
So for me to be able to donate my husbands organs, I have to have proof of his consent? I don't think so!

People view the body as nothing more than a shell for the soul. We burn it, cut it, bury it. So why does it matter if someone has sex with it. Is there anything besides the gross factor?
Disease? You can get plenty of that from a live person.
So for me to be able to donate my husbands organs, I have to have proof of his consent? I don't think so!

People view the body as nothing more than a shell for the soul. We burn it, cut it, bury it. So why does it matter if someone has sex with it. Is there anything besides the gross factor?
Disease? You can get plenty of that from a live person.

so you have no problem with someone having sex with a dead person?
LOL. Oh, I think its repulsive. So are golden showers. But immoral?? We all have our kink.
I'm an atheist and I decide for myself what is and isn't morally wrong. I have problems coming up with reasons why this one is morally wrong (not gross).
So for me to be able to donate my husbands organs, I have to have proof of his consent? I don't think so!
In Latvia you would have to inform that your husband gave such a consent during life,
but you would be able to do nothing, if your husband had explicitly stated that he doesn't consent to that and that was written in his passport (an optional entry anyone can fill out).
So why does it matter if someone has sex with it.
Against consent.
wikipedia said:
Rosman and Resnick (1989) theorized that either of the following situations could be antecedents to necrophilia (pp. 161):

The necrophile develops poor self-esteem, perhaps due in part to a significant loss;
(a) He (usually male) is very fearful of rejection by women and he desires a sexual object who is incapable of rejecting him; and/or
(b) He is fearful of the dead, and transforms his fear of the dead—by means of reaction formation—into a desire for the dead.
He develops an exciting fantasy of sex with a corpse, sometimes after exposure to a corpse.

The authors also reported that, of their sample of 'necrophiliacs,' 68% were motivated by a desire for an unresisting and unrejecting partner; 21% by a want for reunion with a lost partner; 15% by sexual attraction to dead people; 15% by a desire for comfort or to overcome feelings of isolation; and 12% by a desire to remedy low self-esteem by expressing power over a corpse

so if we look at it this way, the majority of necrophilia isnt actually an attraction to dead people, but usually some form of mental issue.
I didn't mean to offend and as I don't want another infraction for talking about sex on a science forum, I am asking that this thread be closed. please!!
As sick as this thread is I would have to say that if you gave permission then there should be no legal obstacle. I also wonder About the defiling the corpse and then her coming back??? I would say it is rape because the body in question never gave consent.
LOL. Oh, I think its repulsive. So are golden showers. But immoral?? We all have our kink.
I'm an atheist and I decide for myself what is and isn't morally wrong. I have problems coming up with reasons why this one is morally wrong (not gross).

That's the problem with being an atheist. What's immoral for you is moral for somebody else. Thus, problems are created.

Sticking to the topic at hand...necrophilia is disgusting, and anyone caught doing it should be severely punished.
You should never do it on a first date. Where's the Romance in that?
Bring the body out to dinner first. An open air restaurant would be best.
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It is also very dangerous. There are dangerous bacteria developing in dead bodies and when you sleep with a dead body well... you can end up transferring those bacteria to your partner. It happened.

In the Netherlands we have to give consent ourselves before we die (at any age you want, well 18+) for our organs to be used.
However, they are talking about changing that. In the future we probably have to sign papers for our organs not to be used after death.
Necrophilia may be disgusting, but I don’t think it is immoral. I don’t even think it should be illegal if the person consented to act before they died. It should also be legal if the person had no family members to claim the body. The family member owns the body of the deceased individual once it is claimed. Therefore if someone were to engage in sexual activities with the body without the consent of the family member, it should be considered a felony or a misdemeanor offence depending on if the body was stolen or not. The necrophilia would the misdemeanor and the theft would be the felony. The punishment for some cases of necrophilia really shouldn’t exceed the maximum fine or jail time that a person can receive for a misdemeanor offence. (Perhaps $500 - $2000 or 1 – 6 months in prison)

I personally wouldn’t have a problem with someone having sex with my body or the body of one of my dead relatives. I wish it were legal for me to sell the bodies of my dead relatives to the highest bidder. It could be an auction between the doctors, scientists, and necrophiliacs. This may sound immoral or disgusting to you, but I don’t think it is any worse than burning the body or spending thousands of dollars on a coffin just to put it in the ground. Funerals are ridiculously expensive and why shouldn’t people able to profit from the loss of their loved ones?
Necrophilia may be disgusting, but I don’t think it is immoral. I don’t even think it should be illegal if the person consented to act before they died. It should also be legal if the person had no family members to claim the body. The family member owns the body of the deceased individual once it is claimed. Therefore if someone were to engage in sexual activities with the body without the consent of the family member, it should be considered a felony or a misdemeanor offence depending on if the body was stolen or not. The necrophilia would the misdemeanor and the theft would be the felony. The punishment for some cases of necrophilia really shouldn’t exceed the maximum fine or jail time that a person can receive for a misdemeanor offence. (Perhaps $500 - $2000 or 1 – 6 months in prison)

I personally wouldn’t have a problem with someone having sex with my body or the body of one of my dead relatives. I wish it were legal for me to sell the bodies of my dead relatives to the highest bidder. It could be an auction between the doctors, scientists, and necrophiliacs. This may sound immoral or disgusting to you, but I don’t think it is any worse than burning the body or spending thousands of dollars on a coffin just to put it in the ground. Funerals are ridiculously expensive and why shouldn’t people able to profit from the loss of their loved ones?

Dont you think there might be a good reason for dead bodies to put into the ground or to be burned ? If i say "disease", does that ring a bell ? :bugeye:
Dont you think there might be a good reason for dead bodies to put into the ground or to be burned ? If i say "disease", does that ring a bell ? :bugeye:

It is obvious that dead bodies should be disposed of eventually. Even a necrophiliac isn’t going to want to have sex with a body that is extremely decayed or crawling with maggots. A human body is no different than the carcass of a cow or a pig. There is a small window of time in which the body can be used for many things. (Sex, food, organ transplants, scientific research, Ect.) I just think that I should have the right to sell the body of my wife or one of my relatives to the highest bidder.
It is obvious that dead bodies should be disposed of eventually. Even a necrophiliac isn’t going to want to have sex with a body that is extremely decayed or crawling with maggots. A human body is no different than the carcass of a cow or a pig. There is a small window of time in which the body can be used for many things. (Sex, food, organ transplants, scientific research, Ect.) I just think that I should have the right to sell the body of my wife or one of my relatives to the highest bidder.

You think Necrophiliacs haven't got standards????
Once the maggots arrive, she's History.
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