Need help with research project

MewSkitty sucks!
Registered Senior Member
I need links to sites with the atheist veiw on religion. I have a 8-10 page research project due in a few weeks and I'm having trouble finding good sites for my research.
MewSkitty said:
I need links to sites with the atheist veiw on religion. I have a 8-10 page research project due in a few weeks and I'm having trouble finding good sites for my research.
Just read any thread on this site :D
My teacher decided to make me change my subject from the view of atheism to the impact of atheism on the United States. Can anyone he lp me on this because I'm not good with google. :rolleyes:
isn't the oath of allegiance you'll say 'in God we trust'....? Ie., that the main belief supposedly shared is a belief in the Judaic -Cristian idea of 'Jesus Christ/God'

As i understand siotuation,U.S has an accumulation of 'believers' mainly in its Southern and Mid western locations--it's 'Bible Belt', where they believe in a literalized understanding of Judaic-Christian religion------- at google search 'Literalization christian religion'

I am asuming your teacher is inciting you to exploree the creationism versus evolution debate,,,? where there has been conflict between tese two worldvews. so yo could search tose two terms. remember to include 'versus'

Many people who nbelieve in Christianity may believe that te eradication of teir belief is a cause of the troubles of the US and/or world, and othe side can believe sme. so again we have conflict. tis is played out regularly at these forums. so look up relevqnt treads and you can use some of it in your essay
Thanks for the links, but I was unable to find the exact information I need. What I need is information on what atheists have done in the US. For example they are trying to take "Under god" out of the pledge. (When I say the pledge I just skip that part)
try googling ann rand and madalyn murray o'hare they certainly had an impact on american atheism

"my philosophy, in essence, is the concept of man as a heroic being, with his own happiness as the moral purpose of his life, with productive achievement as the noblest activity, and reason as his only absolute."-Ann Rand

"An Atheist loves his fellow man instead of a god. An Atheist knows that heaven is something for which we should work now - here on earth - for all men together to enjoy. An Atheist knows that he can get no help through prayer but that he must find within himself the inner conviction and strength to meet life, to grapple with it, to subdue it and to enjoy it. An Atheist knows that only in a knowledge of himself and a knowledge of his fellow man can he find the understanding that will help to a life of fulfillment." "An Atheist seeks to know himself then and his fellow rather than to know a god. An Atheist understands that a hospital must be built instead of a church. An Atheist knows that a deed must be done instead of a prayer said. An Atheist strives for involvement in life and not escape into death. He wants disease conquered, poverty vanquished, war eliminated. He wants man to understand, love and accept all of mankind. He wants an ethical way of life. He knows that we cannot rely on a god, channel action into prayer, or hope for an ends to our troubles in a hereafter. He knows that we are not only our brother's keepers - but keepers of our lives foremost, that we are responsible persons and the job is here and the times is now." Madalyn Murray O'Hare,
MewSkitty said:
Thanks for the links, but I was unable to find the exact information I need. What I need is information on what atheists have done in the US. For example they are trying to take "Under god" out of the pledge. (When I say the pledge I just skip that part)
hahaaaaa...i see yer 15-16. dont wanna patronize you but i am wondering what you can get away wiyth essay-wise at that age. cause what you askis really quite to do with the 'new world order' stuff

see it like tis. the elite want to gloablize their power. to do tis they cant be doing with either soveriegn states/nations nor allegiances to 'God'. hence they seek to change the U.S oath

will try and findyou a link about tis. take 5
oh shit. thats not the one thought was gonna turn up. thing is i have about what yer askin in some notes, but god knows where.......
the bottom line is this. there is this sorry game going on
we have the judaic-christians prechin their stuff, the scret elite/Luciferian/Illuminaiti manipulating things behind the scenes, and te scientific materialists who usually are a-theists, the danger is tis: when you research about this, in say learning bout tis secret elite, the Illuminati who conspiracy teory claims wants global domination, nearly all, if NOT all thesources speaking about them are CHRISTIAN!....and tey see this situation as a battle between their 'Christ/God and 'Lucifer', who they equate as 'Satan'
then we have scientific materialism which is the main paradigm of our times. this mindset will both criticize Christian beliefs and 'conspiracy theorists'

so te subject you've got is pretty crazy...haha. IF you were to delve deep into it.

waht i am seing is te removal o 'God' frm oath is really , secretly a manipulative device by a conspiracy for the prposes of globalization. to MONO-polize people to 'one cause'. THEIR cause

IS tis too deep for what you want?
duendy said:
oh shit. thats not the one thought was gonna turn up. thing is i have about what yer askin in some notes, but god knows where.......
the bottom line is this. there is this sorry game going on
we have the judaic-christians prechin their stuff, the scret elite/Luciferian/Illuminaiti manipulating things behind the scenes, and te scientific materialists who usually are a-theists, the danger is tis: when you research about this, in say learning bout tis secret elite, the Illuminati who conspiracy teory claims wants global domination, nearly all, if NOT all thesources speaking about them are CHRISTIAN!....and tey see this situation as a battle between their 'Christ/God and 'Lucifer', who they equate as 'Satan'
then we have scientific materialism which is the main paradigm of our times. this mindset will both criticize Christian beliefs and 'conspiracy theorists'

so te subject you've got is pretty crazy...haha. IF you were to delve deep into it.

waht i am seing is te removal o 'God' frm oath is really , secretly a manipulative device by a conspiracy for the prposes of globalization. to MONO-polize people to 'one cause'. THEIR cause

IS tis too deep for what you want?
Um, I hardly understood what you said due to lack of proper english and in some words you're lacking some letters.....but what I think your saying is the globalization of the atheist belief and those who oppose it. If that's what you're talking about than I can't use it because my teacher wants me to only due the stuff atheists have done in the US alone. I don't see how I'm going to make a 8-10 page report on this subject even if I drag it out as long as I can.