Need Help Please!!!


Registered Member
I moved back into my family home about 3 mos ago. To give you some background, the house is over 100 years old and when I was in my teens, I experienced multiple instances of sleep paralysis, horrible lucid dreams, and dream "visits" from things that make me shudder.

Here's my problem. Since moving back, I've experienced escalating nightmares - more recently (in the last two weeks) dreams that are extremely violating in nature. There have been numerous instances where I feel like something is gripping my heart and it is very painful (this is also while in a semi-conscious state). I have also experienced a serious decline in energy and health. More seriously, I am experiencing extreme changes in my reproductive cycle which started almost as soon as I moved in. In general, I feel listless and as if I'm in a fugue-like state all the time.

I don't know if this is an energy change, a psychic attack, or the house... I'm hoping someone out there can help me to protect myself and those who dwell here. I'm pretty desperate and can use any help from the community to shed some light on what may be happening and how to go about dealing with it.

Many thanks for your help and time.
[color=87fa00]I can understand and relate.I've had a few sleep paralysis/night terrors in my current home and also experiences of "false dreams",or dreams created by other things/people other than myself.I'm not sure of a solution,but what worked for me was saying they were ineffective(in the dream) or trying to just ignore them,basicly confront them.... then ignore them.Good luck,and know you're not alone,with these types of circumstances.:( [/color]

First things first, think practical. Remember that just as often as the parapsychological affects the physical, the physical effects the parapsychological, and it's a lot easier to get help for physical ailments than psychic ones. Check for allergens specific to your region- perhaps the old house has problems such as asbestos or arsenic that are causing physical ailments your mind is telling you to avoid.

Second, look for psychological help if you're feeling stressed. Again, psychological problems lead to physical damage.

If neither of these work, try adapting your energy to the house, or shielding yourself with your force of will and stability. If you think you are under attack by a person, talk to the person. By the house? Find out what it is about the house that is dangering your energy, and either adapt, shield, or fix (the house).

It is quite possibility that you cannot resist the forces acting against you, physical, psychological, or parapsychological, and if this is the case, it is advised that you move if at all possible.
I think the problem is the energy in the house, considering it happened when you lived there before and it's happening again since you moved back. You can spend time and money and effort to have a priest and/or wiccan/pagan do a house cleansing for you, you can do it yourself, or you can move again. It seems like those are your only options. I think your sanity and health are more important than anything else that might make you want to stay. There are a lot of different house cleansing methods out there, relatively easy to find. You can do it yourself. Remember, it's not so much the words and trappings, it's the intent, the conviction, in your mind. Pray to whatever god you believe in and go through some kind of physical ritual (candle burning, incense, flowers in every room, etc.) My thoughts are with you. More power to you. But if it doesn't work, get out.
Well this is sometimes reffered to as old hag phenomenon. This comes from the anciant belief that it was caused by witches. The truth is that there are a number of beliefs as to whay this occurs. If you first have a medical examination, and find nothing wrong, here is my advice. I believ that you should take an electro meter into you're bedroom and see if you can find any electric waves. I garuntee however that there is a para normal reason. Most will disagree with me for this but I am considered by myself and friends to have a small amount of esp. I have a feeling that this might be a prime example of the anciant kobold or doppleganger phenomenon. These are beliefs by germanic people and other european peoples of the middle ages that small sprites, or monsters, or spirits, or a combination of these, would invade a home and drain the life of the habitants until they were exercised by a religious exorcism. The exorcism changing depending on the religion. Good luck.
And may god have mercy on your' soul......
I'm guessing that your family lived in this home for the majority of your life. If this is so, and the house has "bad energy" or is "haunted", why didn't this stuff happen at a much earlier age?

My off the handle suggestion based on what you've said lacedonia, is that you are experiencing stress or an old pattern. Moving is stressful in itself, moving home after living away from the family can be very stressful. You said that you first started to experience this when you were in your teens (again, a stressful, changing time). Your returning symptoms could be due to falling back into those old patterns of when you lived there last.

Are other family members experiencing anything weird?
I am going to have to gowith Xenu on this one...*kicks Xenu* could be experiencing stress from the changes but it seems funny why your brian would be recreating such stressfull events for you...i guess the bad memories are resurfacing in your head and you are interpreting them as "bad energy" or "house being haunted"...i am not saying it can't be haunted but it seems unlikely that it is and more likely it is in your mind.....when some men are to become fathers they get a condition for a while that makes them think they are having pains of being pregnant...(no jokeing)...they report backpains, bloated feeling etc etc. It could be in your mind so i suggest therapy or seeing a credited psychologist. Goodluck;)