into the Greek Balkan area during the MA]
M*W: What I meant about blood types "changing over time" is the occurrence of a new blood type appearing. I don't think that blood types actually change, they just evolve into a new type based on the new additions to diet. Some archeologists claim that the Neanderthals died out when they added protein to their diet. The "foreign" food additive caused a massive immunological disorder sort of like AIDS that killed them off. The new blood type strain that protein created (I don't recall what it was) eventually didn't kill off the folks after the Neanderthals as they had developed an immunity to it. I believe that was Cro-Magnon, and if they did interbreed with the Neanderthals, the resulting breed handled protein in their diets quite well. Perhaps this is the cause for their standing erect and taller than the Neanderthals.

People of the first blood type, A+, were more of a vegan/vegetarian people. As protein was added, the new blood type B+ evolved. It was not an overnight change as I may have erroneously indicated.
WildBlueYonder said:
The Mormons are so silly. I sat through several of their creepy propaganda movies, and I had to laugh. Don't they work with any real archeologists at all? But you have to expect that they don't accept the methods of science. I mean, if Jesus appeared in South America, wouldn't there be some indication of it? Why did they only start to practice Christianity with the Spanish missionaries?
spidergoat said:
Don't they work with any real archeologists at all?
yes, but if they say anything in private or public, out they go, see current controversy about "Losing a Lost Tribe" by Southerton, & others
But you have to expect that they don't accept the methods of science.
actually they do, unless it has anything to do with LDS, then they are told diff, see Jeff Lindsey site, he's supposed to be a Chem engineer or such, yet he still defends LDS bigtime
I mean, if Jesus appeared in South America, wouldn't there be some indication of it? Why did they only start to practice Christianity with the Spanish missionaries?
funny question, mormons will hem-n-haw about that one, the BoM is out of synch with history, people, & peoples, DNA, flora & fauna, tech, you name it, yet they still believe

ever seen a tapir dressed up as a horse? saddle, bridle, real cute, not real accurate, but oh well, got to believe those LDS officials,
who incidently couldn't tell they were being hoodwinked by scam-artist Hoffman, hehehe :D