needed help to understand bible verse

"The second angel sounded his trumpet, and something like a huge mountain, all ablaze, was thrown into the sea." revelation 8,8

can someone help me understand what this bible phrase is referring to.
Meteorite strike.
It clouds my mind because it sounds so much like my pre cutting method in my patent seen at :
No, it would only sound like that if you are looking for some spurious reason to promote your theory, which is already getting short shrift in the physics & Maths forum, within the Religion forum where it simply doesn't belong.
you guys are so cynical, chill out. I've known about this stuff for four years. I know the first impressions when I see them. For example I already thought of a meteor but do meteors get 'tossed' the way it playfully describes? I mean what do you want me to do go back to john on patamos and ask him what he was talking about? geez
"The second angel sounded his trumpet, and something like a huge mountain, all ablaze, was thrown into the sea." revelation 8,8

can someone help me understand what this bible phrase is referring to. It clouds my mind because it sounds so much like my pre cutting method in my patent seen at :

You're seriously trying to understand Revelation?
The guy who wrote it lived on a whole different plane - at least while writing it. You're not supposed to understand the images: they're exclusive, private and personal to John.
"The second angel sounded his trumpet, and something like a huge mountain, all ablaze, was thrown into the sea." revelation 8,8

can someone help me understand what this bible phrase is referring to.

You probably should consult a good scholarly Bible commentary.
Aww yes dave but did they not have meteors and comets 2,000 years ago? he describes it as a mountain that is thrown like a baseball from the earth onto the earth where the explosion makes it appear ablaze this I have observed using fireworks.
Bronze age goat herders weren't known for their education. They probably didn't know the word "meteor".
Aww yes dave but did they not have meteors and comets 2,000 years ago?
Ones the size of mountains are ... rare.

I don't imagine this is meant to be scientific account by a scientist, so I wouldn't hold him to a dispassionate, in-depth description.

he describes it as a mountain that is thrown like a baseball from the earth onto the earth
Does he? Not in the quote you posted.
I don't know, a better word to describe a meteor would probably be crash or slam into the earth not be thrown.
There would be lots of words you and I might change in the Bible, if anyone had asked for our input. I hope you're not attempting to take words in the Bible literally.

Rocks are thrown out of a volcano; moons are thrown out of orbit; Comets are thrown out of the Oort cloud.
This thread is just a foil for that crazy patent
no it isn't, that's a literal bible verse written almost two thousand years ago about a vision that John had on the prison island of Patamos at age 90. How could it possibly be about some thing that wasn't thought of until 2011? I'm just asking if anyone can describe the symbology for me as most of revelations is written in symbols.
All right, then. In mythology and folklore, 3, 7 and 9 are mystical numbers. Usually, a secret is revealed or an event unfolds, in increments 1. mild 2. moderate 3. extreme, divided according to how much story the teller wants to include. In a cataclysmic series of events leading up to the end of the world, there is plenty of story to divide into seven acts. Upheavals like volcanic eruption - which the author may very well have witnessed personally and will certainly have heard described, as they're common in Italy - fit nicely into stage 2.
How could it possibly be about some thing that wasn't thought of until 2011?
Well ... that's what we're asking. It was, after all, the very basis of this thread, as definied by you in the opening post:

... it sounds so much like my pre cutting method in my patent ...

Maybe this thread should be closed, since you appear to have satisfactorily answered your own question: no, they are not the same thing. ;)
All right, then. In mythology and folklore, 3, 7 and 9 are mystical numbers. Usually, a secret is revealed or an event unfolds, in increments 1. mild 2. moderate 3. extreme, divided according to how much story the teller wants to include. In a cataclysmic series of events leading up to the end of the world, there is plenty of story to divide into seven acts. Upheavals like volcanic eruption - which the author may very well have witnessed personally and will certainly have heard described, as they're common in Italy - fit nicely into stage 2.
:? non sequitur. Did you post to the wrong thread?