Neurochips detect brain's reaction to learning

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Using a fluorescent marker, the researchers were able to show how short- and long-term memories result from different physical effects in the brain. Short-term memories, it turns out, result from the instant assembly of more filaments to strengthen the skin of the cell temporarily, whereas long-term memories result from the growing of a new synapses to strengthen the connection permanently.
Growing new synapses may be like adding more hard drive space. Sooner or later you may run out of space in the cranium. Then what??? :D
What usually occurs is a course of Neural Supressants while your pathways and cells slowly die off.

The Increased brain power you might consider as some sort of incredible feat, but in snowballs to a form of intellectual insanety where your trying to work out what is going on.

The spawn of growth makes a person lose some of their older memories, because cells are replaced and memories aren't respawned.

I would never volunteer for that again. (Because Chlorpromazine causes more than a Neurological waste)
Originally posted by Stryderunknown
The spawn of growth makes a person lose some of their older memories, because cells are replaced and memories aren't respawned.

I thought memories are never lost.they all are present permanently and can be revived by hypnosis.

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