Need help with tensing


Registered Senior Member
Hi peoples

My first post and my first thread.
Just as a preamble, to introduce myself a little and lead on to the reason for this thread.
I have been involved in parapsychology most of my life. I have experienced many varied pheno and only now due to much training I am acheiving a certain consistancy in my experiences.

The main thrust of this thread is about one particular aspect that I have been working with my partner on for the last six months. That being telepathy or more specifically what I call "empressing" which is conveying a picture or words or numbers to her whilst she is in another room.

So far the results have been quite good and am looking for any ideas as to how to improve the stats.

Currently each session runs for a total of 60 units of activity.
20 on random numbers - generated by a computer - 100 - > 200
20 on images selected at random from a source of 100 pictures.
20 on randomly selected <7 letter words from a collection of 50 words.

The success rate runs at
65% for numbers
74% for images
71% for words

The total average of current success being 70%

The biggest problem I have though is the amount of tensing I experience. A sort of suspense when anticipating a result. At the end of these sessions I am thoroughly exhausted. A bit like sitting through a movies that is full of suspense. If I can lower the tensing factor I am confident of much superior results.

Any ideas on how to lower the tension would be appreciated.

BTW as both I and my partner are subject to external para psy influences I do realise this is where the tension is mainly coming from.

Also at present the communications are only one way. That is to say from me to her only and not vicer versa.

We are in training to eventually go public but this is a long way off yet I feel....

Also can any one make suggestions how to make our sessions more acceptable to the science community? ie criteria that amounts to proof to them
For your work to be accepted by the science community you need to be able to repeat the good results many many times, on demand.

As for the tension problem..relaxation excercises before the sessions, meditation..
Learning to relax while performing is a big achievment in itself.

In the healing profession there are different kind of categories of transmitting energy, and I'm thinking the same goes for telepathy, because thought is energy. Some take from their own energy, while others open up a channel to the Source and act as a transmitting vessel. Maybe you could try that?
Bebelina said:
For your work to be accepted by the science community you need to be able to repeat the good results many many times, on demand.

As for the tension problem..relaxation excercises before the sessions, meditation..
Learning to relax while performing is a big achievment in itself.

In the healing profession there are different kind of categories of transmitting energy, and I'm thinking the same goes for telepathy, because thought is energy. Some take from their own energy, while others open up a channel to the Source and act as a transmitting vessel. Maybe you could try that?

So in a way you think that I am not funding my work properly?

The probem I have is that telepathy is not my main forte, where as empathy is. What I sense is the suspense of others outside my telepathic relationship with my partner. I get exhausted attemtping to stay focussed in a sea of empathic distractions. I sense their suspense. To maintain the objective is difficult and exhausting due to the energy needed to prevent distraction.

However I find inspiration in your thoughts on the location of energy funding the excersise. [ problem is the source is also in a state of suspense ]

The thing is I am not really about just performing a telepathic exhibition. To me it's about bringing the psychic in to the realm of reality for the main purpose of giving millions of mentally ill persons a chance at future therapies that are supported by the medical profession, the support being the outcome of proving that most mental health issues are related to uncontrolled psy abilities. And first the psy realms have to be proved as real and not a whim of imagination.

By showing that telepathy is a physical pheno opens the door to these possible psy therapies for those currently in great distress.

A healing by default if you like.
Ok, so I thought you had the energy drain only while transmitting to your partner...but you're saying you get exhausted being around people in general because you sense their emotions?

To handle that you need to let the emotions just flow through you and not get hung up on them. Trying to block them is probably more energy draining than letting them flow through. If you fear, as an empath, to receive emotions, it becomes a painful process. Just welcome them, recognise their origin and purpose and then wave them goodbye.

There are ways of learning to control your level of reception, and that is by practise and meditation. No quick fixes here. Same goes with the telepathy. You have to figure own your own method of coping with the energy flow, it can be so individual how it works.

Even if you're not about telepathic exhibitions, that is unfortunately what the scientific community will demand to even consider your other ideas. But perhaps there are more open minded scientists that you could contact, they must exist.

Personally I don't believe all mental illnesses are due to uncontrolled psi abilities, but surely some are.
Bebelina said:
Ok, so I thought you had the energy drain only while transmitting to your partner...but you're saying you get exhausted being around people in general because you sense their emotions?

To handle that you need to let the emotions just flow through you and not get hung up on them. Trying to block them is probably more energy draining than letting them flow through. If you fear, as an empath, to receive emotions, it becomes a painful process. Just welcome them, recognise their origin and purpose and then wave them goodbye.

There are ways of learning to control your level of reception, and that is by practise and meditation. No quick fixes here. Same goes with the telepathy. You have to figure own your own method of coping with the energy flow, it can be so individual how it works.

Even if you're not about telepathic exhibitions, that is unfortunately what the scientific community will demand to even consider your other ideas. But perhaps there are more open minded scientists that you could contact, they must exist.

Personally I don't believe all mental illnesses are due to uncontrolled psi abilities, but surely some are.

fabulous response Bebelina!!

very close to the mark.

Unfortunately another part of the problem is that I have set such a high standard for proofs or evidence for the science community. Any ability I wish to display is not conditional to the persons who are witnesses. In other words even the greatest skeptics must be convinced, not by verbal posturing but by conclusive scientific analysis. The skeptics ultimately being a part of the telepathic experience.

Maybe this is a part of my dilemma, the desire for psy sciences to come out of the realm of belief [inconclusivity] and into the world of knowledge. [conclusivity]

To look for more sympathetic scientists would compromise the result I feel.

I find that surrendering to the experience is a very valid form of control. Giving what I fear power by that fear only amplifies the problem and discomfort.
Fear is always the most significant obstacle. And not just my own fear...

So I on one hand take the position of indifference [blase'] to the purpose and yet on the other maintain an interest all the same. Because in the final wash the greatest beneficiary of any provable outcome is not myself [although I am very self centered - having found the need to be due to the extreme experiences that being an empath can offer]

It is as I have found very beneficial to offer no resistance to the flow of energies but this assumes that those energies are benign and not malicious and as an empath I do know how malicious those energies can be.

However to offer no resistance renders those energies impotent in their reflected effect on others but have in the past left me in a state of complex trauma. [ a part of my journey of learning about myself]

It is finding the balance in those energies that has proved difficult.

The fearful energy - suspense that I am feeling at present is quite benign but very strong. The closer I come to successful displays the stronger the suspense. It is the managing of this build up of suspense that has proved most difficult.
Mind you even as this thread progresses that suspense is diminishing. [One of the reasons I posted this thread to begin with ]