Necromancy: The hidden cost


Keeper of "good" ideas.
Valued Senior Member
I’ve come across a hypothesis that true necromancy is only possible if someone has been murdered.

Through the use of Schrodingers Theoretical experiment involving the notorious cat that lives in both a live and dead state, a Hypothesis that to create the ability to Necromance involves the usage of parallel creation and the assisted wavefunction collapse (like an accident, heart attack, tumour or blood clot).

To put it into a hypothetical example:

A medium gets there information from a network developed by some clandenstine operators that are probably of a cultist/scientologist backgrounding. They utilise their system at some point to cause a radiation bombardment of the individual that will eventually become a part of their conspiracy.

The radiation cause perhaps a singular illness that they might get over on one parallel, but it might be the cause of their untimely death on another.

On the parallel they exist they will implant dreams into an individual while they matrix the persons complete neurological patterning, they observer the persons life gaining key information that they inform the medium on the other parallel to tell their loved ones.

This creation of necromancy means that the people responsible for the radiological connections are in fact responsible for a Murder that can seem like natural causes. There usage of such system allows them to hide in the creation of a parallel. (There are possibilities that they could set this up by killing themselves in a parallel, while existing elsewhere.)