

Registered Member
ok for all of you woundering. i shall answer it for you. i am a necromancer, yes blah blah blah.. let me give yall the actual "low-down" on necromancy. so put down yor dictionaries and read this.

Necromancy is the art and practice of mently connecting yourself with another dimention, or on which we call it... The Realms. *im goin by our phrase because its shorter to type*.... In the realms you mently connect yourself to your past lives *theyre all conjoined into one body s for all you idiots thinking its a crowd of people... no its not.. its one person* and understand our self history to better your future. all and all its basicaly connecting with your soul in another dimention and talking to your soul in a mannor in which you are learning about the lives our soul has been threw.

Along side of which do you talk with your past lives you also have the complete control of your necromancer being by mentle control, in which you can see, touch, taste, hear, smell, and sence the realms around you. and yes for all of you dungeon and dragon nerds. majik is possable in the realms.

I am not going to connect anyone that comes to me wishing to do so. i have connected enough people and im tired of doing so. the dimentional libary.. i hate it... too freaken big and too many files to look threw. being (1 of 3) dimentional overlord, i have enough paper work to be deling with rather than chasing your wreckless A to the S-S around... so unless you are dieing to join up... dont ask... please.. i really dont mean to sound like a prick... but i gotta be...

please reply

ok for all of you woundering. i shall answer it for you. i am a necromancer, yes blah blah blah.. let me give yall the actual "low-down" on necromancy. so put down yor dictionaries and read this.

Necromancy is the art and practice of mently connecting yourself with another dimention, or on which we call it... The Realms. *im goin by our phrase because its shorter to type*.... In the realms you mently connect yourself to your past lives *theyre all conjoined into one body s for all you idiots thinking its a crowd of people... no its not.. its one person* and understand our self history to better your future. all and all its basicaly connecting with your soul in another dimention and talking to your soul in a mannor in which you are learning about the lives our soul has been threw.

Along side of which do you talk with your past lives you also have the complete control of your necromancer being by mentle control, in which you can see, touch, taste, hear, smell, and sence the realms around you. and yes for all of you dungeon and dragon nerds. majik is possable in the realms.

I am not going to connect anyone that comes to me wishing to do so. i have connected enough people and im tired of doing so. the dimentional libary.. i hate it... too freaken big and too many files to look threw. being (1 of 3) dimentional overlord, i have enough paper work to be deling with rather than chasing your wreckless A to the S-S around... so unless you are dieing to join up... dont ask... please.. i really dont mean to sound like a prick... but i gotta be...

please reply


you got me intrigued now, necromancy is the art of being able to connect with yourself on a spiritual lvl?
yes, your body now is just an expeirance carrage for your soul... once your body now dies... you soul wil move onto a new body, carrying you with it to share its, and your knowledge until the end of time... and for one to tak to your soul *rather much less your past lives* you have to be connected to the realms... you follow?
yes, your body now is just an expeirance carrage for your soul... once your body now dies... you soul wil move onto a new body, carrying you with it to share its, and your knowledge until the end of time... and for one to tak to your soul *rather much less your past lives* you have to be connected to the realms... you follow?

do you think its possible to have "other people's memories" after they die?
have you ever had a nightmare where you were being murdered or a dream to where you had a sexual experiance wth some one u didnt know? think back to all the times where you dreamed, and you woke up thinking about it.. you think o yourself.. who were those people.. yet back in your mind you sort of knew who they were as tho they were family?
have you ever had a nightmare where you were being murdered or a dream to where you had a sexual experiance wth some one u didnt know? think back to all the times where you dreamed, and you woke up thinking about it.. you think o yourself.. who were those people.. yet back in your mind you sort of knew who they were as tho they were family?

yes! very much so! i had a dream once, and i described it to my nan, and it was my uncle killing himself by jumping from chepstow castle before i was born, it was freaky!
wel theres your answer.

have you ever heard of the theory that once a human is bourn. its first dream he or she ever has, is all the knowledge in the universe, yet once they awaken they forget it all, the only thing they remember is how to breath and how to stay alive.

that theory is quite acurate, we actuly have the exact same dream the second before we die *physicaly*. and its not aquireing the knowledge of the universe.. no .. its obtaining the memories of what weve been threw in our souls lifetime.
do you think that your purpose or calling is the same from one life to the next? is your purpose, nature, attributes, identity ongoing?
all and all its basicaly connecting with your soul in another dimention and talking to your soul in a mannor in which you are learning about the lives our soul has been threw.
If the soul goes through many lives, why spend this one investigating a past life? If each life-cycle of the soul serves in some way to inject knowledge into that soul - would this knowledge not become integrated into the soul? It seems that by spending time talking (to your soul) about past lives, you're forfeiting valuable (accumulable) soul experience in this (current) life.

I thought the idea was to invest as much interest in the life currently at hand, thereby adding more experience to the soul (if souls are a part of your belief system).
your lifes alling is your physical bodies own doin, with gestures from the soul on what to do. if the soul were completely in control of your lifes calling, then you will learn nothing from your past. example... if all threw out yer pastlives *completely influanced by yor soul* you were a baker. once you get ahold of a spatula or some sort of cooking utensile, you will learn nothing new on how to cook. that is why we choose our own lifes calling, but we get a little bit of help from our soul on which one to take
your soul is much like a memory card, with no limits *replyin to Nesm*. this life that your going threw is recorded and sved into your soul... even if the life experiance is nothing new *ex. breathing and walking*, it still stores it... your soul is learning every day. and it is there to help you, that is why we look to our past to better our future, to give our soul new information to record. you follow?
that is why we choose our own lifes calling, but we get a little bit of help from our soul on which one to take
I'd say the choosing of one's life calling owes itself to modernity and the delicious spread of choices. Look back five hundred years - wasn't it the case that many people did what their father and his father did? Toiled the land or made beds for royalty? Yet today, you're (more) free to pursue your own path in life. Which is, sometimes, not so straightforward a thing to do.

If there's a hundred muffins on the table; consider that as flavors and ingredients increase, so does your choice / allowance to make choices.

You're more likely to identify with a particular muffin when there's a hundred (modernity), than when there's only one (life five hundred years ago).

your soul is much like a memory card, with no limits *replyin to Nesm*. this life that your going threw is recorded and sved into your soul... even if the life experiance is nothing new *ex. breathing and walking*, it still stores it... your soul is learning every day. and it is there to help you, that is why we look to our past to better our future, to give our soul new information to record. you follow?
Through your own communication with your soul - have you received word of you having existed somewhere other than this earth?
How many past lives do you think your soul has had?

I follow what you're saying Dryzalaxean. So another question. Why the choice to seek out past life information? Maybe the reason you forget everything is to encourage you to branch out; to diversify the knowledge you store in your soul. The Tree of Life does not like the rain of familiarity? Have you in your practice of communicating with your soul, experienced something so undeniable, that to forget about it would seem foolish?
Nesm, the more i red your replies the more i realiza *ina way* your answering your own questions. and to asnwer your question about your soul going out of the reaches of eart, then yes it has. souls were born at the start of the univers (and dimention), multiplying and so on and so forth. our panet isnt at young to the univers as we think, our plantet is jus around 6.6 billion years old, compared to th 40 or so billion years the univers was born. any whoooo.... yes our souls have been threw other civilizations and planets other than our own... thet is why threwout human history we get stories of 'bed monsters' and the legendary mythological creatures... these are all incodents of humnas accidently reganing memoris of other creatures our soul has met and been threw. thats why if youever had a dream... forinstance you meet a centuar in your dream... yet you feel like you known it all of your life and you feel as though it is apart of you... if you dont follow please tell me
I follow, thanks for responding. I guess I view what you're saying, regarding the soul, as being similar to a belief in god. Here's why:

If god exists, as a being who is interested in interacting with us then: To know god must be possible without any external source. 'External' meaning from somewhere other than oneself; 'source' meaning (usually religious) teaching.

Religious teaching is akin to you telling me your opinion of (an imaginary person) Jules. You tell me how Jules likes to be spoken to, what Jules' opinions are, his likes and dislikes etc. But this is not how I want to get to know Jules. I want to know him personally, find out for myself how best to relate to him.

And so, because I've never had an internally arising reason (or feeling) to believe in, and communicate with, a being known as god - I don't attribute any 'belief points' to such a notion as god.

It is the same with the notion of a soul which lives many lives. I've no internally arising reason (or feeling) of such a thing. As such, I could not bring myself to engage in the act of attempting to communicate with my soul regarding previous lives / life experience. If I did - I feel I'd be appealing to the malleability of the mind to give me the experience I'm looking for.

Dryzalaxean, this might have veered slightly off topic, but your posts have me thinking, so I'm just going to leave what I've written as is.

I guess this can be concluded as another question:
How did you come to follow such a path (as necromancy)? Was it something you read / heard about; or have you had an internal experience which nudged you in that direction?
my story that began my life in necromancy started about 4-5 years ago with my freinds. i was following in the religion of satanist and i was lookinf for a way to comunicate myself to the place that i worshiped. my freind *yilzareal* was already a necromancer and showed me how to connect and blah blah blah, i connected that night and thats what started it... later on in life i began to read up on other religions and i decided to drpo my religion and go for anti-religious. so right now im only following the art of necromancy, nothing else. and incase your woundering yes i tried other practics wicca, peggan ect.* and i couldent do them for reason being.. it takes alot of meditation jus to do what you want to do... as of necromancy... you want a fire.. you just snap your fingers... and thts wht got me into necromancy
I bet your parents are soo like totally pissed that your are a necromancer, that will show those facist bastards, not letting you bring your ipod to school, unfair facist pigs, you stick it to em!