Neighbors at War


OH JOY!!!!
Valued Senior Member
I would turn around and sue these bitches for every thing they had. Are they just grossly misinformed, bored, have a superiority complex...what? What makes people act like this?

Neighbors Go To War Over 4-Year-Old Boy

SAN DIEGO -- Spencer Trussle likes to play and ride his bike.

"I'm 4 years old," he said, "and I have a sister named Olivia, and I ride my bike all day long."

He lives in a piece of suburbia that seems picturesque: the Venzano development in San Marcos. His parents, Gary and Marla Trussle, moved the family here five months ago.

"I thought it would be good for the children," Marla Trussle explained.

But instead of being welcomed, the Trussle family has been under attack, they said, by neighbors. The accusations against them have been wild, including that 4-year-old Spencer "might come out with a firearm at anytime."

"I thought they had lost their minds," said Marla Trussle.

They are neighbors Sarah Fisher, Danielle Harway and Kelly Plaster. All three filed court papers asking that Spencer, his sister Olivia, and mom and dad be restricted to their own home and driveway.

"There was nothing I had done, my husband had done, my daughter had done, or I had done that warranted that response," said Trussle.

In court papers, Sarah Fisher wrote that, "Gary Trussle is a very violent, unstable and unpredictable man." Daniele Harway said, "He looked to be on drugs." And Kelly Plaster added, "I'm concerned that Gary or his son will gain access to Gary's firearms."

Gary Trussle responded, "There was no merit in any of their allegations."

He said the trouble can be linked to a diagnosis of autism when their son was 18 months old.

"It's like a part of me died that day," Spencer's mother said. The neighbors knew about Spencer's autism, that he might throw occasional tantrums, but he isn't violent.

The Trussles said there were no issues until Gary Trussle confronted another father on the cul de sac whose son was picking on Spencer.

It didn't go well.

Sarah Fisher reported the Trussles to Child Protective Services. She called Gary Trussle's employer, Continental Airlines, where he's a captain. She also made a call to 911, claiming he couldn't control his young children.

But the San Diego sheriff's deputy who responded declined to write a report. CPS dropped the case as unsubstantiated, and Continental Airlines stood by their longtime employee.

"I'm offended that someone would try to involve my employment, my profession in this matter," Gary said.

He has one firearm that's locked up. It was issued to him by the Department of Homeland Security for his job. He's a former lieutenant colonel in the Marines, who served his country for 25 years.

I-Team reporter Lauren Reynolds approached the three neighbors to get their side of the story. Plaster and Harway darted into a house. Sarah Fisher stayed to speak with Reynolds, but said, "No thank you" when asked if she wanted to comment.

"It's a sad story," said Dr. Kathie Sweeten, who runs the Center for Autism Research, Evaluation and Service. She said autism can be devastating both emotionally and financially.

"And when you're trying to live your everyday life and come across people who are not kind to you, it's hard," said Sweeten.

The neighbors' accusations and court filings could have ruined the Trussles, but a San Diego Superior Court Judge tossed them all out. In addition, the neighbors have been ordered to reimburse the Trussle's legal fees, which top $12,000.
Ugh, that's disgusting. The ignorance in the world sickens me.
Yeah. But seriously? A 4 year old with a gun?:confused: No offense, but Autism dosn't = super smart children. They're either morons or insane. Or evil. Take your choice.
Yeah. But seriously? A 4 year old with a gun?:confused: No offense, but Autism dosn't = super smart children. They're either morons or insane. Or evil. Take your choice.

Honestly, I'd be more afraid if he had a knife than a gun. a.) knives are easier to access, b.) guns are harder to use...if that's your argument anyway.
kind of weird where that development is where the fire blazed through a number of years ago... almost more Escondido than San Marcos... I used to live in San Marcos/Vista
So you don't like that justice was served?

I must say I would move to a new location. Its obvious the local neighbors are unstable.

what do you mean? I'm completely happy the parents of the autistic child weren't "persecuted" for their child being different, but I must say, it's disgusting how some people like those neighbours can be so FUBAR so to speak.
In the good old days I suppose they would have burned something in their front yard instead of going to court.
If I were that child's parent I'd find some way to rub my win in their faces.
1 comment about my last post: My "They're either morons or insane. Or evil. Take your choice." was about the accusers, not about the child. i have nothing agianst autistic people
Yeah. But seriously? A 4 year old with a gun?:confused: No offense, but Autism dosn't = super smart children. The accusers are either morons or insane. Or evil. Take your choice.

Honestly, I'd be more afraid if he had a knife than a gun. a.) knives are easier to access, b.) guns are harder to use...if that's your argument anyway.

Me too :jason: But the argument is over a gun isn't it?