Negative Orgone energy kills UFO's, apparently

It is believed chemtrails are composed at least in part by an oil based substance of unknown content that is actually being sprayed from jets on populated areas. It has also been found that some chemtrails contain unknown biological components. There are many reports of increased diseases, especially lung diseases, in areas where there are chemtrails.


What does a cloudbuster have to do with unidentified flying objects? Chemtrails are coming from airplanes. Not merely unidentified I gather.

That whole cloudbuster idea may sound nice, I do not believe in it.

Also do I not see the connection with unidentified flying objects, which not necessarry have to be objects from off the Planet Earth. There are a lot of objects in the skies, which are called unidentified and then later it is recognized as being a helicopter or another earth-made flying object.

Confusion all over the place.

At the same time there are actually sightings which do not have an explanation. That are the ones, which stay a mistery. So, make from it what you wish...

(BTW, it reminds me,somehow, of a song by Kate Bush: Cloudbusting, with Donald Sutherland too, in the video-clip.)
Originally posted by Banshee
Also do I not see the connection with unidentified flying objects

From the site I posted,

"We also severely alarmed the operators of a ufo that was in the vicinity. It instantaneously shot out into space, where it remained in the same position relative to us, so the basic 6' long pipe configuration apparently only affects the atmosphere.

Do be discriminating which UFO’s you aim at, though. If they are not predatory and you make them mad, they may pay you back by messing with your carburetor or something, as they did to us once."

I strongly suspect that it is a joke site. I hope so.
"We also severely alarmed the operators of a ufo that was in the vicinity. It instantaneously shot out into space, where it remained in the same position relative to us, so the basic 6' long pipe configuration apparently only affects the atmosphere.

Do be discriminating which UFO’s you aim at, though. If they are not predatory and you make them mad, they may pay you back by messing with your carburetor or something, as they did to us once."


Well, I do not think it is funny at all. I mean the chemtrails by this. Chemtrails are seriously damaging the atmosphere. That is no joke at all.

The part where is referred to UFO's is hardly evidence to me, I do not see anything on that site which tells me to take that serious.

I hope you are right and that part is meant as a joke, as is the mentioning about the ridiculous cloudbusters.

Though there is mentioned somewhere that people in Texas are busy with some device to change the weather, as in using clouds to "make rain", in long periods of drought. (I cannot provide an internet link on it though)

Anyway, chemtrails are not a joke...

To my knowledge the originator of the Chemtrail concept is Clifford Carnicom. You probably knew that.

I for one would put that into the realms of conspiracy theory. According to Mr. Carnicom elements of some power, US Gov, NWO or similar are spraying unknown chemicals into the atmosphere with the intent of population control/mind control. As you can see he has gone to rather extreme levels of analysis in an endeavour to prove his point.

On the other hand you have Contrails which are the normal byproduct of Jets. I have read, somewhere, evidence that contrails may be a cause of environmental change. They could be changing the albedo of the Earth.

In a case like this Occams Razor is a useful tool. Which is more likely, a highly prosaic explanation of what some one perceives to be a problem or a perfectly mundane explanation.

I'm just popping back to the tunnels under Dulce base to check with the Reptoids that I've got their facts right.
So, one thing that does not exist is apparently annihilated by another thing that does not exist? Two forms of excessive stupidity cancelling each other out?

Then I definitely mean Chemtrails. I am sorry to say so, I have never ever heard of Clifford Carnicom, though.

It was a subject I heard about, last year, while I was still living in the Netherlands. So, no conspiracy theory here whatsoever. It was made a rather big issue, without being acknowledged however, for what it seemed to be.

I'll check out the internet link you posted. I've mentioned before and will do so again, with this, that I am not a real supporter of internet sites, 'cause there's a whole lot of BS floating around there. I am not saying, you post BS sites. 'Cause that is certainly not the case!

Somewhere, in Pseudo Science, there is a thread concerning Chemtrails I think. It was posted some months ago. If necessarry I will look for it.

I found Carnicom's web site some years ago, possibly 1999/1998, well before this became a big issue. As far as I know he is the originator of this meme.

As I see it there is a strange thing going on with the Internet. Previously, if some one had an idea/theory/hyhpothesis that was against the mainstream view, they had hardly anyway of airing that viewpoint. That is, they where not published, you couldn't get on the Radio or other broadcast medium. Even if you did you would not reach an international audience. Now, with the Internet you can spread your ideas to a large, international audience for the cost of a computer and dial up account. The Net allows people to air their views and find others of like mind. Even if they are across continents.

What I see happening is small memes spreading like wildfire. I would like to add this later after I've ruminated on it a bit more.

Th "hmmm, cud" ed

Yes, you are right. Fact is however, that I got internet in May 2001 and before that I had never even been on the internet.

It is that my son is an online gamer. He plays in clan-wars. So my "knowledge" of the internet is still very limited, because I just do not see the use of posting internet links as being solid evidence. And then I mean mainly the stuff going on concerning a lot of subjects in Pseudo Science. I prefer to deal with my own knowledge, so to say. Above coming up with internet links which are no good.

The chemtrails, however, I do see as a damage to the environment. It is very well possible that the people I met who had problems with it and pointed it out to me, knew this Clifford Carnicom and his website(s). However, when you see the trails and know how much garbage there is in plane fuel (kerosine), than it makes perfect sense. (to me, that is)

Since I am in the US now, I am not able to ask them anymore how and what. I don't think it's of any importance either.

If you want, we can go on about this. You make things always very clear. Thanx for that...:)
In the days right after Sept. 11, 2001, practically no planes flew over the USA. Weather statistics show that the absense of contrails made for greater day to night variation in temperature in areas that normally had heavy air traffic. Mean temperature was not visibly affected, however. So contrails have an effect on climate; wether it is detrimental is still debated.

Contrails are the white condensation lines that form after an aeroplane under certain conditions in certain altitudes (it doesnt have to be a jet). They are formed because part of the combustion products of the engines is water vapour. Under the right conditions, this water vapour condenses into a line of mist.

Chemtrails. The expression originates from a conspiracy theory where somebody got the idea that the (US) government was spreading some dangerous stuff into the air in order to generally upset, annoy, and damage the population. Why they should do so remains somewhat unclear.

However, contrails do not only consist of mist; they also contain a lot of carbon dioxide and other pollution elements that are products of the combustion processes in the aeroplane engine. Note, though, that the exhaust of aeroplanes contain no more or no less pollution, regardless of its visibility; just because there is no visible contrail, the wake of pollution (call it a chemtrail if you wish) still exists.

sounds like just another half and half to me!

contrails as i have used the term through reading a little
the exaust of a certain type of propulsion rather than just jet engines!
who knows?
chemtrails= variouse forms of mass medication/(poison(not good for human whateverstuff))
for the (my opinion) manufacture of clouds to create weather and to shift the biological function of humans respitory track/standard
(making us more rissistant(through servival of the fittest/poison))
to breath weird radioactive air created by all the current pollution,
which will not hit us for a few more years in mass effect.
also with the introduction of certain chemicals "illness" can be manufactured!!!
and certain types of "beings/animals" can be elliminated!!!

has anyone checked what they drink everyday in thier favorite softdrink???
NOT WHAT is written on the side but what is actualy in the can/bottle...
think about it!!!
what is the biggest selling item???
what do you have with it???
how often do you have it???
its true!

groove on all

Re: Thed...

Originally posted by Banshee
Yes, you are right. Fact is however, that I got internet in May 2001 and before that I had never even been on the internet.

Ahhhh. I've been a user of online systems since about 1993. First Compuserve and then a Demon[1] account for Net access. When I worked for a major computer manufacturer, starting about 1994, we had full unlimited Net access. In a way I've seen the Net grow a bit. My first web page was written in HTML V2.

It is that my son is an online gamer. He plays in clan-wars. So my "knowledge" of the internet is still very limited, because I just do not see the use of posting internet links as being solid evidence. And then I mean mainly the stuff going on concerning a lot of subjects in Pseudo Science. I prefer to deal with my own knowledge, so to say. Above coming up with internet links which are no good.

This is what I intended writing about, the validity of web pages as information sources. Indeed, you have to be very careful in what you use as fact to back a point up. Some people are very good at peddling absolute junk as fact. A highly developed bogosity meter is required when reading online.

The chemtrails, however, I do see as a damage to the environment. It is very well possible that the people I met who had problems with it and pointed it out to me, knew this Clifford Carnicom and his website(s). However, when you see the trails and know how much garbage there is in plane fuel (kerosine), than it makes perfect sense. (to me, that is)

Absolutely. I work less than a Kilometer from the end of Heathrows runway 1. Opposite me is a building with about 20 Jets parked up around it. But, the claim is that 'chemtrails' are more than just pollutants. They claim some organisation is deliberately spraying an unknown chemical across the land. This chemical is ostensibly for mind/population control.

It is that claim that puts this into the realm of conspiracy theory along with MJ12, the Illuminati, HAARP and Reptoids in Dulce base.

instead of lights:

clouds in the sky
Originally posted by Gifted
Do you know how many chemicals are in jet fuel?

I don't, you?

Why is no-one sueing the companies then? or let me guess: They did and lost their case to those bribery bastards,...

Why is sience not coming forward with these kinds of allegations,...could it reaaaaally by that the world is f*cked and c*rrupt after all? (c*rrupt is also a nasty word, let's take special care for what we say, while evil doers are F*CKING the planet)

HAT* HATE* HA oops,...:bugeye: