Need urgent clarification


Registered Member
Hello everybody,
I need help on a problem of mine that I experience for about 6-7 years, currently i am 20 years old. As most of people, when I sleep, i sometimes dream. What i see in my dreams, come true in future. Maybe the following day, or long time later. In other words, I see the future in my dreams. What I see are just very short events, between 5-10 seconds. But I remember them only and only when these events take place in real life, not before they happen. So I can't change it but I really live it exactly as i saw in my dream. I suspect that these are deja-vu's but I am very sure that I do see them before they happen in my dream and these do happen in my real life. Can you pls suggest me what is it? It does not disturb me very much but i need to know before i die of curiosity. Any opinions, suggesstions, ideas?
Fellow sufferer, welcome to sciforums!
I started off with the same experiences as yours when I was about 4. What you see really are dreams that foretell future, aka ESP dreams (search that in your local library, there should be quite a few explanations on what that is and what it looks like). My ability further developed into visions, meaning I have them while I'm awake.
Do your research. If you have any more questions, or wish to share experiences or ideas, send me a private message.
If you have been interpreting your deja-vu's as prophecy for six or seven years like you say, then why Is it urgent now?
I'll contact you in private shortly whitewolf, thank you.
Your right SpyMoose. The reason for that is, I did not take that seriously till nowadays. In fact I did made some research on it but then trapped and quit. Nowadays, they're showing some parapsychologic programs on tv (live reancarnation, reiki...etc) and I again started to explore. That is why.
I have heard of a theory that deja-vu might be caused by your brain processing the signals from your eyes at different speeds. Your right brain (left eye? are the eyes cross-wired like the rest of the body?) processes first, then your left brain. The variance is detected as deja-vu.

I remember one time, I took some mushrooms and experienced a STRONG sense of deja-vu. Quite often after that I would suddenly feel deja-vu. It eventually passed.
same thing happens to me occsaionaly, i cant remember until just before it hapens, i suspect dejavu: occasionaly i will catch on to it and get 1-2 second ahead but i dont know if i really am
vslayer: That's what exactly I do. If I realize that I have seen that instance in my dream (especially if it is an instance long enaugh to let me realize, eg 10 sec), I try to change my decisions at that instance and make my dream false. It's real fun, hun? :)
yea but usually i just remeber that something falls off a shelf and dont have time to even say it going to happen b4 it does
vslayer said:
same thing happens to me occsaionaly

It happens to everyone occasionally. That is why there is a very old word for it that is so widely known. It happens to ME several times a year, and I don't believe in prophecy. Only you don't KNOW you saw it in a dream (after all you didn't remember this "prophecy" until it happened) instead you feel sure that you are experiencing something that you have before, and you place it in the only place you can think of "I must have dreamt it!" I have said this to myself before. You are convincing yourself you must have dreamt it beforehand, you aren’t really remembering the actual dreaming of it. This is very consistent with the vagaries of memory reconstruction that make eye witnesses so unreliable in a court of law. A strange chemical imbalance creates the odd sensation that you are doing something familiar, and your brain begins to attempt to recall why that feeling should exist. In the absence of compelling real data you go with the nearest likely explanation, assuming you must have dreamt it, and that is the explanation for the familiar feeling.
But then there's a genuine sense of Deja-Vu, such as what I'm experiencing right now. That, however is because my life is in an extremely deep rut, hehe. I believe I've sat here, and seen this same argument (or ones very similar) at least a dozen times.

I've experienced Deja-vu as well, I know what it's like, I'm fairly certain that everyone does. As it passes I'm left with the creepy feeling that what I've just done was linked somehow to some previously held memory, even though I know I've not been in the same situation (or if I had it would not be worthy of any recognition at all). I can understand how one might come to believe that they must have seen it in a dream, but think hard, other than the few seconds you felt that Deja-vu, can you remember anything else that may have been in the dream? nope? That's because, as the moose said, it's mostly a constructed memory, and an attempt to explain away a very odd sensation.

Just remember that we’re not built perfectly, and even your brain can play tricks on you now and again. That’s all Deja-vu is.
I dont know deja-vu is cool and all but try this when sitting around try to figure out what is going to happen next start with something simple... example... I was playing ultima asention if i remember the name right i was with my friend in my room and i was standing there and i said to him well here is my bet " never played or read about the game before.." that if i jumped down into this pit which you could not tell anything besides that it was a pit... that there was going to be a fake wall and behind that wall there was a room with a picture and behind that picture was somthing... he responed ya right so i hoped down into the hole and walked thought the wall and there was a room with a picture on the wall in that room... 8) lets just say he was a little bit speechless.... at this point in my life games and tv/movies are easy to figure out for me... some movies i can prodict what will happen from the start to end of the movie with out seeing it... what people are going to say... what events will happen its easy... real life is not harder for me it just takes longer to events to take place and normaly I need a nudge to get my mind working... things just dont come to me out of the blue most of the time i need a push to get me going... I really need to get more practice in real world....