need some help , trouble with dreams/sleeping


Registered Member
Hey all, im new to this forum, and i find it really interesting, and i thought maybe this was the right place to post about things that have been troubeling me lately...

Well... the thing is, in most of my dreams , im almost always realizing the fact that im dreaming, and i usually have full control of my dreams... just by a glimpse of a thought, it would occur directly in my dream...

and when i dont have control of my dreams, the dream usually starts off in my room , where i can see myself sleeping and yet for some reason i dont realize that im dreaming... and if i try to wake myself up ( i do that by looking to my right and left continiously very fast )i do wake up, but i get in a paralyzed state , and i have to struggle for around 10 minutes to get out of it... and if i dont try to wake myself up , eventually blood starts dripping from the walls, and every other bedroom has bones and blood all around, everyone in my family is dead too, except myself ofcourse, infact if i go back to my room , im awake, and the other me starts to stare at me, and starts smiling....

this disturbing dream used to happen to me around 4-5 times a month starting the beginning of 2005, but the past 2 months it has been happening to me around 2-3 times a week, and i really dont know what to do about it... i thought maybe i was a little tired and i needed to sleep more at first... but that didnt help at all :\, infact i started staying up all night, and sleeping when the sun is up, and things started to get better....

If you think that this has to do with some "Spirit" / "Ghost" please tell me about it, because i have also experienced a black figure that was also the shape of my mother, walking into my room , as i was in a paralyzed state, i tried saying "wake me up" ( thinking it was my mom) it tried to turn on the light, it couldnt find the switch and it just left... everyone in my family except my dad experienced very similiar events in that same week while sleeping ( mother / bro n sis )

Please help me out, tell me wether im just becoming insane.... or is there something i cannot see that is bothering me in my room....(wich i doubt)


- Sam
dude i saw a program on this and it may be linked to something bad thats happened in your life, if i were you i would see a specialist soon
YOUR dreams... are normally associated with what you do.. with your day.

and clearly... if your dreams.. are heavy on your mind all day, then these thought patterns will repeat themselves over and over.

i would suggest, pushing all thoughts of your previous dreams out of your mind.

and focus on other things, ,especially before sleeping.

such as playing video games, reading, or watching interesting movies, especialy ones you havent seen before.

personnally, in my dreams i am always on an adventure.
but thats the way i like.

you, may actually like lucid dreaming... and you have not dsescribed it as bad, or scary.. or being nightmares... so dont worry about it.

in fact... you could say you have a gift... you can lucid dream, which is something most people would love to do.

ii have done so.. a few times...

i remember.. in my dream.. realising im dreaming.. and so..
i quickly desided ii wanted to fly...

so i formed and spread wings, and flew.. just like a bird.. and i swooped and flew between obsticles... and it was great fun...

for about 1 minute... then i woke up... which always happens.. pisses me off.

Sounds like a scary dream. No, you aren't becoming insane. It's not ghosts, becuase there is no such thing. Just tell yourself over and over (you have to convince your brain) that whatever is causing the wierd dreams can be dealt with in better ways. Let your brain know that having a disturbing dream won't really help anything.

There must be a reason you have this dream. Some sort of feelings you have. Maybe you feel like parts of your life are beyond your control, and thus the dreamed paralysis. Find out what can be the underlying cause, and deal with it.

I used to have a recurring nightmare where I wouldn't be able to turn on the light (as if the bulb were burned out) no matter what I did, it wouldn't turn on. I would always panic, and try to run away, but it would be like trying to run through a thick paste. It's weird the things that seem scary in dreams. I'm not afraid of the dark or anything.

The worst occurence of it was when I couldn't turn on the light, and then I realized I was dreaming, so I tried to wake up just by opening my eyes really wide. I then "woke up" in my dream, but I thought it was real life. Then when the light still wouldn't turn on (this was daytime now btw - in real life and in the dream) I realized I was dreaming again. So I kept having one lucid dream after another. A dream nested 5 levels deep. The sixth time that I woke up, it was finally real life, and I was so relieved.

But yeah, just try to find the emotions you have that might be the cause of your dreams. Probably something is going on in your life. You said your family had similar dreams recently too. This could either be that you told them, and they are just remembering it in their sleep, or maybe the whole family is going through a hard time. Tell yourself before you go to bed that if you are going to have a lucid dream, it will be one of the really cool ones. It's actually not that hard to influence a dream, or create a dream. Or you could just let it go away on its own. It eventually will.

I might reccommend doing some research on lucid dreaming. A lot of people try to have lucid dreams, and it appears you have no problem. If you can control it better, instead of having the dream you described, then a lot of people would be jealous of your talent.
Rubiksmaster, you were right about the part of where i told some of my family members about the dream, im pretty sure that what you said would be a logical explanation of why they had similiar ones, and i will make sure to try to convince myself internally about that annoying dream.... at least now i know that the dream they had was because of me telling them , hopefully now i know that i would be able to get rid of that fear i have of having that annoying dream again, even though im used to watching people die, specially at , i really dont know why i am scared of having that dream again, must be something internal....

Thanks alot for trying to help me out

- Sam
my friend it seems u have a parapersonality problem i myself hav fought with my darkside for years yet in my dreams where the line between the to personalitys is the weekest is he the most terrofiying my suggestion ist to try to control your dreams as u do normalliy when he appears its fear that stops u keeping control of the situation for help email me at
Sam_90 said:
Rubiksmaster, you were right about the part of where i told some of my family members about the dream, im pretty sure that what you said would be a logical explanation of why they had similiar ones, and i will make sure to try to convince myself internally about that annoying dream.... at least now i know that the dream they had was because of me telling them , hopefully now i know that i would be able to get rid of that fear i have of having that annoying dream again, even though im used to watching people die, specially at , i really dont know why i am scared of having that dream again, must be something internal....

Thanks alot for trying to help me out

- Sam

'''''''''''''''''''''''that annoying dream again, even though im used to watching people die, specially at ,''''''''''''''''''''''''''''

this explains alot.

Sam_90 said:
Hey all, im new to this forum, and i find it really interesting, and i thought maybe this was the right place to post about things that have been troubeling me lately...

Well... the thing is, in most of my dreams , im almost always realizing the fact that im dreaming, and i usually have full control of my dreams... just by a glimpse of a thought, it would occur directly in my dream...

and when i dont have control of my dreams, the dream usually starts off in my room , where i can see myself sleeping and yet for some reason i dont realize that im dreaming... and if i try to wake myself up ( i do that by looking to my right and left continiously very fast )i do wake up, but i get in a paralyzed state , and i have to struggle for around 10 minutes to get out of it... and if i dont try to wake myself up , eventually blood starts dripping from the walls, and every other bedroom has bones and blood all around, everyone in my family is dead too, except myself ofcourse, infact if i go back to my room , im awake, and the other me starts to stare at me, and starts smiling....

this disturbing dream used to happen to me around 4-5 times a month starting the beginning of 2005, but the past 2 months it has been happening to me around 2-3 times a week, and i really dont know what to do about it... i thought maybe i was a little tired and i needed to sleep more at first... but that didnt help at all :\, infact i started staying up all night, and sleeping when the sun is up, and things started to get better....

If you think that this has to do with some "Spirit" / "Ghost" please tell me about it, because i have also experienced a black figure that was also the shape of my mother, walking into my room , as i was in a paralyzed state, i tried saying "wake me up" ( thinking it was my mom) it tried to turn on the light, it couldnt find the switch and it just left... everyone in my family except my dad experienced very similiar events in that same week while sleeping ( mother / bro n sis )

Please help me out, tell me wether im just becoming insane.... or is there something i cannot see that is bothering me in my room....(wich i doubt)


- Sam

Ugh, Sam,

Let me see if I can help sort this out. First some cold hard facts:

* When you wake up from a dream and can't move, this is a normal physiological event. It's called 'Sleep Paralysis' and for most people doesn't exceed 20 seconds.

* When you experience unexpected images, shadows, people, sound, taste, pressure, etc... while in sleep paralysis, you are experiencing another normal physiological event called 'Hyponogogic Hallucination'. It can be a frightening experience sometimes, but if you can recognize it for what it is then you can actually have a little fun experiencing it. One thing to keep in mind is that I have never myself or heard of anybody else being able to control the content of a hyponogogic hallucination.

* When you realize that you are dreaming, this is called 'Lucid Dreaming'. Many people even have mental habits they 'program' themselves into for acheiving lucidity.

* Some people can control the content of their dreams to various extents. There is no particular name for this and it tends to happen most frequently (but certainly not limited to) when people achieve lucid dreaming.

* There is no evidence to suggest (not even remotely) that 'sprits / ghosts' exist.

* Many people have recurring nightmares.

Now, to address your nightmares we're going to travel from the path of cold hard facts and into the nebulous realm of speculation. Based on my own expereince with recurring nightmares and the stories of other people's, I speculate that the ones that are most recurrant and frightening are the least influenced by the content our waking lives. The content of your dream might have some of its strongest influences from:

* Fear (as a general emotion)
* Your genetic memory of recognizable characteristics that promote fear.
* The minds ability to generate perceptual information that isn't bound to the rules of external stimulus.

In other words, it's my speculation that your brain is tapping into fear, genetic memory, and abstraction and thats producing a frightening experience. Are you insane? Not in the least. Can you do anything to prevent them that don't involve harmful drugs or the like? While I don't know for sure, my experience tells me 'no', but it also tells me that increased age will ultimately thin out the quantity of the nightmare's recurrances in the long run.

If you are able to achieve lucidity in these recurrant nightmares then you might (or might not) be able to influence the dream content, and at the very least you can recognize that this is just a dream and nothing can hurt me.